Good luck today, with any luck you are already having cuddles!
I have just got home from my 38 week appointment and am mega disappointed, I saw a different midwife who was really lovely but she isn't convinced by babies presentation, she has put ceph on my notes but couldn't feel much head because it is engaged but I have a hard lump at the top of bump as well which I always just thought was babies bum but with that and her measurement being so different to the previous measurements I have been booked for a scan tomorrow, for static growth. She said her measurements made my fundal height less than at my appointment 2 weeks ago. She then checked my BP and is worried so has taken bloods to check for pre eclampsia, I have no other symptoms so hopefully that will be okay. Just feeling rubbish that everything seems wrong at the last moment when I thought i was almost there
Hope everyone has a good day and get some rest! Xx