X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Evening girls! Hope you've all had nice days! Took my cousins to the park with my mom. She set a very brisk pace and baby thumped down into my pelvis only to scooch himself back up in the car ride home! Monkey. So tired now and very sore so gonna veg on the sofa for the night.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who is constantly googling "signs that labour is imminent" or sites of a similar nature!!!

I feel like I have turned Into a crazy women, inspecting the toilet and toilet paper every time I'm in there, getting secretly excited when I get the slightest pain or discomfort. Every time I pass a mirror I check to see if my bump has dropped omg I have lost the plot. What's wrong with me???

Michelle x

Michelle this is me too. I swear the two week wait was a doddle in comparison to this lol!

I think though I have had every symptom under the sun now and it has materialised to nothing so I have finally calmed myself.

I would love to say stop googling but it very hard not to. I think it is a process we have to go through. Sending u big hugs xx
Well my mums not back from holiday till tommorow so she said ove to cross my legs until she gets back so friday onwards will be fine. Got a feeling on going over my due date on sunday. I have daycare tommorow for my BP so who knows what that may bring. I hope my baby comes soon as im fed up waiting now n want it over and done with xx
Ml and Michelle I would love to have baby by the end of the week! But I have to agree with ml I think im here till the end! I knew this would happen! He is such a monkey! I'm glad my bloods are up though, and after feeling lousy all day, zero energy and sleepy ive perked up tonight! Been dancing around with my 2 year old! :/ cringe at what I looked like! he's still awake now and wanting more .. But im worn out! :) more toilet duties and discharge stuff and lots of crampy niggles.. That won't lead to anything but im ok with that now. I'm used to not getting hopes up! Agree that Ljd and dolly should have babies and maybe colleen and jd. . . Anyone else???
Natalie hopefully your mum won't miss it then. :)

Me!!! I would love to go before weekend... Due date tomorrow, booked for a sweep tomorrow afternoon... The joys!
Ah bubbles happy due date! :) hope you're sweep gets things going!! We are almost a week into August thought some would have gone into spontaneous labour by now! - although everyone's trying very hard !! :) :)
Well I've woke up at 3:30 and can't get back to sleep. Just really hot and bothered, just irritable really! it's rubbish feeling like this at the end isnt it :( x
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Morning ladies - up with my insomniac son, up with you Sugar, fed up with night pee breaks too!

Wow I only missed a day and a half and just had to catchup loads of pages!!

Congrats on reaching due date monday bubbles, Good luck for you and also WTT and Dolly for sweeps today and also ML600 for your scan.

Sorry your in pain michelle, good sign tho x

Keep going Colleen and Ldj401 and JD xx

I also think a huge glut of babies will be here by sunday - love it x

TMum - just seen your pic of baby Cole - he's just scrummy! Can't believe how much hair these babies are coming out with!!

A day at my mums yesterday, shes clearing out her stuff up here, so my kitchen is full of bags of mostly useful things now we had just french stick for tea and my house is a mess!! She even gave me my old school/ nursery box of drawings/exersize books... I could cry , i was just getting my house straighter it's a well over 3 bed terrace for soon to be 8 of us and i really want it clean and tidy before baby!!

A freinds round this morning, i conked out when i got back so have washing up, bathroom, and loo needs doing.. :(

Off to midwifes after lunch tho so it will be lovely to hear Griffins hb again xx
Hope you have good days ladies xx
Good luck to all the ladies with appts today, let's get these babies moving!

Absolutely nothing from me still! Just over a week from due date and not even a twinge-I think this baby is staying put...
Had another massive cook-a-thon yesterday and froze it all, at least we will eat well when he does finally arrive. Booked in for a couple of sweeps in the week after I'm due, hoping I won't need then but it's not looking likely!!
Good luck today, ladies with appointments.
I have my routine weekly midwife app in 50 minites. Doubt it will be very eventful being 2 weeks away still. I'll probably be in and out in 10 minutes.
Then it's back to twiddling my thumbs. :p how are you guys without other kids filling your days? I'm at a loss as to what I can do now
Morning girls well operation lets get Amy evicted starts today and hopefully ends today. I am so nervous but excited too. I will try to keep you all updated then the lovely Natalie will take over for me xx
Good luck dolly!! I hope it's a quick induction for you!! Will you be doing a labour thread??

