X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Aww TMum how frustrating, hopefully something will happen soon. It sucks that your hubby has to leave at 10pm.

Michelle x
Dolly, hopefully something happens for you!

Argh Tmum! How frustrating and pants that hubby has to leave. Fx you can get some rest tonight.

Well I was going to go to mothercare and buy the isofix I need for my car tomorrow. But they don't bloody sell them anymore, so luckily I've managed to get one delivered from Kiddicare on Tuesday, fingers crossed!

I'm currently enjoying a non alcoholic strawberry and lime Koppaberg with loads of ice. My husband bought it to cheer my miserable self up :) xx
Oh TMum that is annoying... But i guesss get as much rest /sleep as you can tonight (bearing in mind hosps are not places to get much sleep) and maybee they will put a second pessary in soon xx

Dolly, im being pregnant brain tonight, remind me why your being swept tomorow and if not induced on thursday, i just can't remember why, was it you with GD? Sorry x

JD sounds like a lovely drink, your only two days off due, so really hope baby comes soon for you xx
Sugar- that sounds far more relaxing to just give up on labour and it will arrive when your least expecting it xx

Hope your doing ok and keeping chirpy Colleen x

Im just doing late bedrun after paper macheing a dinosaur with my son!
Im back to stuck hard belly, im sitting in a chair in the dark at mo but baby lively so it seems either me or baby moving is setting it off! It will be one toned uterus in 4 weeks ha
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Don't worry bout it JJ I am being swept tomorrow cause of Amy dropping centiles and a concern over her fluid so they want to see if a sweep will set me off naturally. If not then induction on Thursday xx
Thank you everyone , she's doing great. Just very small with a few premie babies things I have to watch , feeding, maintaining her temp And lifting her tongue to top of mouth ( scary!) but she's doing great. I'm overly anxious as she's so little and constantly watching her , hoping with time as she grows that I settle down!!!

Day 2 in August! Can't wait for baby news ladies , and labour threads!!!!!

Sorry if I'm not on as much now with my little lady but constantly checking in and reading xx eeeeek
Yes I figured as much jj mum , I know I need my energy and especially if my other labours are anything to go by! So I'm relaxing and enjoying the time. Was just so frustrating thinking things were starting and then stopping!
At hosp tomorrow for iron transfusion and midwife Tuesday to see if need a growth scan or not depending on my measurement.
Aw tmum that's so frustrating, hope hou can rest tonight and things get going in the morning - tomorrow is the day!! :)
Jd was looking at them today actually , looked nice and refreshing! Not long for you!
Dolly good luck with sweep!
Jj mum your tummy looks like it's made of steel :) ️hehe!

Ahh Jess that's fab news glad you're settling in. Don't worry abouf being on as much enjoy your baby snuggles! :)
Yes day 2 in August over! We will have babies SOON! Xx
Ahh yes Dolly now I remember sorry, we have alot of babies dropping centiles or slowing growth don't we in here...
I do think girls are a little more likely to do it tbh - my daughter was pulled at 37 plus 5 weeks for slowed growth - born 5 lb 15 oz - dropped to 5 lb before we were allowed home from hosp.
Really good luck today for a good sweep to kick things off xx

Jess - don't worry she will be growing and changing so much now shes out, she will be so much bigger in 3-4 weeks time
We set an alarm to feed my daughter every 2 hrs to get her going for ages- don'tworry about not being on here so much- parenthood is exhausting x

Sugar- ooh busy day for you tomorow then, hopefully the iron transfusion should pick you up a bit too x

I'm not finished at home yet as im only36 weeks tomorow and behind all you guys - Im going to make hubby get my carrycot out of the loft today so I can get ready for use in the lounge and wash bedding etc
And off to homebase for wood stain for a childs table ( ready for near sofa while stuck breastfeeding playdough/activities for Roman). And to stain baby drawers my hubbys nr finished sanding. I need to get my baby clothes away sorted asap as i want the cot ready with bedding etc
Good luck for your sweep today dolly, I hope it sets things off for you.
Tmum I hope you're progressing well. Baby time soon!!
Sugar I hope your transfusion goes ok today!
JJ you sound busy today!! Make sure to get some rest, or your BH will be back with a vengeance!!

I actually had a good sleep!! Only woke up once and felt fairly comfy! Got midwife appt today at 10. I thought I'd already lost my plug but TMI when I went for a wee last night, in the bowl there was a huge blog of snot looking stuff. I wanted to try and get it out but thought better of it!! I assume that's my plug?! What else could it be??!! I went for a nice walk yesterday and was getting lots of BH so maybe that dislodged it x
Thanks girls. I have done plenty of walking and ball bouncing so fx that the pains I had till half 4 this morning have done something xx
Good luck with your sweep today Dolly, hope it's the kick start you need.

Sugar, hope the transfusion helps perk you up.

Tmum, hope you managed to get some rest last night and your enjoying newborn baby cuddles very soon.

JJmum, don't overdo things today or as Ml600 said your BH will come back.

Jess, hope your getting settled into a good routine and taking it easy too.

Well today I am officially fully cooked so my little girl can come whenever she like. Back at the hospital tomorrow for more monitoring. Getting some period cramps and backache but nothing to get excited about.

Michelle x
Michelle how exciting!! Can't wait to see your birth announcement!

Jess what's your little lady called? xxx
Dolly good luck with your sweep today :) let us know how u get on x

Sugar, hope u get on ok today too :)

Tmum, hope things are kicking off for you soon. Can't wait to hear all about it x

JJmum, i genuinely think you are superwoman. I have no idea where you get your energy from. Please post me over a little :)

Jess, lovely to hear from you. Hope you are settling into life at home with your wee doll :)

Nothing to report from me apart from insomnia:-( I literally have not closed my eyes in two nights now :-( I think I'm starting to get unconsciously worried about everything in front of me. I'm such a wee worrier :-( going to try to get a couple of hours this morning but this is physical torture. Does anyone think this might be a sign of labour or do you think I'm clutching at straws? I have had trouble sleeping during trimester 3 but always managed a few hours sleep. This is literally nothing! Ideas folks?
Hope everyone gets on okay today ladies!! How exciting there will be new babies very soon!!!! X
Morning girls just getting caught up!
Hubby was allowed to stay last night. Bless him only got wee naps on the chair and then we did a swap this morning so he got an hour or so on the bed and I sat for a while on the chair lol! My mum made it home last night from London after her flight was delayed so she's grabbing a few things for us and coming up! Can't wait to see her!
So my pains fizzled out during the night but slowly coming back! I'm waiting to back on the monitor and then we're going to take a walk and go for breakfast I didn't want to go down to the other ward for some lol! Labour seems to make me clingy to hubby lol!
I keep forgetting that it's just another day for everyone else haha!
The pessary will be taken out at 12.15 then we wait for a bed on the labour ward and then the fun begins! Waters will be broken and drip up and hopefully once things kick off it won't take long until baby is here Eeekkkk!

Good luck with your sweep Dolly! Those pains sound promising!
JJ sounds like you'll be busy today! BH all stopped?
Oh Michelle! Happy fully cooked day lol!! Xx
So glad your OH could stay babe!! Excited to see how your day pans out and hopefully you have a baby very soon! Xxxxx
Best of luck for everyone today!

Tmum, get that baby out!

Ml, sounds like more of your plug for sure!

Nothig exciting here, just loooooads of gas, can't stop giggling! Sending loads of labour vibes to everyone, let's get these monkeys out!

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