X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

What is GD?? Ive heard stimulation of the nipples can cause labour to start, might get my pump out ha xxx

Gestational diabetes - says not to use a pump until your milk is in, but 15 mins of hand expressing a day is good stimulation to get things moving the midwife says :)
I have a feeling im going to go late now not due till Sunday but baby seems to be comfy n not showing many signs. Feeling alittle drained todaybut starting to get demented and bored while OH is at work not got alot of interesting things to do with my time as im usually at work fulltime xxx
Hahaha good luck jd, I'm sure hubby will happily oblige ;)

Kumber it's skmething to do with sperm containing prostaglandins which can soften the cervix and the orgasm stimulating the uterus! And OMG I get mega fanny daggers when my baby moves sometimes, it's stopped me in my tracks a few times! I even thought I had started labour but soon realised it was just baby!!


Aaaahhh that was it, thanks! I wish it was just fanny daggers I was getting but I feel like everything inside is breaking. He's essentially using my ribs as a brace to roll over and push his head into my pelvis. I don't think my bump is growing fast enough for him, think I will dtd tonight and break out the breast pump. Get this monkey out!

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Well he hasn't said no... So let's hope I don't fall asleep early xx
Mine got it 2 days in a row after a few weeks of nothing, he thought it was Christmas lol xxx
Mine got it 2 days in a row after a few weeks of nothing, he thought it was Christmas lol xxx

Haha, I was like PLEASE...... Think how long you won't get it for once the baby arrives xx
It's busy and exciting in here again today, I can't stop peeking!
ML600, try not to worry they would of sent you for a scan right away if they were concerned , I had loss of fluid with DD and was induced 10 days early, they were unsure of when I had lost the waters but when looking at scan I had none , hence why I had to be induced the following morning, I had a dry labour but smooth sailing induction and labour, try not to worry xx
Evening ladies -

happy fully cooked Michelle
Good luck for tomorows second sweep Colleen
Dolly - yayyy for being 1cm and things happening... Watching this space :)
JD- good luck with the baby eviction seduction!!
Tmum- yayy for waters being broken and contracting yourself without the speedy drip- hope your baby arrives tonight or early hours for you ( and our excitement in the morning ;) )
Sugar - how did the iron thingy go today? Feel perkier? What did you measure?
Ml600- try not to worry, baby could have changed position or really dropped down body wise even if the engagement measurement has only changed a bit.

Mumto2bubs - wishing you a lovely section birth first thing, great you got moved from pm to morning esp as first on list, save you starving to death! Enjoy tonights last supper before 10 pm and your rantadine ;)

Ive had a productive day but those now constant braxtion hicks are def here to stay unless i sit down and dont move a muscle! I just worry what it's doing to baby, tum is very drum tight now anyway and so while bump is in braxton hicks i cant feel baby, so movements much less. Surely it cant move really while contracted? I only have to move my leg and im gone!

I want to run it by a midwife just for my peece of mind and so booked an appointment for thursday , im not due a midwife one , under hosp really last saw a midwife at 28 weeks but I don't care I just want to hear hb , have bump measured and check hes ok this week.
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Jj I would def ask midwife. Although baby prob moves loads during the nite.

Good luck everyone who has symptoms, starting or going through labour tonight or tomorrow x

I'm sitting with painful braxton hicks. Nothing regular. Every time this happens I think I am gripped with fear. Is anyone else like this? Didn't think I would be nervous but subconsciously I think I'm terrified!
Bubbles oooh painful bh sound good! Fear is natural, ive had loads of sections , im still scared of my birth ;)
You just have 2 more days till due date, so you going to be on edge when you feel something ... Hope they get more regular and ramp up for you xx
I hope so too jj. I hate this symptom spotting, I'm so impatient. I don't think this is anything to be honest, have had it before and while it lasts for hours, it never turns into anything. I just feel very unsettled and jumpy. Would love to go to bed but no that I'm in for another night of absolutely no sleep :-(
Really stupid question !!!

