X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Here she is ..... Awake x


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Aww Jess that's fantastic news!!! So glad she's doing so well! Enjoy your 1st night at home!! Xx
And coming home x


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Jess she is lovely, :) huge congrats. Nice to hear you're home xxxx
Aww Jess what a beautiful lil doll! Glad your home and everything is going well! Xx
Aww Jess fantastic news. She is absolutely gorgeous!!!! Congratulations again! Hope you're doing ok?! Xx
Aw jess that's fab that you both got home. she is absolutely gorgeous such a wee doll xx
Aww, Jess what an absolute cutie. So pleased you are both doing well.

Michelle X
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Still in the hospital, just been put back on the monitor baby's heart rate and movements were abit erratic. The doctor is lovely, but his boss who is probably sat at the other end of a phone at a desk somewhere, just wants me to go home and wait it out. So as soon as this trace is finished, providing baby is ok, I'll be heading home. :( and to come back when contractions are more regular. Even though ive been able to walk and talk through all of my labours before 5cm never having regular contractions and my waters never breaking. Only once they've broke them have things turned up a gear. So this is my concern! I need my body to kick start this or I'll be waiting 3 weeks for help! I'm so exhausted. The doctor was lovely but I just feel like they made a few jokes about it being number 4 and I should know and it'll be a breeze and said i don't look in labour...The doctor felt a contraction while feeling my tummy and seemed happy that there wasn't another one a few minutes later. So basically they don't want me back until he's flying out!! :/

I better be back down soon! :) hope all you august mummies are feeling good! Jess she is gorgeous well done! :) x x
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Oh Jess, she is just the cutest little thing!! Hope your first night home went well.

Sugar sorry it wasn't a better outcome!!

SP you've made me fancy lasagne now!! Damn it!!

Tmum... It's your babies birthday today!! Hope it all goes well!

I woke up at 4 feeling very periody crampy and nauseous. I slept from 11-4 so hoping the rest is enough to kickstart labour again. We shall see... X
Hey ladies I haven't closed my eyes all nite. Had restless legs and trapped wind (which as a ftm of course I thought was early labour in my head) still got both now and I could cry with tiredness. But enough of my moans!

Jess she is such a wee dote, so pleased for you x

R mum good luck today :)
Morning ladies - TMum - wishing you lots of luck abd an exciting day ahead and hopefully meeting your new baby, love how your son is sooo excited.

Jess- so pleased your home, wow shes doing great and so gorgous, does she gave a name yet or did I miss that bit ? Sorry if I did.

Sp - well done on your cooking lasagne session, you don't want to be attempting those after birth :)

Sugar - sorry hosp sent you home but glad your rascal's ok in there.

ML600 - hope your doing ok too and things rampback up for you soon.

Colleen - yayy for sweep and plug - really hope things have kicked off and baby comes soon xx

Bubbles- feel for you, sounds like we had similar nights! Kids behaved and stayed in bed till 5:30 am , i ended up peeing and cramping calfs every hour it seemed! Nightmare... Ive done everyones breakies but god I'm sooo grumpy.
Morning :)!
Eeekkkkk it's today! I can't believe it! Hubby and I have hardly slept a wink! We're such geeks lol :lol:!
Feeling hungry now so going to get up and get breakfast and do the ironing from yesterday's wash to pass some time lol.
Thanks for all the luck girls, I'm going to need it lol! I still can't believe it's happening today :oooo:!
Lol JJ, Tyler was so cute last night. Our bestfriends called with 2 bags of presents and we were sitting having a cuppa and some buns and Tyler did his wee excited face and said, 'we're having a baby party!' Im hoping my MIL & FIL have something planned today or it'll be a long day for them with Tyler asking all day if the baby's here even though he does tell you it mightn't come until tomorrow bless him!!
So far so good on the emotional side but I guess it's still early lol! Yesteday was wild!
I'm sure I'll be on throughout the day because I'll be sick of looking at hubby haha!!
Hope there's a few more that kick off today also :)! Xx
Congratulations Jess she's gorgeous.
Best of luck for today Tmum xx
Jess she is gorgeous :) congratulations on bringing her home, what a little star!

Best of luck Tmum, won't be long till baby cuddles for you!!
Good luck today Tmum, hope everthing goes smoothly and baby ks here tonight!

Sugar, sorry the hospital were brushing you off. Very rude of them to comment on it being your 4th when every labour is different!

Awful night's sleep here, had a nightmare about labour which reduced me to tears. For some reason I was in prison?! I think I'm obsessing too much now, I need to chill out and step back. It could be another 4 weeks before he arrives so I need to stop looking for every little niggle. My bh have completely calmed down, no sign of any big show so I'm probably gonna be preg for another few weeks, I need to shut up and just get on with it. Would likely be easier if I hadn't had that false labour and all those niggles a few weeks ago but hey ho. Life goes on and I need to go with it!

Oh jess she is beautiful, congrats!
Sugar that's so frustrating hun, hope things keep progressing for you!
Kumber I have the strangest dreams ever too, and im with you in the sleepless nights; I woke up with bad pains about 4 times last night but no bloody baby lol!
Let's get these babies out August mummies xxx
Aaaahh jess, just seen your pic! She's beautiful and well done her on getting home so quickly!


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