X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Away for a week and it's all happening! I'm sure it's just taken me an hour to catch up.
So exciting! Congratulations on the arrival of the two little ladies and the little baby boy. ^_^
At this rate, you'll all have your babies and cuddles well before me. The first one is late more often than not I hear, but fingers crossed our boy sticks to the 23rd. Not sure how much longer I can wait, but then maybe that is because I was born 4 weeks early - impatience seems to be a part of me.
Just a silly question but, is it normal to feel so emotional? I feel so wretched lately, I just want to (as sad as it sounds) run back home to my mum!!
Wish I had the excitement you guys have. The only thing I've had that's good is finally finishing painting the baby's cot and changing table.
(Ugh, sorry some are sideways!)
One more question - how sensitive are new babies to noise? Does it take a lot to wake them up? I'm worried the tenants in our house make way too much noise but not sure if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.


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It's totally normal hun, don't worry :) yay for finishing the painting, go you! They look lovely!

Babies may find the sound too mucn at first but they do get used to noise quite quickly in my limited experience.

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Eurgh I wish! All my niggles have ground to a halt so it's unlikely he's coming in the next 48 hours! 39 weeks on Friday, eeeek!

Have you started your mat leave yet?

Aw congrats tmum on baby Cole and you should be proud of yourself I hope I can do it on Thursday with just g&a xx
Oh t mum how lovely, congratulations! Pic soon please :)
Sugar I love the name Blake, not to popular either and yay for goo lol
Louise... I think you have pm'd me, only just come on so I'll reply on that, hope your progressing well though!
Hope all you lovely ladies are ok :)
I had my sweep at 4pm, I'm 3/5ths engaged, 2cm dilated and my cervix has moved forward since my last sweep which was Saturday, midwife said it's still long though so I'm progressing just very slowly!! just done a 4 mile walk and now going to make tea and have a hot bath!

Aww congratulations mumto2bubs on the arrival of your little boy.

Congratulations to you TMum, well done you for just gas and air.

Loulabelle, love the baby furniture it looks gorgeous. Yes babies will soon get used to noise and will learn to sleep through anything.

Kumber, hope those niggles start up again soon and turn into something you must be so frustrated.

Colleen, pleased to hear your progressing sending you lots of lovely labour vibes to help get things moving along.

How is everyone else? Sugar and JJMum any exciting symptoms?

Michelle x
Oh yayyyyyy babies.......

Congratulations to you TMum on baby Cole , bigger than I was thinking too bless him xx
Well done you you should be very proud of yourself as the girls have said

Huge congratulations too for Mumto2bubs on the birth of baby Lyle today , great weight! You should also be really proud of yourself and wishing you a great recovery from your surgery and extra bladder/uterus issues xx

Cant wait to see you baby piccys xx

Bubbles- big hugs for you from me, hang in there xx

Natalie, it really slows down the last few weeks doesn't it, shame they cant offer home visits for people like yourself with pre eclampsia as trudging into appointments cant bd good for your blood pressure xx

Sugar I like all your names! Think Zane is jumping out at me :) what are your other 3 sons called ? Think you just have to choose from your heart , it will be right x

Colleen - yayyy for good progress even if a little slow and steady, i love that baby is deciding when to come - all the best for birth xx

Ldj401 -- gosh I didn't realise you were being induced sorry - sorry its such a slow process , hope things pickup speed for you soon and hope you can get some rest in the process somewhere , good luck for a lovely birth hun xx

Ankles did improve i think from a sit down with legs up for an hour and a half, but an hour later they were up again, and they both feel like numby /circulation issues! Very odd.
As i spoke to midwife on phone and there was improvement im happy to wait till thursday lunchtime for that random extra appointment I booked, as last was seen at 28 weeks but not due for next appoint till 37 next week , bp was higher than normal then and so she waited and took it again to get lower but not as low as normal , im normally 100/60!
I didn't do much today as oh wasn't playing!! so seems odd, I'm only seeing my mum tomorow and so i can pop feet up there and do nothing much and coffee morning here thurs am so should really help. Thank you for advice, sounds very common x
Congratulations ladies! It's so exciting going back to page 1 of this thread and seeing all the babies being born! I start mat leave tomorrow and can't quite believe we're here already x
Oooh good luck for your last day at work rainbow and becoming a lady of leisure ;)

