X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

:D lol trying not to get excited! We shall see how things go.... at the moment I'm trickling soooo much fluid, but no real contractions yet. xx
Omg, Jenbob that's so exciting. Have you honed the midwives yet or are you going to wait and see what happens?

Michelle x
You can ring your labour ward and see how long they want you to wait. Sometimes contractions don't follow... But sometimes they can fairly soon and be quite intense so be prepared! Everything ready to leave the house? Eeeek. Good luck! Keep us posted :) :) x x
I phoned the labour ward and they just basically said to see how things go. I'm definitely not peeing myself. If no contractions come in 24hours then I think they said I'll go in for an examination but they said to just keep them updated.
Fingers crossed this is it and not just me being silly!! Lol xxxx
Lulu he is adorable, a real wee heartbreaker!

Ooohhhh jenbob how exciting! How the contractions start soon for you and you aren't waiting too long x
Ooh Jenbob, g'wan girl! Hope you don't have too long a wait til things start progressing :) Keep us posted x
Good luck Jen!! Did you have any warning it was coming?! Not jealous at all ;) all the best, and keep us posted ;) x
Jenbob, you queue jumper! Cheeky thing, how exciting! Looking forward to updates, eeeek! :D

Hi from a queue jumper lol

Happy birthday colleen

Good luck everyone who is waiting or due to be induced

Aw lulu he is gorgeous

Well me and Amy got home early thank goodness cause that ward was cracking us both up.

Good luck Jenbob!!

Lulu, Luca is gorgeous, what a little cutie xx

Still no signs here, sweep again tomorrow so will see if there's been any progress!
Dolly lovely pic she's gorgeous! :)

Well all week I've had lots of Braxton hicks and general back ache... nothing became regular though so just been crampy and uncomfortable all week. Yesterday I had an awful day with bowel movements, felt constipated yet had loose movements too (was horrible), and I would also say the past 2 days my emotions have just been all over the place!! So maybe was hormones gearing up??
oh and have had horrific spots on my chin all week too!!

Well so far I still have fluid trickling away! Just doesn't want to stop. So I'm extremely convinced its my waters now - there's no way I can pee that much lol and it doesn't smell/is clear. Today I have just walked the dogs and general house work so maybe moving around made them go??
If this is the start for me, I just want to thank everyone for all the advice I have got on here over my pregnancy! Been so much help its unbelievable! Fingers crossed for everyone else too!! xxx
just to update - spoke to labour ward, I need to go in, in about an hour (they are full in triage at the moment!!!), and they are going to check if its defo my waters. If it is they will make a plan on what to do.
Still no proper contractions yet so fingers crossed they start in the night. I assume if nothing starts it basically means induction? :( xxxx
Exciting stuff Jenbob. Good luck my sweet xx
Aw how exciting jenbob :)

Dolly Amy is a wee dote, glad you are both home safe and sound x
Oh that's good news least you will know tonight! I think if it's your waters then they'll admit you after 24 hours if still no sign of contractions starting, then Im not sure on exact time but baby has to come within 72 hours? Is this right? So yes it's induction. But fingers crossed you start!! I don't have any experience of waters breaking or induction so someone correct me on that! :). Keep us posted! How exciting! If you start and want a labour thread doing im sure one of us lovely rather envious ladies will do it :) he he x x
Ah glad you're both home dolly. Get more rest and settled at home :) x x
Good luck Jenbob, hope this is it for you, look forward to your updates huni x

Michelle x
I think you're right re 72 hours Sugar.

Jenbob, I second what Sugar said about a labour thread! Crossing everything for you, keep us updated!

Loving these baby pics, Lulu and dolly your bubs are adorable! Green with envy over the cuddles you're both getting!

Aw thanks guys! Will let you know what happens after I've been hospital -
You watch I've probably been to totally wrong and I'm just peeing ALOT lol :D xxxx

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