X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Well ladies here he is, Mr Cole!
He had been feeding really well but now I'm in agony and he hasn't had a wet nappy since yesterday afternoon so to be on the safe said we've given him 2 wee top ups of formula to know that he's definitely getting something and to give my poor boobs a rest! Midwife coming in the morning so in hoping she'll be able to help! Xx
Well ladies here he is, Mr Cole!
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He had been feeding really well but now I'm in agony and he hasn't had a wet nappy since yesterday afternoon so to be on the safe said we've given him 2 wee top ups of formula to know that he's definitely getting something and to give my poor boobs a rest! Midwife coming in the morning so in hoping she'll be able to help! Xx

Aww he is just adorable, look at all that dark, hair. My wee man is super blonde, he has loads of hair but looks bald because it's so light x
Tmum, he's adorable. Congratulations!! Cole is such a lovely name, too :)
Apparently, my baby has hair, I hope he has as much as yours. So cute!
JJ, don't worry. I'm sure I'll be last :/ I'll hear the echos in the forum as I finally get my day :p
The Dutch are so conservative. When do you have to call the midwife back home in the U.K? Because here I'm not supposed to until my contractions are 4 mins duration and 1 min apart. So a whole lot of flapping around at home before I'm allowed near the hospital.
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Congratulations Tmum, Cole so cute! Just look at all that hair! X
Tmum he is beautiful!! So much hair! You must be smitten.

Mumto2bubs Lyle is a little stunner too. August mummies clearly produce beautiful babies!

Dolly how are you feeling about tomorrow? Bet you can't wait now!

Jj im glad your feet have settled down. Little Griffin has been causing mayhem the last few days!

Kumber and sugar I hope all your niggles amount to something ASAP... Need a labour thread to keep me going!

Loulabelle that seems a bit close together!! 4 mins duration, 1 minute apart?!? You won't be able to phone anyone in that state!! We are advised to go in when we have 3 in ten minutes, and/or we can't cope with the pain.

Nothing much my end. Dtd last night, did naff all. Have decided to just go with the flow until due date gets nearer, then I'll start getting impatient!
I didn't sleep well last night. I'm really nervous about my scan tomorrow and I don't know why! I know that chances are he's just shifted position or something, but I can't help expecting the worst!

Also, last night me and OH we're discussing his name. We have been set in Noah since 16 weeks and EVERYONE calls him it!! It's written on his bedroom wall, people have got us Noah's Ark themed gifts... It's set. However, I've recently been thinking I like OHs first choice of Finlay. He then told me he had warmed to my first choice of Harrison!!
Nightmare lol!! X
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Your little mans gorgeous Tmum :)

Well I have to have my ear syringed today and a sweep with the midwife this afternoon. But I'm not feeling anything!
Hey ho what baby comes on their due date anyway.

Have s great day xx

Thanks for thinking of me ml I am nervous and excited about meeting baba. Thankfully I will be kept busy today as it's finally moving day :)

Tmum and mum2bubs they are gorgeous boys enjoy ur cuddles xx
Aww he is just gorgeous!! Lovely long hair!!!!! My little lady has a bit of dark hair but just tufts on top bless her! U must be very proud , proper little cutie!

Jj thank u ! I'm trying to sleep inbetween feeds and def managing some but not much , so I know I'll crash soon , I just have this unbearable anxious is she breathing thing going on! Which I know is just silly isn't it, but I can't seem to snap out of it. More so because she's so so tiny!

She's filling out her premature clothes now tho! Next stop tiny baby!!!!!

Xxx hope everyone else is ok
My due date is tomorrow and I don't know about you guys, but I'm constantly getting messages asking if I have any news, I just want to reply saying 'I'm not even due yet' grrrr. (I know people mean well and it's only cos they care but it's going to be a long 2 weeks if I go fully overdue). Also my closest friends and family are on tenterhooks, if I miss a phone call or take too long to reply to a message they think I've gone into labour, lol.

