X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Michelle enjoy your night hun :) take your mind off baby for an hour or 2!
Oh crusty nips are the worst, I just flick it off haha! ive been expressing colostrum as its supposed to help start contractions, midwife told me to do it for 15 mins on each boob!! it's a bit minging but I'll do anything to get this little one out now! xxx
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Good luck kumber!! I hope it's a sign for you... But I may shed a tear if everyone has their baby before me!!
Coleen are you hand expressing or pumping?! X
I've heard expressing can be could for kicking things off.. But not sure if it was hand or pump or either.... X
I've refused my induction, going to wait it out. Hopefully xx
When was your Induction meant to be jd? I forget! Are you having some good signs that you'll go naturally? X
Jd how come you were being induced if u dont mind me asking? I never knew you could refuse it I agreed as I didnt want to become unwell and baby growth to be affected xx
Natalie you can refuse any treatment you don't want... I think they just offer you extra appointments and scans to keep an eye on placenta and growth x
My due date is tommorow and im booked in now so think if I back out it's just prolonging things. Its tempting cause im scared but think I should just go with it now x
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Re: expressing, I started expressing with a pump, twice a day for 15 mins per boob (recommended by MW), it brought on tightenings but that's it, didn't really do anything else (small amounts of colostrum came out sometimes). Got bored of it though and gave up!
It was more down to size, I'm 4ft 11 and my last baby was 9lb 6.5oz. I really want to go in the birthing unit. So fingers crossed I will go naturally. I will only be 40+5 on Monday. I had to be induced with my first because my back waters had gone and I didn't know. I had a horrible time being induced with him, so I don't want to go through it again. Midwifes are fine with it xx
Hi girls. Was just wondering, baby has been super active all day, like uncomfortably active. Have loads of pressure and daggers down below and have been having braxton hicks all day. Any ideas what's going on?
Could be baby wriggling down bubbles?

jd, what would be the plan if you hit 40+14, would you be induced then or continue?

I know what you mean about wanting the birthing suite jd, it's really important to me that I go there which is why I'm so worried about going overdue.
Bubbles I can't help I'm afraid as they are symptoms I e had for about a week now. I get BH pretty much all day, every day, and sometimes they are painful. It might mean something for you though?! X
Just hand expressing, it does give me tightenings not sure how much it's helping but I'll keep trying it!
Jd- I did the same, I said I will go to term+12 as advised for safety of baby but I wasn't happy to be induced tomorrow when I'm 3cm dilated with a soft cervix, also my due date by conception is today so I'm going by that instead of scan because I know when I ovulated! Midwife gave me another sweep today even though I only had one yesterday and she had a really good go, she said she could have broken my waters and that if baby doesn't come by weds naturally it might just be a case of them breaking my waters rather than needing the whole induction process... Im not willing togo over the advised 12 days though just for babys sake! a healthy buba is the most important thing!

Kumber have you had any progress???

Bubbles ive had the same sort of things happen, baby causes me a lot of pain sometimes when moving around, it could be head goog further down and hitting nerves and causing pressure, could be dilating like I have been?? it's hard to tell! Symptom spotting is the worst isn't it, feel like I'm back in the tww except waiting for baby to come this time lol xxx
If it wasn't for my BP and pre eclampsia id have just waited it out probably xx
If it wasn't for my BP and pre eclampsia id have just waited it out probably xx

Yeah you have to do whatever is safe hun and if you have bp problems then it's best to be safe and get baby out, i would do the same if I were you. They moved my induction date forward because I had reduced movements but scan and monitor showed baby was fine and since then ive felt loads of movement which is why I decided to wait til term + 12! These August babies are so naughty! xxx
Coleen, I'm still getting random contractions and losing goo every time I go to the loo (so every half hour!). Unlikely to be tonight but I'm happy I'm finally getting somewhere!

Thanks girls that's what I thought, baby just wriggling about, and normal Braxton hicks. He better be doing something productive in there or I will crack up. Thanks x
You girls are more patient than I am i think I would take induction tomorrow!! But for me I give birth in the same place regrdless so it's abit different. Bubbles could be baby moving down or just generally having a good wriggle at the end! Increased movement that isn't normal is just the same concern as decreased so if you're worried then ring them.
Hope your baby gets a wriggle on jd. And colleen! Good news about the recent sweep, I think you'll get going now. Sounds promising!
Hope everyone's having a good night. I'm starting wirh tightenings - again!! - but just ignoring them. As they will no doubt disappear! Wish there was a way if I knew if they were actually doing anything or not. :/ not long girls! X x

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