X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Oooohh good luck Sugar!

Tmum, beat him with a stick!

More last minute sorting out today, put a clean sheet on Moses basket so I feel like I've done something for baby. Pulled the basket out from under the coffee table and found it covered in fur. One of the cats (and I know full flipping well who) has been squeezing himself into the basket through about a 1-2 inch gap and sleeping in there at night! Little bloody so and so. It's been moved out now!

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Ha well that did cross my mind Sugar - but apart from feeling like Iv run a marathon and needing the mother of all afternoon naps there is very little to show for it - hope things start progressing more for you it would be rubbish to be having all these signs for weeks - can imagine it's really frustrating plus exhausting!

Finally feel like we're almost ready house wise for when baby does show up - it's starting to feel reasonably clean, tidy and organised altho another week or so of mat leave will prob get it cracked - when I start drying the sink I'll know I'm ready :)
Evening all

Well nothing to report here just a couple of bh's. No show no nothing so I think miss Amy is staying well put till her induction day on Thursday which suits us with the house and stuff. Xx
Evening all, how frustrating. Thought there would be more signs of those naughty August babies arriving by now. Those little rascals.

Looks like it's definitely down to Tmum tomorrow, Mumto2bubs on Tuesday then Dolly on Thursday to give us our fix of labour threads!!!

Michelle x
Had my sweep, went for a walk, DTD and just lost my plug!! Fingers crossed Eeeeeek!

Hope your all ok :) xxx
Oh Colleen, sorry totally forgot you were going for a sweep today.

that's great news, things sounds like they could be starting for you. How are you feeling?

Michelle x
I'm feeling nervous, excited, scared haha! Over than losing my plug im not really feeling much, a bit of achyness! But I'd like to try and sleep before anything happens anyway! I'm going to spend this evening on my ball watching films and then try sleep, hopefully wake up to some contraction haha! A girl can hope xxx
Sending you lots of lovely labour vibes huni, hope your little one doesn't make you wait much longer

Michelle x
Sounds good Coleen! I hope it leads to something for you!

Enjoy your last night tmum! I can't imagine how excited and nervous you are! This yomd tomorrow you'll be having cuddles!!

I got a text from sugar. She's heading down to be checked out! Will let you know if and when I hear more!

I've made no progress! This time yesterday I really thought I'd have my baby now! I'm getting lots of tightenings and just generally uncomfortable, but nothing major. I'm still hoping my bodies just too tired after last night and maybe tomorrow things could progress, but I won't hold my breath x
Oh Colleen how exciting :) let's hope something is working for you too :)

Come on August babies, get a move on x
Oh I really hope this is it for Sugar, will be checking in to updates ML600. Hopefully you won't be far behind her

Michelle x
Hope thats Sugar going to meet her little 1 and that Mystic teen is getting on ok and keeping well. All you lucky ladies experiencimg symptoms I hope baby arrives soon. Happy due date Coleen I hope baby is here very soon....best of luck everyone xxx
Oh wow MT congrats!! :) can't wait to see a picture!
Coleen I hope things get moving for you soon!
Tmum good luck for tomorrow!
I hope things start progressing more for everyone with signs!

Ladies I've started getting really persistent back ache more over the last few days (each day getting worse) and today BH contractions have started getting worse... Just wondering if this could stay like this up until due date or if something may happen sooner? I've had no real back ache like this before and not sure if maybe it's just him finally engaging fully? Don't want to get hopes up really but I can see now why you all get so excited over little pains and niggles lol xxxxx
Evening girls!
Eeekkkk Coleen! Hope things progress for you!
Oh hope it's good news for Sugar!
Ml really hope everything starts up again!
I think our house is sorted!
Going to check bags again to make sure I've everything.
I really can't believe it's tomorrow! The wee Man is soooooo excited! I had to explain that baby mightn't make an appearance tomorrow and he's been great! Xx
Looking forward to the updates ladies!!

Nothing to report here, lovely wriggly baby but bit even the slightest twinge.

Tired myself out cleaning today and making two huge lasagnes which are now in takeaway tubs in the freezer for quick meals when baby does decide to arrive. Pretty much all set now, just a waiting game till my due date in two weeks!
Congratulations MT!!

Good luck tomorrow Tmum, hope its all nice a quick for you!

Hope sugar is okay, will be keeping an eye out for updates!

Good luck to everyone with niggles, plug and progression lets hope it all continues and gets these babies out!

I have felt generally a bit bleugh today, heartburn and nausea mixed with being uncomfortable but done lots of last minute bits ready for baby so we are all set if the sweep has any effect on Monday. Xx
Ladies we are home!!!! Finally , little lady has made amazing progress couldn't be prouder!!!

How's everyone what have I missed?? X
Mystic teen congratulations!!!!!!

It's August ladies can you believe it! So so excited to hear about all your babies ... Coming soon eeeek I'll post a pic of my little lady, they've confirmed she's stopped growing at week 33-34 so she's a little dink. But just amazing and doing really well she had her first big bottle today and maintained her body temperature for 24hours!! She's popping , feeding everything now xx neo natal and transitional care are just amazing I couldn't thank them enough

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