I was told not to shave or wax before tomorrow's section for risk of infection.

I assumed they meant in THAT region !! I'm just outbid the bath and shaved my arm pits and legs, I have made a bit of a mess of my legs due to strange angle with bump in he way.

Tell me they just meant shave or wax in the foo foo region. Surely it doesn't matter about my legs

Wow lots to read tonight!
Hope everyones niggles lead to something and hope you're on your way soon colleen!

Jd - along with how many others! - must be the day for dtd , I made him too! And it's been a while!! But I am just so fed up now, needs must! :) ha ha ha
ml - ive text you anyway, but these measurements can be so unreliable. Glad they are checking baby though as you can't take any risk.

Jj mum, I was in hospital 8 hours! It's been a long day! Took a while to start the transfusion, after various tests I didn't know I was having , and when it started I was crying in agony through most of it. Was on baby monitor to keep eye on him and he was fine. Set off contractions that they were picking up, but nothing regular. Painful though. But they had the Canular in a bad place that's why it was unpleasant and tonight my hand and arm are just throbbing. But it's all done and baby needs to get the msg that I'm good and ready now! :) hehe.

Maybe with the dtd, A walk, and the anxiety and pain of the transfusion, has maybe started something! Few painful tightenings tonight but I've learned not to read into it!
Definitely ask your midwife about it all jj, least they can check everything. I have midwife app tomorrow so will check measurements then.
Hope all is good. :) x
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Good luck TMum and Mumto2bubs good luck for tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone else who seems to be progressing.

No news here really, due date is Thursday. I've been having a few tightenings, but not reading anything into that.
Determined not to have an induction as I'd really like a water birth, so have been expressing, DTD regularly, having evening primrose oil and had curry on Sat night and will be again on Friday, lots of house work and walking too. So hopefully when I have my stretch and sweep on Thuraday it will be looking favourable. Fingers crossed.
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Sounds like every effort has been made wtt! Good luck for the sweep Thursday! We really need some arrivals :) :) hope tmum is progressing and colleen soon! And anyone approaching due dates! :) x
Good luck mum2bubs for your section hope all goes ok, I shaved my legs and dons there and wasn't told any different I wanted to do down there myself so they didn't have to. If u don't midwives do it for you.
Tmum awaiting updates!

How exciting is it getting! Eeeek.

My little lady has put on an oz at her first weigh in, proud as punch! Still a few premie problems but we are getting used to them, can't stop looking at her!! I can't believe last week she was in my tummy!!

Hope everyone's sweeps etc go ok!

Lillie's good luck expressing I heard that can start contractions too.

Hope everyone is ok x
Hope your having lovely cuddles tmum.

Good luck today mum2bubs hope you have a speedy recovery.

Jess so glad your enjoying your gorgeous little girl.

Good luck to the rest of you trying to kick start labour my OH won't even consider dtd ffs.

I have been contracting on and off all day but nothing regular. Sorry tmi but I think I just lost my plug I was up having a wee and felt like I was passing something like I used to when I used to pass clots. And stood up to see a blob of stuff in the loo but it was the colour of old blood is that normal xx
Hi dolly sounds pretty normal to me. Midwife said that it can be bloody or yellow. I would say that your wee woman is very close to making an appearance.

I have another nite of insomnia going on. If I go into labour I am going to be exhausted, this will be 3 nites in a row with max 3 hours sleep :-(

Still getting tightenings but the pain is gone. At least now I am totally sure they are bh and nothing else!!
Aw bubbles that's crap about your insomnia just try to rest when you can even sneak a few afternoon naps in lol.

All day on Sunday I thought it was just uncomfortable bh and back pain so when I had my sweep I was shocked to find out I was dilating.

I think Amy has her own time scale that she is working to so she is just like her mummy impatient lol as I was 2 weeks early thank goodness she isn't lazy like her daddy as he was 10 days overdue.

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