X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Dolly and tmum hope things kick start for you today! :)
Bubbles sounds like you could be soon too, but try and rest as you will need the energy! I have heard of women be irritable before labour kicks in.
Jj mum what a day you have planned!! I know what it's like juggling the kids and trying to get things done! But be careful those Bh don't return! They can be quite intense around the late stages.
ml exciting news about the goo!! :) ha ha. Probably a good thing you didn't pick it out the loo! Ohhh the things us crazy pregnant ladies do!
Michelle happy fully cooked day!!
Kumber ive been the same the last week or so with gas! :/ it's really embarrasing! Every slightest movement seems to release some! Hopefully it's just more positive signs! :)

Thanks girls, I'm setting off to hospital at 12. Least this will be a good boost before labour anyway so it's a good thing he hasn't arrived yet. But any time after today is good! :) but I've decided not to symptom spot and just rest (with 3 boys - ha) as much as possible.

His movements really really hurt, although my bump is all baby and not a lot of anything else and I'm not tall and measuring behind which I guess doesn't help ! I keep feeling like he's pinching something really low down!

No other new niggles happening from me. Looking forward to some updates about babies arriving xxx
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Ladies I need a hug.... Had my MW appointment. My bump has shrunk from 35cm at 36 weeks, to 33cm at 38 weeks :(
They've booked me for a scan on Thursday. I'm worried something could be wrong and MW was telling me to be extra vigilant for reduced movement.
Does anyone have any idea what could be happening, and what they can do about it? X
Ml have you noticed any waters going? Even increased discharge? You could have a slow leak that could account for smaller bump? Try not to worry, if they were really concerned they would have sent you straight for a scan. It's not much reassurance but maybe a little. Sending you big hugs xx
I've had a lot of watery discharge but nothing I would consider abnormal... I thought we all got that?? If it was fluid leaking, would they want to get him out sooner? Originally she said the scan would be today but then when she rang the hospital they booked it for Thursday x
Ml try not to worry too much. Iv just had my 38 week appt too and MW was also saying about being vigilant for reduced movement.
In terms of the growth scan, I'm sure it will be fine, I got sent for one after 36 wk appt as they said I was measuring 31 - I was so worried but scan was completely normal and today they reckon I'm measuring 36 - I doubt Iv grown 5cm in 2 weeks so I think the measuring is just a bit inaccurate altho best to be safe than sorry so try and feel reassured that they are just being extra cautious xx
Oh it's busy in here today fx this is the start of our bumper week for babies.

Well it turns out the pains last night were doing something I had my sweep and I am 1cm dilated and cervix is soft and favourable so if I don't go on my own Thursday's induction won't take much I am in shock I actually thought the pains were in my head last night lol oops guess they weren't xx
Ml, try not to worry. Bump measurements are so, so inaccurate, my chart is up and down with different people measuring. Great that they're checking you but it could just be something of nothing.

Dolly that's great news! Hope you start naturally!

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That's good news dolly! Hopefully the sweep will push things even further! Did it hurt??? Keep us posted!!

Thanks becky! I had a scan at 36 weeks and he was slightly on the small side but on normal range. Im more thinking it could be fluid loss... Any clues what they do if it is that? X
ML is the baby engaged? If so has it become more engaged since your last measurement? I had a smaller bump measurement at one of my appointments and the midwife said its because baby had engaged and moved down into pelvis, which reduces size of bump.
It was uncomfortable but I just had to take nice deep breaths while having it done xx
WTT it's only engaged an extra 1/5... Ohhh I don't know what to think. I'll try to not stress about it until Thursday when I'll know for sure what's going on. Thanks ladies xx
Ml try not to worry. I'm having lots of discharge too. Also when I pee, then stand, a little extra pee comes out... Lovely lol! It's prob dodgy measurements like beck you has said. Baba is fully cooked now so try not to worry, easier said than done :-(

Dolly great news, baba doing all the right things :) can I ask what sort of pains you had last night?
Tmum checked in this morning to say she's waiting to go to labour ward to get waters broken, then things should speed up.

Haven't heard from colleen though?? Hopefully she's too busy having a baby :) x
Sorry girls, I need a bit of a non-pg related moan. Yet again our housing association is doing work on our building without giving us prior notice. They have spent the morning putting up yet more scaffolding and are now replacing the guttering. A normal enough job but we have no idea how long it will last for and I could potentially be bringing a newborn back when our outside walls are being drilled in to. I'm really not happy, I need to get out this place.

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Oh kumber, that's annoying! Have you called them and had a good moan?! I would be on the phone straight away! X
I just rang them and, whilst they won't be needing to come in to the flat, they will be working on it for a week as they are insulating the front cavity wall. I just exploded at the poor man on the phone, it has taken an hour and 15 minutes to get Riley to sleep, if I went into labour this week I wouldn't be able to come home. I'd have no hope of getting the two of them to sleep with the whole flat vibrating. I am furious.

Hi ladies, it's so hard trying to keep up with this thread, so much is happening lol! I keep catching up but by the time I come to reply I forget what everyone has said lol.
Hope everyone with labour symptoms are progressing, we need some labour threads or baby pics :)
Sorry Ml600 that your worrying so much, i hope it's nothing! Ive been losing a lot of cm and when I went for my sweep they said my cervix soft which is probs why ive been losing it all! Keep us updated.
No news from my end, I'm 2 days overdue, hopefully having another sweep tomorrow or thirsday! Been trying everything to get this baby out and nothing is working! so frustrating :( had a cry last night because I was so fed up but I'm ok today.
Good luck ladies xxx
Wow it is busy in here today. Hope everyone's progressing well.

There's nothing happening with me, I've built a bed side cabinet which took me 2 hours and I ended up with 2 screws left. But my husband will never notice hopefully. He can do the other one because I'm not.
I'm just cleaning, passing the minutes, hours and days until Wednesday my due date. I have my sweep then. But I've got such a bad feeling that since I've moaned about going in the birthing centre and getting my own way. I won't now.

I really do not want to be induced :( xx
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Oh ��

Just had a call from the maternity unit. I have to go in at 7:30 tomorrow morning, they've now got me planned for first section. I was originally booked for afternoon .

So excited x

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