X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Wow it's all go in here!! Feel cheeky now coming for some advice when you all have your own dramas going on, I've came home early from work today because I had constant pains really low down, like period pains but constant and more intense. On the way home I felt sudden pressure and wanted to push! In the bath now and pains have gone completely but if I lean forward I get s really really bad pain down there. I am 4/5ths engaged if this could have anything to do with it, also 34+ 5.

ML that would be so scary! It's mad how people can just not know they are pregnant for so long. That would be so daunting. Can't even imagine it.

Hope everyone else is ok x x x
I know kumber this time next week the induction process should be underway but need to turn madam as she is currently back to back xx
Bunny, it sounds like pressure as baby's moving down!

Bunny I would call your midwife. It may have been baby bearing down a bit if you're engaged. Best to get checked, especially if they continue after a bath, rest and paracetamol.

Dolly that's so exciting. I'm so jealous of all of you who have definite dates!! Have you tried the spinning babies website? That's great for getting baby into position x
Thanks ladies only seen MW yesterday so feel a bit of a drama queen wanting to see her again. Baby is back to back so maybe this could have an impact? X x
Wow it's all go in here.

Congrats Jess hope you and baby get home soon, can't wait to see pics!

Tmum that's a bit of a shock but best for baby and at least you have a few days to get ready.

MT that is very frustrating but make the most of being at home and get some rest in, you have a big task ahead of you.

My appointment went well my bloods came back normal so I don't have pre eclampsia but will be having my BP checked by midwife twice and week and the doctor has put in my notes that he is happy for me to have sweeps so hope to have the first on Monday and 2nd on Wednesday and hopefully won't be long before baby makes an apperence :) eek getting exciting! Xx
How exciting KimmyRJ, fingers crossed those sweeps work and baby puts in an appearance next week.

Looks like the next week is going to be busy for August baby arrivals, how exciting!!!

Michelle x
I'm expecting to go well over my due date lol.
Good luck with the sweep and inductions xx
You never know XJDX this full moon tomorrow might just help kick start things for you!!

Michelle x
I have a kids party to attend at a play area tomorrow, t's being shut just for the party . So I'm going to go on everything lol xx
Sounds like a plan XJDX, hope it helps to get things moving.

I am back at the hospital tomorrow to get another scan to check fluid and babies position, also have to be put on the monitor. Hopefully baby will be head down and down very low so I can get some use of my birthing ball. I am scared to go on it until I know for sure which position she has settled in, don't fancy going into labour naturally if she is breech especially after only having a section a year ago.

Michelle x
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Congratulations Jess,
So happy for you, you have been a great support for me the last 11 months, I'm so glad your little girl has arrived safely, Sending lots of love hun,
Good luck to all the other August Mummies, Lolie and Michelle thanks to you both also for your support , I never managed to join you in the Tri's but I hope to get my Bfp soon xxxx
MT hope you're ok!!!
Natalie glad today was better!
Bubbles glad everything was ok!
Sugar hope you're ok!!

I can't believe I've to go on a Sunday to have my baby :shock: it's conpletely surreal!! The wee Man is so flipping excited lol it's taken a bit of my stress away tehe! I didn't expect to queue jump at all! Xx
I wondered which of us would go first Tmum, with being the same due date. Looks like it'll be you, eeeeeep!

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Wow that was a huge load of updates this afternoon!!

Bubbles glad everything is fine after your fall, and yayy good weight for baby too x
Jd - wild soft play might just do it!! Least if your waters go its all wipeable plastic in there! Ha
Good luck tomorow Michelle at hosp, they seem to be really taking good care of you x
Tmum- eeeeek bit if a shock for you but glad you have till sunday so your mum can be there with you, like with Jess i guess its really better out than in if they are not growing anymore x
Natalie Reid and kimmyRJ sounds like great appointments had and babys all ok.
Dolly and kimmyrj - eeek for sweeps on monday - looking forward to double labour threads mon/tue/wed :)

Mystic teen- gosh im sorry they are sending you home to wait for water breaking, you will be comfier at home and it after your two sweeps you might be well on the way on your own so wont be wasting time, i guess they must be very busy to risk kicking more ladies off to next stage xhugs xx ( i always think its a bit like air traffic control in there when i watch obem)

Still sounding very promising both sugar and Ml600 - we need you and mystic to kep us in excitement and labour threads till tmum takes over on sunday , one birth per night please - thurs, fri, sat spread out the fun x
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Oh wow lots to catch up on! Things haven't progressed for me and it's really upsetting! :( but things are still happening so maybe the full moon will kick start things! I'm not giving up hope. I'm shattered and these pains are getting worse, not not regular at all today.

Brill news for everyone having sweeps and inductions! :) busy week next week so I agree we need babies this weekend!! :)

I saw the consultant earlier about my bloods, having iron transfusion on Monday. So that should help. - if I last! :| and I told them about all the early labour signs and all they said was, being number 4 the body won't mess about so don't wait it out too long at home. And don't worry about it being a false alarm either and being sent home, because I said I'd feel silly being at number 4 and not knowing! :/ I mentioned I'd had a mucus/streaky show (which ive never even noticed with the others!) and the contractions have changed and are coming from my back and pulling right from the inside and while tummy goes hard, different to braxton hicks. (I should know this by now, but I am probably wrong!) and I've had lots of cramps and number 2s. Everything seems promising.. Just not moving quickly!! :/ frustrating. Sorry to moan ive felt sorry for myself tonight!! I know a lot of you are fed up too.! We will have babies soon though! That's a certainty! :)

Oh no MT that's terrible, hope you start on your own but if not hope you have your Waters broke soon. You need to create some noise, they should be seeing to you! You'll meet baby soon :) x x
Oh sugar, it must be very disheartening for you and not helping sleep. If the pains are getting worse and bot going even if not regular in pattern id still say that was some good progress, its building for you.
Glad they are sorting iron out on monday too, surely really low iron can send you into preterm labour, youd think they would want to see you tomorrow given all these signs. ( my irons fab this time apparently - must be those 6 chocky weetabix I scoff each day ;)

Ooh i missed you having a show too, when was that, before all these more recent pains/contractions started?
Not sure but it was only yesterday, before all these frequent contractions started! I just feel so ridiculous, I was in agony all night, really believed is started! What a wally i am! But they didn't seem overally concerned to be honest, just said to go down if I want to be checked over at any point. And yes you would think they'd want to sort the iron levels out sooner! Originally said come in 2 weeks time (I'd be a day off 39weeks!!) for the iron boost... Then they did mention tomorrow then apparently there is no slots, so it has to be Monday. It's not dangerously low this time around, just think they want to make sure it doesn't keep dropping.

I'm having really bad back pain. And don't know about this, but I feel incredibly sick. It's awful, like doubled over but haven't been sick yet. Maybe it's a bug? Or has anyone else felt like this in early labour? I haven't before! This pregnancy has really tricked me since day 1!!! Monkey! Xx

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