X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Haha :) sorry kumber , I assure you I won't go before you! My body clearly likes the build up!

Can't belive how exciting it is in here, with the full moon on Friday! It's working its magic! ! Michelle hope you're ok and not too fed up and tird, naughty sasha keeps flipping! That must be so painful now :(

Ml my bets are on you! Get this baby out! :)

My contracions haven't faded out, like I expected. But aren't massively painful either but feels different like alot of the pain is coming from my back. And my whole tummy goes hard with these. Been toilet for what I can describe as a clear out and was also greeted with a massive bit of goo! So things are happening , just slowly! My body does like to 'gear up' though! So I'm not concerned! I also know my body can tolerate a lot of the early contractions too, which have always been irregular, as I was 5cn when I went against the hospital last time and just turned up! :) knew I was right!

Hope Jess is having cuddles and MT you will be soon!!
How many have we had now? Xx
Michelle... Mission accomplished!! It's been weeks so didn't take much lol!!! Let's see if anything happens!!

Sugar I really don't think I'm next!! I can't wait to hear from Jess and MT now! I need baby photos in my life!! X
Does that make 4 August babies already here.
Jess's arrived today hopefully
Mystic Teens is on the way
2 more imminent arrivals hopefully (sugar and ml600)
Anyone I have missed??

Michelle X
Yea think that's right Michelle. Apart from imminent arrivals! My symtoms are nothing to go by! My labours can either build up slowly or just start the night before!

I'm confused tonight! In agony right around from my back, down my bum, and having tightenings and can't shift the feeling of needing a poo! Like as if I haven't been! But I have , 3 times! And my head is pounding and I feel sick. I know by morning all this will have stopped. It really is awful for our bodies to tease like this! And then some people are caught off guard! Strange how different it is. X x
Had to get out of bed. Really unsure on these pains now !! :/
Eeeeek Sugar yours is really hotting up!! How exciting!

Well done Ml600 dtd should help- watch this space!

Kumber - you and colleen technically should be popping soon fingers crossed xx

Ive not lost much plug since last night but have got grumbly bits inside to the point it made me panic into
Rechecking/ packing bag and ironing a dressing gown! I haven't ironed since Roman was 3 or 4 days old ! ( hes 21 mths )! At least signs im starting to feel like nearly at 40 weeks as I am last last due so have felt less preg.

Dont want to worry you all but were having all these cute babies and I just woke to find my 16 yr old lad boiling a gas top kettle to have a coffee at 1:45 am ! Grrr i had to check the hob was off/ wall switch etc light- noting like feeling the house will burn down at night!! ( what a shame they get older!!)
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Im still awake! Can't shake this constant ache and really thinking these a real now! Every half hour or so coming in waves.. Typical the oh has had drinks tonight as we didn't expect him to come this early really! So just back lying in bed trying to sleep, and pass the time and will assess it in the morning! If this doesn't turn out to be anything it's a bloody good false alarm anyway!!! :/ x x
I am still wide awake. Can't get comfortable. This is torture. I am so exhausted but my body won't let me sleep. Everything hurts and I am so sore feeling every baby movement.

How is everyone else doing? Any more convincing labour pains?

Michelle X
Popping over from September mummies , mostly because I can't sleep. How exciting it's getting in here is making me super excited, oooo things sound like they are heating up for you Sugar , I'll be popping in to keep checking on any new arrivals, good luck! X
Hi everyone!!! Only just getting chance to update!

Had my little girl yesterday by c section, all went perfect, she is just adorable. 2.3kg exactly, just over 5lbs which meant normal ward,unfortunately she didn't stay long and had to go to neo natal , but we are now on a transitional card ward together.

She is getting fed by the team here and is in a heated cot , but doing fab and really changed so much already, well on the mend.

I'm a bit sore and was shocked to be honest how little I could do! But managing to walk around since last night.

She was born at 14:30...
Amazing jess cant wait to see how she gets on . ..hope you are up and about soon xxx
Amazing news Jess! Glad she is doing well, and her size was perfect. :) look forward to seeing pics and you take it easy.

I've been awake all night having contractions going for a shower shortly and getting ready incase they turn up a gear.

This pending full moon is playing havoc isn't it! We already had naughty August babies and now look at them! Michelle hope you're ok, and baby's here soon for you xxxa

Thank Ramsey hopefully he's getting ready to make an appearance it definitely is getting exciting in here! Oh no jj having to sort a potential hazard !! You've got it going on with all ages ! :) x x
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Ah congrats Jess - you must be so relieved to finally see her and know she is ok. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you will both be home soon xx
Congratulations Jess! You must be so pleased!! Glad you're both doing well.

Well that turned into a whole lot of nothing!! I woke up in the night with really quite painful tightenings, every 10 minutes. Decided I'd try and sleep to give me some energy in case this was it... Woke up to naff all!! Still got an achey back and hips and getting lots of tightenings, but oain isn't as bad.
So, today I'll be making pineapple smoothies, a spicy chilli, and going for a very long walk.

JJ how are you now?? Think you could be swooping in any time?

Michelle I'm sorry you had a bad night. I hope you're sleeping now!

Sugar, I've already text you, but I hope this is it!! I want a labour thread to do! Xx
Congratulations Jess :)
Hope your contractions means your little mans coming Sugar xx
Aww Jess. So pleased to hear from you. Glad everything went well yesterday and your little girl is thriving. Won't be long before your taking her home. Just take it easy and take all the pain meds they offer.

Well that's me up. I got a whole 2hrs sleep last night. I feel like I am going insane. Can someone just get this baby out of me now. I have had enough.

Michelle X
September mum here just wanted to say congrats to jess! Hope you have a speedy recovery xx
Just popping in from September Mums, congratulations Jess! It's certainly getting very exciting in here! xx

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