X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Good luck today tmum.

Hope things kick off for you quickly sugar.

Well I am going back to sleep I was up half the night being sick with heartburn. So will check in later xx
Good luck today Tmum, hope it all progresses quickly for you.

Sugar, sorry the hospital was a bit of a let down,hope labour kicks starts properly today. You've suffered long enough now.

Dolly, hope you get a good rest and you feel much better.

Colleen, baby needs to get a wriggle on, naughty baby being late!!!

Kumber, our bodies are so frustrating sometimes aren't they. I definitely think these last few weeks are worse than the TWW.

Michelle x
Jess she is such a beautiful, beautiful girl ~ wow! Good luck today tmum x
Jess she is beautiful ! So glad your home hope you're okay! Bet your so in love and can't stop looking at her. What a little doll!

Good luck today TMum :) x x
Good luck tmum. Bet you're so excited so meet baby!! :) eeeek.

Our August babies are very naughty! All these niggles and pains!

Thanks girls, I was so upset, I'm so tired and don't even know if it was for nothing or not. The doctor was going to examine me as he could see how much pain I was in, and that just because I didn't look in labour (whatever that means!) it's best to know and either rest now if its just warming up , or if it's the start then I can attempt to kick start it. But the boss above him when spoke to said they don't want to intervene as im full term now and to wait. So im scared that all this could go on for weeks. Come on body! just turn it up a gear!

And come on August babies! Colleen hope you're in labour soon, sounds promising for you! We have a few lined up to keep us going at least! Don't think the full moon did anything for us! :/ such a tease! X x
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Well I'm here and had the monitor on and baby is happy so pessary was put in at 12.15!
Just had my lunch and I'm waiting for the midwife to come back from her lunch to do obs and then I'll go to the canteen with hubby so he can get something to eat! So glad I'm allowed up and moving. When I was induced to have Tyler I wasn't allowed to move! This new induction ward has balls and you're encoraged to stay mobile which im pleased about and hope it speeds things up! Hope everyone's having a nice Sunday!!! Xx
So labour mums , can I ask you if your used to loads of braxton hicks during pregnancy anyway ( from 18 weeks) then do these get more and more frequent, more uncomfy but not hurting ascpart of things ramping up for labour? Ive been tummy as tight as a drum today and all night and today its braxton hicks all the time. We went to the alotment and i sat and did nothing mostly i was just stuck, baby was sticking out at really odd angles!
Ive been drinking loads incase I was dehydrated as i know that makes it worse and I was crampy legged last night in bed.
Wish I could give you some insight into all this JJMum but it's all new to me too. Are you able to time them? I take it your still getting them after eating, drinking and moving about?

Michelle x
I got loads of bh last pg, no real pattern to them but they didn't ramp up, I was just eating dinner and BAM horribly painful contractions for 1min every 5 minutes. They moved to 1.5mins every 4 minutes within an hour and it got worse from there.

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Thanks guys, yes that's what makes me think its braxton hicks still as when i move I cause them to start too!
Ive never timed them, perhaps ill try that and see whats occuring, maybee its just a grumbling uterus! Tighenings go up higher round front bump rather than just stay lower but def not painful just tight, thankyou
I couldn't walk in my last pregnancy with my daughter because of the Braxton hicks. She was 9lb 6.5oz, and I had 3 babies in 5 years so I don't know if it was a little to much on my body.

Where as this time it's been 4 years, im having a baby elephant but not had many Braxton hicks xx
Hi guys. Sorry panic over, its totally braxton hicks! Ha
We came in , two kids are away at camp, one teen in bed!
So at 3 pm we ate bargain 10 p waitrose cakes and coffee and sat in a hot sunny lounge watching the cycling, erm all 4 of us ( me, hubby and both little boys) fell asleep till 5:30!!! Omg bedtimes stuffed, but we all feel fab for it! The only contractions/hicks I had were when i moved! I must not sit still enougth :) doh...
Please tell me someone has something exciting baby wise going on tonight, I need my fix of potential labour symptoms Hahaha!!!

Michelle x
Hope tmum is getting on well!

Not sure about anyone else but I'm too exhausted from all the build up niggles I've decided that I'm no longer looking or even trying to speed things up! I'm currently sat with my feet up and eating chocolate:) :)
So nothing exciting from me!!

Who do we have for indictions this week?

Colleen any signs?! Xx
I am having back ache and strong period like pains low in my belly have been from half 2 so waiting to see if it's something or nothing.

But have my sweep in the morning so let's wait and see if these pains are doing anything xx
Nothing exciting here unfortunately! Pessary in at 12.15 and had very slight discomfort from
4.15 but nothing to write home about lol! I was really hoping something would happen before 10 like my previous induction but I don't think it will so hubby has to go home at 10 and then back at 8am or they'll ring him during the night!

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