X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Morning ladies, best of luck for today everyone xx
Morning girls, good luck with appts today!

I fully wimped out of dtd last night, I find it so painful when pg. Feel awful for disappointing hubby :( resigning myself to letting bubs come in his own time, I'm sure he would be fine if pushed along a bit but I'm such a worrywort that I wouldn't feel comfortable iykwim?

Keep checking for news of Tmum, anyone heard from her?

Good luck today mumto2bubs with your section.

Hope Tmum is enjoying baby cuddles.

Hope everyone else is ok.

Michelle X
I'm waiting in for my isofix to be delivered today, it will come as late as possible probably. I've set the baby swing and baby bouncer up already this morning. I don't even have anything to clean, I'm driving myself mad :/ xx
Morning ladies, good luck to everyone today, let's have some births please :)
Have my sweep this afternoon, I have to ring the birth centre at 3pm and they will tell me what time to go down, then after it im going for a long walk and tonight I shall dtd.. Ha quite a lot of period pains last night but they've not materialised into anything :( 3 days over now grrrrr! xxx
Morning ladies

Good luck for your sweep colleen.

I can't believe that my pregnancy is nearly over. Besides the sickness I really wish I had enjoyed it more instead of worrying but the last couple of weeks I have being enjoying her movements and watching her wriggle. Can't wait to meet her and see who she looks like xx
Morning ladies.

I am on my way into hospital to be put on the monitor. We shall see what happens today. Hopefully it's nice and straightforward.
Feel a wee bit off today can't quite put my finger on what's wrong just don't feel right. Lots of pressure down low and cramps.

Michelle X
Love reading your thread ladies it's all getting so exciting in here!!

Good luck for everyone that's getting monitored, sweeps etc today xxxx
Eeekkk were going to have a right glut of babies very soon!!!

Good luck everyone for sweeps, checks etc today

Can't wait for news of mumto2bubs and tmums babies x
Good luck everyone!

Michelle hope CTG goes ok, after a week of daily monitoring I know how tiring and worrying it can be!! Thinking of u and keep us posted ...

It's getting so exciting in here!! Eeeeeek x
Back from the hospital. Today's appointment went so well. My BP and pulse were perfect, urine all good. Bump has dropped 2cm in size since last week but that's because baby has settled into head down position and is now 1/5 engaged and is apparently in the optimal position for labour which is LOA, just need to get her to move further down now!!!

Michelle x
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Ladies after advice -

I had itchy ankles/feet this morning, was nighling away, kept checking my flip flop slippers for bugs!! ( as you do!)

Had my lunch popped feet up on kiddy chair to sit sideways at the highchair with my son and discovered i had swollen ankles, one more than the other! They might not look too bad to some but I have really bony skini ankles normally!
Now ive realised i can now tell its not itchy its a slight tingly numby feeling! Now i know it can be common in pregnancy and also a sign of preeclampsia. Ive not ever had swelling in any pregnancies! I rang community midwifes just to see if i need to get it checked or wait till thurs midwives, she said rest them up and see if they improve if not get an apointment to be checked at docs etc

So how many of you have swelling troubles? Thanks
Wow michelle - great appointment! Couldn't have gone better considering you felt off, Shame your having a section tho!
Great news Michelle!

JJ, lots of swelling here, I'm putting my feet up as much as poss to try and get them to calm down. The itchy/irritated feeling on the skin is vile! Keep your feet elevated above your heart as much as you can.

Jj I have had awful swollen feet and ankles for weeks but thankfully bp and urine were clear till yesterday but they aren't concerned xx
I've had hot sowllen hands and feet (mainly feet) for a little bit, and mainly in evening too. My bp has always been fine. I'd get it checked over so they can determine if it's just pregnancy or something more. Great app michelle! What date is your section?

My app went well. I've grown a little so he has more room so that's good. He's now 4/5 engaged, getting closer!! :) I feel a little better , must be my iron levels boost. So that's good, so I think I'll be feeling my best for the end which im really pleased about! We surely must be having a baby boom soon!!! :)

Oh and YAY more goo for me this morning! :)

I'm rocking on the ball and walking this aft x x
Thanks Kumber , dolly and sugar, got feet up now, think its helping x

Sugar- yayy for another great appointment for you ! Yourll be on top form come birth x
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Sugar, very envious of your goo! Think I'm gonna go all the way til the end of August at this rate!

Wow michelle - great appointment! Couldn't have gone better considering you felt off, Shame your having a section tho!

I know so pleased, feels like my little one is making progress, There is a real possibility I could go into labour naturally before our section date, feel a little nervous about it though.

Michelle x
JJMum, hope those swollen feet improve soon. You have been super busy the last couple of days so maybe it's just your bodies way of telling you to slow down and rest. Keep us updated though huni.

Sugar, yay for more goo and being 4/5 engaged.

Michelle x

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