X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Suffering really badly with swollen hands and feet today. That and backache, fanny daggers and tons and tons of goo every time I go to the toilet. Oh the joys of pregnancy!!!

Michelle x
That sounds very promising though Michelle, hopefully something is happening for you! no queue jumping though Mrs!!! Lol!

Bubbles- it's ridiculous isn't it, why can't people just be patient, it's already a tense time without people making it even more tense by being impatient!

It's very quiet on here today, I'm thinking were guna have a babyboom again soon like the other day xxx
It is very quiet today. I'm suffering at the moment. After dtd this morning I got a bit crampy. I did a load of housework and the cramps/ aches in my back, hips and thighs is ridiculous!! I was going to go for a nice walk but can barely manage moving round my house!! Ouch!! X
Well I'm off to the pub, my friends are dying to get me out. Can't wait to drink coke:) xx
I think my place in the queue is safe Colleen, I know how much you want to be next so I will gladly let you lead the way. I am at the back of a very long queue at the moment with ML600, Sugar, Kumber, JD!, Natalie and Bubbles way before me. I know my place haha!!!

Michelle x
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Happy birthday Coleen!

I reckon we'll have another queue jumper soon to keep us on our toes! I reckon it'll either be Michelle or even a September mummy!

oh thanks for you enthusiasm Kumber but I would feel really bad if I jumped the queue I know how frustrated and uncomfortable I have been recently the rest of you must be even worse.

Michelle x
Think theres a few wanting to be that que jumper me included before the big day tomorrow but I highly doubt ill go exactly on my due date not exactly common lol x
Michelle, you'd have no reason to feel bad! I know I'm bad for moaning but I know in reality there's less than 3 weeks at the absolute most for me, which isn't long at all, and I'm always pleased when a mummy gets to meet her baby!

Natalie, you're only a queue jumper if you go early! I'm rooting for you, Coleen, jd and bubbles next!

Lol, so glad its not just me fed up with "Baby here yet?" texts! I'm also fed up with OH asking "contractions?!" In an excited voice every time I get a twinge or even stub my toe lol. If I'm in labour I'll bloody well tell you!! :lol:

Think you're right, think we'll have maybe two more queue jumpers before any of us go!
I would happily be next but not a chance by the looks of things. Have another sweep in the morning and if she doesn't tell me I have dilated a bit more I think I might slap her lol!

Went for dinner there. Who says we loose our appetite at this stage? Just ate have a cow with all the sides. Don't think I've ever eaten that much in my life... Now I'm thinking was that a sign.... I'm officially a freak lol!!!

Becky my hubby is the opposite. Every pain I get I'm like oh it could be something. But I have been doing that for weeks now. I don't think he'll beleive I'm in labour until he sees the head crowning lol!
Hey, just catching up. Extremely tired today!! Don't think I slept at all last night, and walking round today feel like a painful 'bulge' down there!? So that's new! :/

I know I haven't even made it to due date yet so shouldn't moan.
Colleen and the gang that are on for inductions/breaking waters etc hope to see more babies soon!! :)

Just looked on the front page, love how busy it's getting!
I think at this point anyone can go really, even like someone said , a September mummy.

I'm so ready to meet baby! But I'd hate to queue jump all you that have gone over due! I know how frustrating that is!

Hope jj and dolly and lollie are enjoying cuddles x x
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Hey beautiful ladies,

Congratulation to the ones who have given birth since I last posted! I hope the rest of the babies don't keep you waiting too much longer.

Luca sends his love xxxxx


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Omg lulu that pic just made my heart melt, he is absolutely gorgeous xxx
Becky my hubby is the opposite. Every pain I get I'm like oh it could be something. But I have been doing that for weeks now. I don't think he'll beleive I'm in labour until he sees the head crowning lol!

:lol: :lol: He's as fed up waiting as I am. Both my daughters were here by now in previous pregs! I just can't see his happy little face looking so hopeful every time I make a noise anymore lol, its peeing me off!

Oh Lulu, he's so lush! You lucky madam, you're giving me boy envy with my all pink brood lol!
Aww lulu he is gorgeous!! :) he will certainly cheer us all up!

Happy birthday colleen! - sorry I missed that earlier! :) x
Aw thanks girls - he's an absolute angel, I wish you could all meet him.

Happy birthday Colleen xx
I know I should get my hopes up our little one will arrive early. I should learn to be patient and wait for our elective section. It's only 10 days away.

Michelle x
Happy Birthday Coleen!

Lulu he is just lovely. :)

Well I think we may have another queue jumper here.... think my waters have gone!!! xx

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