Calling all long time friends....


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2018
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So ladies, I have just sat and looked through the thread that I made when I made my BFP announcement and realised that I have met so many lovely ladies on here that I don’t often see floating around anymore.
I know most of you are mummies now and don’t get even get a second to pee in peace or maybe some of you have just left the forum? but I would love to hear from you all! Let’s all reunite <3
I’m going to tag a few of you:
@MoominGirl @pupperino @Kholl @Mandy119 @TTChloexx @xMillie @Hendy1 @Alexis2017 @Aprilxxx @Lollypop79 @liz85 @Abi88 @Radleycat @babylove2016 @SmithyBaby @Kickingk
Aaaah hiii!!! Love this! It’s true that I never pee in peace!!! We are ok. Hunkering down and praying things can reopen in not too long, DH is a bar manager and obviously that’s closed! Love having kids at home.

How are you feeling, Char?

hope to hear from everyone here!
Hello!! :wave:

How are you??

Love this such a nice idea. I’m still floating around here. I’m frontline staff in the nhs so I’m kinda on hold abit with the whole ttc until this virus calms down.

hope everyone is keeping well xxx
I miss all these people too!! I was pregnant at the same time as a lot of them. Life is hectic with a baby though, as you will shortly know :) and when you're not TTC or pregnant, there's really not much to talk about on here. The parenting section is a ghost town :(
Hi sweetie! Such a lovely idea! I actually come on the forum to have a gander now and then when babs is napping as I love seeing ladies getting their BFPs! But I rarely post these days :) how are you and bump doing? Hope you are as well as you can be in all this, I know the current situation is far from ideal but the main thing is that bump is healthy!

Jackson is doing really well. He is six months in just under two weeks, I can’t believe it! We will be entering the world of weaning very soon! I think I have a lazy boy on my hands as he absolutely hates tummy time, has done since day one and will not roll haha! But we will persist xxxxx
Hello! Aw that's so sweet :) I'm still lurking around, generally scrolling through during overnight feeds haha.
Isabelle is doing really well - she is so cheerful and very chunky <3 haha.. nearly 6 months old, time has flown by so fast!
Hope you are doing well! I'll send you a pm x
Hey to all the ladies that have replied. So nice to hear from you all and so glad you and your bubbas are well and keeping safe <3

I am all good thank you. I genuinely cannot believe I am half way there already. It’s gone so quick since my 12 week scan. Working from home is starting to annoy me now but I know it’s to keep me and bubba safe.

@liz85 - massive respect for you on the frontline. I have been clapping from my window every week and I’ll be thinking of you this week <3 xx
Hey to all the ladies that have replied. So nice to hear from you all and so glad you and your bubbas are well and keeping safe <3

I am all good thank you. I genuinely cannot believe I am half way there already. It’s gone so quick since my 12 week scan. Working from home is starting to annoy me now but I know it’s to keep me and bubba safe.

@liz85 - massive respect for you on the frontline. I have been clapping from my window every week and I’ll be thinking of you this week <3 xx
Thank you so much it’s really appreciated. Won’t lie it’s scary but staying positive xxx
Hello :wave: this is a lovely idea!

I'm still very much here though not posting nearly as much as it's hard enough to read never mind type with a toddler running around!!

Hope everything is well with you char. Can't believe you're nearly half way!! If it wasn't for lockdown, I'd say the second half just flies in!!
Hello!! :wave:

How are you??

Love this such a nice idea. I’m still floating around here. I’m frontline staff in the nhs so I’m kinda on hold abit with the whole ttc until this virus calms down.

hope everyone is keeping well xxx

What do you do? I'm also in the NHS.

Doesn't feel that long ago that we were November mummies!
So ladies, I have just sat and looked through the thread that I made when I made my BFP announcement and realised that I have met so many lovely ladies on here that I don’t often see floating around anymore.
I know most of you are mummies now and don’t get even get a second to pee in peace or maybe some of you have just left the forum? but I would love to hear from you all! Let’s all reunite <3
I’m going to tag a few of you:
@MoominGirl @pupperino @Kholl @Mandy119 @TTChloexx @xMillie @Hendy1 @Alexis2017 @Aprilxxx @Lollypop79 @liz85 @Abi88 @Radleycat @babylove2016 @SmithyBaby @Kickingk

Aw this is so lovely. I’m doing great and little Rita is doing amazing she’s 18 weeks 5 days today. I’ve been so busy lol. I popped back in to see how you were getting on and a few others. I hope your well and I can’t wait to see you have the baby. How are you ? Xxx
Hi all

I know this is a old threat but I was there too when you were all on your journeys too I bet some of you have had more babies by now but thought I would come on to say I finally got my long awaited baby a boy Frankie after trying for 10 years he's nearly 9 months old now and we're on trying for baby 2

Hope your all well

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