X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

That's a good labour story MT, you done well!! Ive had absolutely no twinges or signs at all so think I'm here until the end x
Morning, not much to report here either, other than strong period type pains in the night again. They've gone now though. I've got to the point that every time I roll over in bed or get up, I'm hoping my waters spontaneously break, but no such luck! Hope everyone has a nice day.
Morning ladies!! I don't have any news either. I woke OH up at 5am to dtd as we didn't last night!! Then I dozed back off a dreamt I went into labour today! Weird! Anyone have any nice plans today? X
Morning everyone. No real progress from me, running around ding the food shop today so hopefully that starts something off. Nothing else exciting wih my day really!

Morning ladies.

^^ fab labour story mt, you did really well! I've found as soon as my waters have been broken that the pain does intensify so well done you :) x

I'm pretty much the same as you guys! Not much to report! Always wake up with aches and pains like have seized up over night! Had period cramps but nothing else, surely one of us must get going soon! :) my plan for today, is to go visit my auntie and possibly have a McDonald's on the way! Treat myself! I'll try and keep moving around as much as possible, doubt it will do much though x x
I'm so annoyed... I really thought last night something was happening, fell asleep and woke up to nothing! 8 days over today, 4 sweeps, 3cm dilated and nothing!!!! What the hell xxx
Oh Coleen... You must be fed up!! When U.S. Your induction booked for?
Sounds like we are all in the same boat with no signs of baby...

I've just made myself even more fed up by realising that tomorrow was my original due date (by lmp and ov date). I've never believed my scan date as baby was curled up and she struggled to get measurements... And also I'd have got my bfp at 5dpo with pretty good lines. And a private scan dated me the 13th... Feel like I've been pregnant forever as got my bfp 5th December!! X
I'm exactly the same hun, my due date by ovulation/conception was yesterday!! Induction booked for weds now hun, I'm 3cm dilated so they said they will let me go to term +12 and hopefully just need to break my waters for me rather than full induction! so fed up but what can ya do, baby will be here soon enough! have you had any signs at all? xxx
Coleen I remember you saying now! About your induction being moved as you're 3cm. Baby brain!! At least you can be thankful that your due date by scan was earlier than your estimated date... Saves you waiting around as long!! They put me back 8 days so to me I feel 40 weeks, but to them I'm 39. Ugh. No signs at all, just the usual aches and niggles x
Good afternoon all,

Sorry to hear that things are a bit rough Michelle and Colleen.
38w exactly today but I do NOT feel like celebrating.
I'm tired and irritable, though I'm not sure why. Apart from getting up 3 times to pee I went straight back to sleep after easily - guess I just got no quality sleep.
I'm getting aches today but I don't believe they are BH. Baby is super active in my pelvis. I'm really not sure if it's normal with no prior experience. At least once it's been so painful it took me by surprise enough to yell ow!
Anyone else had this? My foof is in agony. Like I've been sat on a bicycle all day ache not like infection ache.
I do not envy you guys that have been having aches and pains for awhile now...This blows and I have no idea what us going on
Aw well happy due date to me lol been feeling odd little twinges here n there but that could just be baby moving so not going to get too excited! Xx
Loulabelle, sounds like baby's pushing down into your pelvis! Painful movement is normal at this stage but, as always, call your mw if in doubt :)

Natalie, happy due date!

Afternoon ladies. I'm the same as everyone, nothing happening and I am so sick of people ringing or texting asking 'well any sign'... But anyway. Going for a walk now and a bit of grocery shopping later. Baby is much quieter today and I feel much more energetic than yesterday so can't complain :)

Mt fab labour story. You have done so well x
Happy due date natalie!

Oh god bubbles... I'm so sick of texts and fb messages asking if baby is here, some people do it every single day and I keep saying no baby yet I'll let you know when it arrives and they still insist on texting everyday! I'm grateful that people are so excited for me but surely they must realise how friggin annoying it is, especially when your so overdue and just want the baby out lol!

It's my birthday today and I was hoping I'd get a son or daughter for it but obviously not lol :( xxx
Happy birthday Coleen!! There's still time for a baby!

And happy due date Natalie! X
Happy birthday Colleen. I know. It's worse if I don't answer straight away. Then they ring my hubby and ask am I in hospital, he freaks out and then rings me all worried lol!
Happy Due Date Natalie x

Happy Birthday Colleen x

Oh we really do have a bunch of stubborn mischievous babies now don't we,so naughty of them keeping us waiting like this.

Michelle x
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