Anyway saw these and thought they were funny! Gunna start sending them out with my replys :)

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I wanted one that says keep calm the baby isn't due yet, but can't find one :)

I double checked my midwife folder, ml, and asked the OH. 4 mins duration 1 min apart is right. I thought it seemed a bit extreme by NHS standards. Now I'm just super anxious I have to almost go through an entire labour with two tenants...omg. No wonder the insurance companies send you a pregnancy box filled with stuff for a home delivery. I'm surprised anyone makes it to a hospital in time.
Good luck for your due date day xjdx! Hope the little one doesn't keep you waiting too long.
Anyone know how LJD is doing?
And congratulations on baby Kyle too! What a gorgeous little boy. Only just saw the thread (I'm so blind).
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They are brill WTT I thought I was going to have to put something like that up at 36 weeks lol. I have only told my OH, my mum and sister that I am being induced tomorrow. Unlike my OH who is determined to tell every man and their dog. So I have family and friends to surprise with her arrival were he has no one haha xx
Hey ladies,

Just realised more babies have been born, how exciting. Congrats ladies.

Everyone else, are you fed up? Can't wait for the rest of the babies to arrive.

Missing you all xx
I double checked my midwife folder, ml, and asked the OH. 4 mins duration 1 min apart is right.

Jumping in from the "wrong" month here, but... Surely this must be a typo in the folder and it should read the other way round: "1 min duration 4 mins apart"? Most people never experience contractions that last for four minutes (thankfully!!!) even in later stages of labour they should only last about a minute, but come more frequently.
Well I have barely slept had pains all night and woke with a massive headache:/ feeling sorry for myself!
I don't mind that I haven't had baby yet as im not due but hate all the niggles! I know jj I was convinced I would have had him by now! Even last night started to wonder ... But no, he clearly is just a monkey.
Ml hope all of our niggles lead to a baby arriving soon! We have naughty August babies! But oh no on the name change!! I think it's probably a mixture of things at the end and if you've liked Noah and were set on it maybe you'd regret changing it now? The other names are lovely too! You could decide when he's born? :) :)
Jess glad all is going well and baby is gaining weight. Fab news :)
Dolly bet you're all excited for tomorrow! Can't wait to hear news of Amy's arrival. :)
Aw absolutely love all baby Coles hair , all of mine have had hair, thinking this one will too.
Lulu fab to hear from you! Think quite a few of us are just fed up now!
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Tmum he is gorgeous!

Sugar, I'm exactly like you. All these little niggles and no sign of baby. Still losing teeny weeny blobs of plug, period cramps every night, the whole way through. Feels like something is pinching the bottom of my uterus, it's horrid.

jd, I had a little giggle last night when I remembered it was your syringe and sweep day. Hope your dignity remains intact, just walk out like you own the place and no one will be any the wiser.

Dolly, yay for moving day! Bet you're made up, I'm so pleased you're finally getting somewhere suitable.

Loulabelle, try not to worry. I didn't go into hospital with ds until I was having back to back contractions (13 minutes long was when I put my foot down) and 1-2 mins apart, at which point I was 5cm. Much preferred labouring at home, means I was only in hospital for 6 hours before he was born. I hate hospitals so was much more relaxed wih the labour.

WTT, I think those messages are so silly. From other people I mean. It's like as if you're not going to share that you've had your baby??? Can't get my head around it at all.

ml, best of luck wih your scan today. I'm sure everything will be fine but thinking of you anyway. Names can be very tricky things, we've had a fair few...ahem...heated discussions here too. Maybe just keep your options open and see what baby looks like when they're born?

Phew, mega reply! Sorry if I've missed anyone.

I'm off to my mom's for the day as the builders are back and drilling into our outside wall :wall2: :wall2: she has my cousins for the week as it's the school holidays, so I'm gonna take them to the library and the park, then we're off to a soft play area for our dinner. Hoping the walk to the library and the park will get things moving, I've no childcare for ds on Saturday and Sunday so this baby needs to come before then or after!

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Sorry baby brain forget things! Ml good luck for scan today! Keep us posted!

And jd syringe and sweep!!! :) good luck!

Kumber it is so frustrating, i am struggling with the school hols, the weather, and being exhausted from no sleep from all the pains and aches! Pregnancy is tough!! I'd quite like to go for a walk today, would gwt us out the house and maybe encourage baby to come!

Hope colleen and everyone over due wirh sweeps etc are in labour and meeting baby soon! :) x
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Definitely get out and about Sugar, I think even for your own sanity! I'm fed up of being cooped up indoors! Sleep is something I'm struggling with too, I was up every hour last night between wees and ds. Rolling over in bed is agonising down in the old foof. Can't wait to get him out just to get rid of this vile SPD!!!

Thanks guys... But scan is tomorrow ;D I have have put today by mistake. Either way, I'm still bricking it! X

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