X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I've heard of the losing fluid thing too... I think it comes out with discharge so you wouldn't know. It's small amounts constantly so mounts up... I think... Might be totally wrong!! X
Still waiting but I'm next xx so I'll keep u all updated xx sorry haven't read thread or had chance to update so far, next update she should be here hoping before tea time! But emergencies obv take first on list x
Good luck today, with any luck you are already having cuddles!

I have just got home from my 38 week appointment and am mega disappointed, I saw a different midwife who was really lovely but she isn't convinced by babies presentation, she has put ceph on my notes but couldn't feel much head because it is engaged but I have a hard lump at the top of bump as well which I always just thought was babies bum but with that and her measurement being so different to the previous measurements I have been booked for a scan tomorrow, for static growth. She said her measurements made my fundal height less than at my appointment 2 weeks ago. She then checked my BP and is worried so has taken bloods to check for pre eclampsia, I have no other symptoms so hopefully that will be okay. Just feeling rubbish that everything seems wrong at the last moment when I thought i was almost there :(

Hope everyone has a good day and get some rest! Xx
Wtt, I think we wee and sweat them out. Jess good luck again, so exciting. Kimmo hopefully the midwife is just being overly cautious and everything is ok.

Ml I hope you are enjoying your scrubbing. I have gotten up, tidied up, got dressed for walk and have just went back to bed lol! Baby currently having a lovely wee kicking session and causing lots of daggers and pressure and hurting its mammy!
Good luck today, with any luck you are already having cuddles!

I have just got home from my 38 week appointment and am mega disappointed, I saw a different midwife who was really lovely but she isn't convinced by babies presentation, she has put ceph on my notes but couldn't feel much head because it is engaged but I have a hard lump at the top of bump as well which I always just thought was babies bum but with that and her measurement being so different to the previous measurements I have been booked for a scan tomorrow, for static growth. She said her measurements made my fundal height less than at my appointment 2 weeks ago. She then checked my BP and is worried so has taken bloods to check for pre eclampsia, I have no other symptoms so hopefully that will be okay. Just feeling rubbish that everything seems wrong at the last moment when I thought i was almost there :(

Hope everyone has a good day and get some rest! Xx

Hi Kimmy (I'm lurking from September mummies) just to say re: baby's presentation: I had a little visit to triage on Saturday due to reduced movement - everything was absolutely fine but 2 midwives and a doctor had a good feel and were convinced he was breech - they got the scanner out and turns out he's not breech at all - head just very very low in pelvis so they couldn't feel it. The lump they were feeling at the top was his bony bum! Obviously every baby is different so best to get checked for sure as you are that much closer to due date - but try not to worry.
Hope everything comes back ok re:bloods
I am sure its a boney bum too, the other midwife seemed to be sure from 33 weeks that baby has been head down. I will just have to wait till tomorrow for all the results and try to remain calm and positive in the mean time. Thank you ladies! Xx
Good luck Jess, can't believe how fast time hgas gone since we were TTC together!

We had our 36 week scan today, baby is still head down and is 4/5 engaged. Weighing a lovely 5lb 8 too so still on course for an 8lb baby. Another scan in two weeks.
Ladies I'm feeling dreadful... I've been doing housework all morning and just sat at my dining table, unable to move. I feel like if I stand up, I'll pass out. Feel so hot, sick and dizzy. I've drank loads and eaten plenty. Ugh!! Any recommendations??

Congrats on your healthy scan lollie.

I wonder if Jess' baby is here yet? X
I'm back in hospital again after another day of reduced fetal movement. Baby seems fine but they want to induce! Had two sweeps already and minor contractions. Currently waiting to get my waters broken before tonight:) 1-2cm dilated, so it looks like I'm next! Sorry ladies :p
Good luck Mystic Tean - your allowed to queue jump you could be overdue tbh from your other dates and might be havibg a biggy, much better out now - very excited for you xx

Hope Jess is ok, sometimes these sections just keep getting moved and she might still be in recovery anyway x
Good luck Mystic Tean - your allowed to queue jump you could be overdue tbh from your other dates and might be havibg a biggy, much better out now - very excited for you xx

Hope Jess is ok, sometimes these sections just keep getting moved and she might still be in recovery anyway x
Few baby's today/ tomorrow then!!

Good luck MT! Hope Jess is ok!

Hope you feel better ml600maybe you've over done it? Hope everyone is ok!

Well ladies ive been out since this morning with the kids, walking around an animal show. 5 hours walking round fields, maybe it will help baby arrive!! :)

X x

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