X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Things have eased abit which is very frustrating! I was so sure it was the start, feel very silly now as its number 4 I should know! :/ sorry ladies ! I'm still in pain so im not giving up hope, going for a walk now. Maybe it is the start it's just taking a while to get going. Which happened with my second son. Well actually all the labours have had at least a night/day of pains/cramps. So we shall see! Hope all is ok for everyone and wow jj sounds like you may be sooner than your original section date! :)
Oh bubbles hope you're ok ! I'm sure baby is well protected :) xx
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That sounds like such a fun day, an ear syringe and a sweep. Mmmm beautiful :lol:

Oh hope your ok Bubbles, keep us updated.

Come on ladies, your all teasing us with these symptoms,someone has to go into labour today!!!

Michelle x
That sounds like such a fun day, an ear syringe and a sweep. Mmmm beautiful :lol:

Oh I know I don't know what's worse. My dignity would of well and truly gone walking out of that doctors xx
Tri hopping here but jj mum that defiantly sounds like a show, I had that a couple of days before I had luisa xx
Congratulations Jess!! So glad she is doing okay.

I'm so miserable. Just had a massive cry in the loo and I've just been discharged. They want me to wait from home for the call to get my waters broken. Feeling really tired and frustrated after two sweeps and constant bloody show since then and just really tired. My stupid contact managed to jump out of my eye this morning and no one could find it. Don't have a spare and now have to go about getting new ones. So upset and stressed but not much I can do really but hope it doesn't get too busy and I get the call soon :/
Congratulations Jess!! So glad she is doing okay.

I'm so miserable. Just had a massive cry in the loo and I've just been discharged. They want me to wait from home for the call to get my waters broken. Feeling really tired and frustrated after two sweeps and constant bloody show since then and just really tired. My stupid contact managed to jump out of my eye this morning and no one could find it. Don't have a spare and now have to go about getting new ones. So upset and stressed but not much I can do really but hope it doesn't get too busy and I get the call soon :/

Oh no that's crap :( I can't believe they would mess you around like that. Hope you get a phone call soon xx
Awk thats a shame MT Id be the same after gearing yourself up. Hope you get the call soon.

was at daycare today again....better appointment today they got blood first time and my BP has settled nicely. Baby moving and doing what it should so no worries there. Feel a little bad some some medical student/doctor asked if she could take extra bloods for pre eclampsia research but I said no I was stressed enough having to get 2 done without an additional 5. Was only there for just under an hour and a half so thats good. any news on sugar ive been trying to keep up with everyone but its been busy lol xx
Ohhhh no MT, how crap! Sending you big hugs :hugs::hugs: really hope you get that call soon! Will be thinking of you today and crossing everything.

Hey folks thanks for all the well wishes, all is grand thankfully. I knew it would be but midwife just being cautious. Baby not engaged and weighing 7.13 😱😱😱.

Sore all over my bump, back and sides now but at least everything is ok. Can't believe I fell in the last week!!!
My growth scan has turned into being booked in for induction on Sunday!!!!
Baby is measuring smaller than it did last week and they want baby out like now but my poor wee mum is away until Sunday so I asked if they could hold off! I've just had a wee cry! I really wanted to go myself but want baby out if it's not growing but I'm just not ready! I'm ready for a breakdown :shock::shock:
Aw tmum, hope you are ok. Can your mum come back early? I'm sure baby will be fine and you will get to meet it earlier than you thought! Sending you big hugs, meltdown all you want, I'm sure it was a big shock for you xx
Natalie, glad all went well at appt. Don't feel bad, they didn't really choose the best time to ask for more bloods!

Bubbles, thank goodness all ok.

Tmum, ohh my goodness! That's super unexpected, no wonder you're having a meltdown!

It's all go this week isn't it!

Bubbles I'm glad everything is ok!! What a relief!

MT I can't imagine how frustrating that must be! Make the most of your time at home though and try and rest and get everything ready for when you come home with baby.

TMum that's crazy!! Did they want to induce now if you'd let them? At least you've got a few days to adjust to the idea!

I haven't had any messages from sugar in a while so I assume all is ok with her!

I'm still getting these tightenings! Some hurt, some don't, but they are regular, every 10 minutes. Think it's all just preparation though. Never the less I'm just off out to get some stuff to make a pineapple smoothie and sone extra chillis for dinner!

My MIL just text to say a lady she works with just gave birth... She didn't know she was pregnant! In the last few months she's been to Disneyland, Alton towers, been drinking... The works!! She thought she had food poisoning causing her tummy ache then BAM... Here's your baby! How scary would that be! X
Omg you would absolutely poop yourself! That would be terrifying!

Aww Bubbles, glad everything is ok with baby

Mystic teen, hope you get that call soon and your not waiting too much longer for baby to arrive.

Tmum, gosh that is a shock no wonder your having a meltdown. 3 days until your induction that's a lot to get your head round.

Sugar, I hope your ok

Michelle x
Glad everything was ok bubbles.

Oh MT I would be ready for killing dead things.

tmum at least they are allowing you a few days.

Well fluid levels are good today so they are leaving me till Monday then it's my sweep then induction on Thursday xx
Wow, it's all hands on deck at the moment I recon I will be the only one going over my due date which will kill me. Not jealous at all that all of you will see your babies before me. ;)

I still say how can someone not know they are pregnant??? I know it happens but like HOW??? Just a rhetorical question. :)

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