X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Kumber great news on the signs!! :) hopefully it's the start! :) x
Could be baby wriggling down bubbles?

jd, what would be the plan if you hit 40+14, would you be induced then or continue?

I can go to 40+12 which I've agreed with xx
Well insidious is on, might scare my waters to break xx
Ha good luck with that jd! :)

Anyone with any exciting signs tonight!? What a bunch the August babies are!! X
Ive got the A team on! I've seen insidious and its not likely my waters will break naturally so I'll skip it!! :/ he he x
No more progress to report here I'm afraid Sugar! Contractions are getting more and more instense but are stil stupidly erratic! Had a huge bowl of pasta just in case though.

Hi everyone! Congratulations mystic teen and lollie! Reem and Emilie are just beautiful! I haven't been on here for days missed so much! I have been thinking of u all!!

My little lady has had terrible constipation so screaming in pain bless her, changed milk to comfort and 48 hrs later she's back to being settled!! It's just taken over every second , no sleep trying to comfort her , but she's well on the mend and all went ok at her drs check! She's getting bigger every day! Next weigh in weds, really hope she's nearer 6lbs... She's really doing well.

Hope everyone stays positive , all niggles sound really promising! Eeeek can't wait for more August babies!

Ive got some really bad pains going on but they are only down my left side... And shooting pains in my foo!!! very short Pains lasting about 6-10 seconds then go! not regular... Could be something! I'm tired though, not good lol xxx
Could be something colleen! Could be baby moving further down and some more dilation happening. My contractions were still irregular at 5cm so it's not always text book! Hoping this is the kick start you need!

Kumber it's so frustrating isn't it! Hopefully those intense contractions will be helping your cervix prepare for labour.

Jess good to hear from you, glad you're both doing well and the milk change seems to have helped. We're hoping for some more successful inductions soon! And some spontaneous labours for us to follow too hopefully! Seems we have naughty August babies ! :)

I've been chilling on the ball all night watching the a team. Rocking side to side, it's suppose to help babies position, and it's actually the only comfy place to sit, relieves the back pressure! Ohh and just demolished an angel delight! :) actually want more! X
Oh wow, been out all day at a wedding so just caught up- fingers crossed this is it for you Kumber!

Well I genuinely didn't think I'd be going to my SIL wedding today as I was sure baby would be here, but I'm glad I did. Was a lovely day, ansd must admit it was hilarious to see the look of horror on peoples faces when they ask "you must not have long left, like 2 weeks?" And you say "3 days actually" :lol: Lasted til half 9, had one cheeky glass of prosecco and a lot of buffet lol, but couldn't manage any dancing! Which is probably why there's not been any sign of baby making her way out whatsoever, just got vicious backache. Ah well, have resigned myself to the fact I'm probably going overdue now.
Hope everyone has a good Sunday xx
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Yeah in toys r us earlier and cashier said so when u due I said tommorow but im getting induced on Monday she was so shocked lol x
Just catching up on tonight's posts, really hoping this is it now for you Colleen and Kumber. Would be nice to have more baby arrivals this weekend.

I had a good night out with hubby. Just back home now and in my PJ's. Feet are so swollen and oh my god the backache and fanny daggers are ridiculous now. I am hoping it is just baby moving down more.

Michelle x
I'm back from my night out too and also had a few shocked faces, when people asked are you due soon and I said yes I was due on Thursday. Cue comments such as ohhh I hope your waters don't break tonight, or get on the dance floor and wiggle the baby out! If only it was that simple!!
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Love people faces when you say how long you have left. And the comment about waters breaking is hilarious, the chances of that happening are small before established labour anyway (although it does happen!!) ive had a couple of texts - one of my sister saying you not had this baby yet!! - I replied to my sister saying yes I had him yesterday! Did I not tell you?! Haha. I'm not even at my due date yet! Suppose it is that awkward last 2 weeks where everyone is kinda waiting!! Because there's nothing left to do!

Glad you have both and a nice night anyway. I've had a nice relaxing night too. Ready for another restless night! Anybody else's feet and legs really hot? Mine have been quite bad this week. :/ x
I always read how it's rare that going into labor is what we see in movies - your waters randomly break and you get contractions strong and close together. Little did I know that was going to happen to me! My waters broke at 9:23am they woke me up with a loud painful pop and they wouldn't stop pooring out. I started getting contractions that were painful but by 10:30 I was in absolute agony and they were 2 minutes apart! I got checked into delivery suite at around 11:00 and I was screaming in pain and couldn't handle them anymore. I was begging for the epidural as at that point my contractions were less than 10 seconds apart it was ridiculous. The gas & air calmed me down enough to get my epidural that finally kicked in at around 14:00. It didn't work 100% and I could still feel painful contractions on my left but it was nothing like the pain relief free contractions. Reem was back to back until I was fully dilated then she turned slightly so she was facing my thigh instead of facing downwards. It made her head really long when she was born. Her heart rate was a mess the whole labor and the midwives literally never left the room. Had the doctors come in so many times and when I was pushing I was almost rushed off to theatre to get her sucked out with the ventouse as her heart was literally almost stopping it was very scary. But I managed to push her out in time thankfully! The student midwife who was there happened to be the student who booked me in when I saw the midwife for the first time. Her shift ended at 19:30 and she was desperate to deliver a baby and little miss Reem was born at 19:29!
I am just sat here now waiting for more august babies to arrive! I remember that impatient feeling too well...
Morning ladies hope u are all well.

Me and Amy are still in hospital cause my hospital don't let u out till 48hrs after a c-section. I will be glad to get home tomorrow xx
Morning ladies, hope everyone is doing well today and planning a nice relaxing Sunday.

Not much to report my end just the usual aches and pains and tiredness. Feet are still swollen this morning which is unusual for me. Apart from that it's all good. How about everyone else?

Michelle X

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