Loulabelle- forgot to say earlier - lovely nursery makeover, i just finished my drawers , had to stain them in the end rather than paint as primer plus two colours was going to set me back £40 odd ! They look ok tho as I have new knobs to match change mat, will take some piccys - live your colours tho and the cot bars :)

Jd - congratulations on jouning Colleen in the due date club tomorow morning ( unless you pop over night ) - it's sooo out dated to pop before due date nowadays so you are right on trend hun xx
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Yeah I thought being off on maternity leave would give me loads of time to do all this stuff but tbh its just too much effort and I need to sit down every 5 mins, just nothing getting done quickly including babies arrival. Congrats to those whose bundles have arrived and to those who are experiencing symptoms your babies will be here soon xx
Congrats Tmum and again for Mumtobubs! Yay babies :) so nice to hear everyone's stories and babies being born. Still seems surreal it's finally August!
Hoping everyone is well. Xxxx
Congrats to all the new arrivals!

Not a single BH here or any sign of any goo.
Thanks JJ. Is it normal to feel a lot of pressure and on/off back pain around this point? I'm wondering if it's maybe the start of some pelvic pain x
Thanks guys :)
I know exactly what you mean JJ. As the cot is his daddy's old one and the changing table (formerly a cabinet I think??) was bought for us 2nd hand for about... £35ish we managed it really cheaply. Since the cot is old, all the new buy stuff just didn't fit, and on top of that so bloody expensive! Maybe I'm a skint flint, but I even wince at the cost of nursing pillows.
My maternity leave started last week kumber. First day was odd and boring, then the weather here was really crap so felt like I was doing a whole lot of fannying about and nothing productive. The biggest drama I'm facing is learning how to iron baby clothes and find the neatest way of folding them. I swear it's impossible :s ugh, this is going to be the longest 2 weeks and 5 days ever :whistle:
Congrats tmum on baby Cole! Lovely name and weight glad you're home too :)
Colleen hope you are progressing!
Jj mum I like zane but I think I'm still set on Blake, even if it's not the one ️oh wants!! Ooops : / glad your feet have settled hope it's nothing more then pregnancy swelling.
Lovely nursery loulabelle , it's good you've done all that least it's kept you busy.
Kumber hope you get some more positive signs. Although if you feel like I do, then you'll be fed up of signs and no baby!! :/
Having a few cramps tonight nothing else so think he's settled for abit longer! Boobs are really sore now, they haven't been too bad either so I'm hoping that means something ! Clutching at straws! :)

Going to try get some sleep and not think about labour signs , hard though isn't it!! �� x x
Congratulations tmum and mum to bubs! Hope you are both ok , enjoy your gorgeous little bundles!!!!

I hope everyone's ok, your all so close to meeting babies , and i really hope all your niggles and aches and pains subside for you, It must be getting really tough.... Very strong ladies we have in August mummies!

Can't believe my little lady is 1 week old tomorrow! She's still in premature clothes bless her, but doing amazing!!!any second time plus mums can help me , I can't sleep not because of her. She's amazing 3 hour feeds etc but I'm so anxious and constantly checking on her all the time!!!! Advise??

Thinking of you all and sorry I'm not on as much xx
Jess that feeling will ease as you get more used to having her around, you wont ever stop worrying about her but you will be able to sleep normally. You sleep like a dog with one ear open at first, ( if you know what mean) but you will find soon you can relax more and your newborn mum tiredness will build up and yourll just crash out inbetween feeds, knowing you will wake and will hear her when she needs her.
( have I missed her name Jess? What did you call her?)

Sugar, i can't still believe your still here , even tho not due yet but after such a niggley pregnancy and early warnings xx. And I love how unusual Blake is, hubby doesn't have to do preg and labour, so think you should have your name ha - I totally choose all of mine, as hubby has no better ones!

Eeeekkk looked at the calender on my phone - three weeks exactly today I will be going into theatre... And i'm the last due dated mum in august..... Roll on more of these lovely august babies...
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