Any progress from anyone else?

Ljd I hope you're nearly there now!

Sorry you had another bad night sugar :(

I've been up half the night, sick with worry. Just want it over and to know he's ok in there x
Good luck to everyone who has appointments today, we really do need some baby arrivals soon.

Michelle x
Dolly good luck today. I think your induction will fly with all your symptoms lately :) can't wait for your updates :)

Ljd hope it is going well for you :)

Loulabelle I try to fill my days with silly things. Try to walk the dog 3 miles. Give myself small simple tasks to do like shopping or cleaning or visiting friends or family. I find that if I am in the house too much it affects my mood so getting out and about is the best thing I can do.

Ml good luck with your scan today, I'm sure baby is fine x

Showing promise you should put your feet up today and enjoy the rest when you can get it :)

Sugar and JJ hope the insomnia is better tonight. I went through hell with it all week then had an emotional meltdown and seem to be sleeping better now that I got it all out lol! Pregnancy hormones are great!

Natalie hope your apt goes well today :)

Michelle and kumber hope you both are feeling better today.

Good luck for all the apts today and sorry if I have missed anyone.

Busy day ahead and sweep at 4pm. Let's hope it gets things moving. Will keep you all updated :)
Dolly, good luck today!

ml, hope all is well with your scan. What time is it?

Ljd, hope you're getting newborn snuggkes or you're at least on well your way!

JJ and Loulabelle, hope appts go well today.

Bubbles, hoad you were able to get some sleep.

Awful night last night for me, Riley was awake sobbing from 2-3:30 this morning, managed to get him off after dosing him up so I suspect teething. Then I was awake from agonising bh til 4:30, bump has dropped massively so I think it was just stretching pains. Horrid things. Riley's going on holiday overnight tonight so waiting for my mom to pick him up so I can go back to bed!

Hope the appts and sweeps go well today!
Good luck at your scan ml im positive all will be fine ! Keep us posted!
Dolly hope Amy doesn't keep you waiting too long, which by your symptoms i don't think she will!

Jj your house sounds very very crowded :) and im sure your friend wouldn't mind if you hadn't todied this morning! Try and put your feet up! Be nice to hear Griffins hb again :)

Sorry you had a rubbish night kumber, hope Riley gets better soon and you get some rest when he's gone for his night away.

We do need some babies soon to cheer us all up! :) x x
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who is constantly googling "signs that labour is imminent" or sites of a similar nature!!!

I feel like I have turned Into a crazy women, inspecting the toilet and toilet paper every time I'm in there, getting secretly excited when I get the slightest pain or discomfort. Every time I pass a mirror I check to see if my bump has dropped omg I have lost the plot. What's wrong with me???

Michelle x

Omg, I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I feel like I'm in completely limbo at the moment, I don't want to do anything or see anyone because I just want to go into labour, like NOW please! :lol: I swear I was never this impatient with the other two. I had a false start yesterday that amounted to nothing so now I am in the foulest mood ever! (BTW I am very aware that if I just snapped out of being a mardy cow and got on with my life she would probably come sooner, but I can't seem to get myself out of this bad mood!)

Did anyone watch OBEM? I freaked myself out with it because I have quick labours so have now convinced myself I will stand up at some point in labour and baby will just drop out of me! Neurotic much!
Omg, my husband will literally not DTD with me because I was on the phone to my mum and told her that the midwife reckoned she could pop my waters. So he's saying, I can't DTD because if I pop you waters I can't handle it. This is our fourth baby lol. So I ended up being rude back with a slight your probably not big enough dig anyway :)

Then to top that off, I'm walking downstairs with the washing in my nightie and a big massive blob of stuff is rolling down my leg, so I got him to get me tissue. His face was a picture so it's safe to say he won't be helping me get this baby out. Oh well!

Off to work he goes with a face on lol xx
jd, you've had a glamorous two days really! That's hilarious, poor Mr jd :lol:


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