X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Glad everyone's appointments went well.

Jj get them feet up if u can and if there is no improvement, straight to doc.

Michelle glad sasha is finally behaving :)

Sugar great news :)

Sorry if I have left anyone out.

I'm fed up. Like really fed up. Loads of wee pains, cramping, backache and braxton hicks for a week now, Lost mucus plug on Sunday, lots of weird things happening like, insomnia, vomiting, runs, indigestion and nothing is fecking happening.... So fed up. Also so fed up of complaining lol!

I genuinely feel like crying today. My emotions are up the left. I've had no sleep for 3 days and I just want this over with and to meet my baby :-( sorry for such a depressing post but I try not to moan to friends or family or they would get sick of me :-(
Mine are swollen but they have said I have pre eclampsia. When are you next back to see midwife? Rest them and see if it makes a difference if not call them back xx
Ah bubbles it's horrible at the end ! And to have all the signs and no baby is even worse! I hate these niggles that amount to nothing! I can't wait to feel some real pain! :) ha ha. Keep wondering who will go into spontaneous labour soon, I know we have a few scheduled inductions/sections.

On another note, still haven't got a name fully sorted.

we have :

Middle name Louis.
But to be honest, They're all my choices really apart from Harley! I just haven't removed the others form my head! And when he's born I will see what he looks like.
I've wanted Blake for a while now. Not sure of ive said it too much now though! Don't want him to have no name when he's born! :/ x x
I like Blake and Harley best but think louis goes with Harley the best aswell but I suppose baby will only be called by its first name so you could pick any. It is a hard 1 think boys names are really difficult xx
Well induction started yesterday at 7pm after being delayed by 5 hours! Induction is a looonnnng process!! Had pessary put in last night (gosh that was soooo painful!!) then had very painful contractions which were so close together. After hours of them I had a pethidine injection to allow me some sleep. Gas and air also helped.
Examination showed I'm only 2cm :-( not getting anywhere fast.
Ohh no ljd, how pants! Really hope things get moving quickly for you soon!

I like Blake and Harley best but think louis goes with Harley the best aswell but I suppose baby will only be called by its first name so you could pick any. It is a hard 1 think boys names are really difficult xx

Thanks I think im swaying for Blake or Harley. I have liked Blake for a few months, I think my heart is set on it, but im trying to be open for options for when he's born and because I know ️oh isn't keen. But I think it will be out of those two.

Good luck with the induction ! Hope it progresses quicker for you! X
Thanks sugar, just having a bad day I think!

I like Blake and Harley. You will know when you see him what he suits best :)
Yea going to wait until he arrives. Seen to have a pile of washing to get through all of a sudden, so going to do that and pretend the kids aren't trashing their room and forget about laboir signs for a while! :)

Hope we get some babies soon. Really thought with all the niggles we would have had a few of us go into labour!. X
My 6 year old is called Harley, my husband hated it originally. But I got my own way! My oldest son is called Taylor because it would of been that either way depending on what sex he was. I really liked Jenson when I was having my daughter but she was a girl so that didn't happen.

Now where team green, I don't even have a name for either sex lol xx
LJD401, sorry to hear your induction is going slowly, fingers crossed baby decided to get a wriggle on soon.

Sugar, sending you tons of hugs. Your allowed a bad day, your body has put you through enough the last week or so.

Really hope we get some more labour threads soon, who knows at this rate we will all be in labour at the same time!!!

Michelle x
Ooh sugar Blake is one of my faves! Hubby doesn't like it though as our surname starts with a B. I love it though!!

Hope all you ladies are doing ok with the inductions Etc that are going on, keep checking in for baby updates!

Booked in for a sweep on 18th if nothing happens before, feels like this baby is here to stay at the moment! Xx
Just walked to the doctors and back not even that far but I swear what a mission it was for me think im ready for this baby to appear its driving me nuts now! X
Hey girls!
Haven't caught up but wanted to let you all know that baby Cole arrived last night at 8.22pm weighing 6lbs 2oz!
Gas and air and the birthing ball! Went from 6cm to 10cm and pushing in 15mins!
Nothing like my labour with Tyler and I can honestly say that I enjoyed it! I'm dead proud of myself lol! Hope everyone's doing well and good luck to anyone that goes soon!! I'm home and once I get organised I'll get caught up xx
Well done Tmum, congratulations on another boy!

Aw tmum that's great. Congratulations and massive well done to you. Glad you are home and getting settled xx

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