X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Hope your enjoying newborn cuddles Mystic teen, can't wait to see pics.

Just a wee update on my day.
Got my scan this morning all good, baby is head down which is good. Then got put on the monitor and baby started going nuts, never had so much movement from her. Her heart rate was all over the place so they decided to keep me on it. Was there for 4hrs in total. Started getting contractions coming every 10 mins. They then called a Dr who came and examined me, baby was head down but not engaged so they did an internal, cervix long and closed so was allowed home.
I just have keep an eye on things over night and if any changes I have to go straight back in.
I have been walking about, eating and drinking and still getting the pains, they are not getting any more frequent or intense so I guess this is just a false alarm.

Michelle x
Oh blimey ml600 think you could be next.
Looking forward to news from mystic and her bundle x

Michelle, blimey what a long appointment in the end! So contractions that were not doing anything to the cervix? ( forgive me i know nothing of labour), i only know braxton hicks and contractions from my nasty mmc.
I hope they turn into something productive for you later xx

Oh and happy 37 weeks fully cooked Sugar
Abd happy due date for tomorow Colleen - baby is just wanting to make a big entrance on their terms - how about our first due date baby ?
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Wow, hope your having big cuddles MT and glad things progressed naturally!

sugar and ml hope things ramp up or go away so you can get some rest tonight.

Michelle glad everything was okay in the end and you are home but frustrating if pains aren't doing anything.

I am just on my ball a little bit achey but seem to get like this every evening but doesn't come to anything at all but i did just see 3 magpies in the tree and the end of my garden and full moon tonight haha! Xx
I was the same as you JJMum, I thought they were braxton hicks but apparently as I was having more than 2 an hour which were coming frequently and didn't stop after eating, drinking and moving about and lasting longer than 30 seconds they are classed as contractions. It's all new to me never had this with Riley.
Whatever they are they are definitely dying down, so I am more inclined to think it's just Brixton hicks.

Michelle x
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Is anyone else having any exciting symptoms, the full moon should kick start things for someone on here surely

Michelle x
Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I'm getting tightenings every 5 minutes, with pain in my back, but the pain isn't very intense.... I think it will all be gone by morning though!! Had some spicy dip, been for a walk, had a pineapple smoothie and will dtd later so done all I can if this is the start x
Come on ML600, we are all routing for you. Desperate to see another labour thread!!!

Michelle x
Haha I'd love to!! But I don't know what to do?! Any advice?? X
Keep timing them hun, let your delivery unit know and wait to see if they get closer together! Hope this is it for you!

They are close together, but just don't hurt enough if that makes sense? Probably every third contraction is painful x
I am sure dtd will help get things going, apparently it's the best thing to kick start labour.

Michelle x
Ml, I would ring your delivery unit and see what they advise.

Just caught up on here again. Ring labour ward NOW!!!! And text me if I need to start your labour thread!!! We need a baby this weekend! And my pains jusg aren't going to do it! Ill probably be like this for weeks!! :( so exciting! Glad you're appointment went well michelle and you're home!

Hope MT is having cuddles , I imagine she will be :) x x
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Oh blimey ml600 think you could be next.
Looking forward to news from mystic and her bundle x

Michelle, blimey what a long appointment in the end! So contractions that were not doing anything to the cervix? ( forgive me i know nothing of labour), i only know braxton hicks and contractions from my nasty mmc.
I hope they turn into something productive for you later xx

Oh and happy 37 weeks fully cooked Sugar
Abd happy due date for tomorow Colleen - baby is just wanting to make a big entrance on their terms - how about our first due date baby ?

I like your positive attitude hun :) I hope so! xxx
Managed to convince the OH to dtd!! Contractions every 4-5 minutes but as not really painful, will wait it out at home until I can't cope. I really hope this is it and it doesn't fizzle out!! Please have your fx for me!! X
My goodness what a day your all having.

Mystic teen, well done you 9cm and keeping us updated. I hope your having cuddles,
Michelle, how exciting, wonder if they'll start up again during night
Ml600 - hope the kick in again.

Can't wait to see what happens over night, with all this talk if fool moon lol ����

4 days to go till my section. Wonder if baby will decide it wants to come before, fingers crossed, but doubtful

4 days at the latest then I can kiss my baby �������� cannot wait xx

Night everyone x
Omg it's now August let's see how quick these baby's move lol.

Oh the maternity hospital I am booked to go to must be busy tonight as I got a text off the nurse bank seeing who wanted to work lol good luck to them xx
Had my little girl at 19:29 weighing 7lbs 13oz :) she was quite a little drama queen keeping us all on our toes with her heart rate but I managed to push her out in time despite her not being in correct position (back to back then turning half way so her back was facing my thigh) I will post pics when I get home hopefully! Can't believe she is here!

Good luck ml!!! Maybe you're next? It's the full moon tonight, ladies! Let's get things going :)

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