X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Evening ladies, anyone in the wide awake club tonight? Fell asleep at 7 this evening, baaaaaad idea. Can't sleep for love nor money so eying myself up a bit of young Johnny Depp, yummy!

Im in the wide awake club kumber, just woke in the armchair in my boys room and have git pjs on and am now wide awake in my bed! I always fall asleep on the bed run at 7 pm nowadays and loose entire evenings!

Well phone was open at my reply earlier so now ill prob not remember todays goings on properly but here goes!!

Ml600 - loving the tight top look- you work that bump ;). Happy birthday for today ( tues) enjoy your meal out xx

Dolly - yayy for Induction date , 9 days is not long, but just enougth to get a little straighter in the new house fingers crossed - let the forced mad nesting commence!

Lulu - little Luca has amazing hair and an amazing dark colour , if he gets cradle cap as most babies do, just use baby oil at night and wash and leave it /dab dry. I would wash and gently rub my last sons hair with a towel and gently combed off the flaky bits and he lost all his hair on top ! It was my only dark brown haired baby and bamm it grew back blonde :(

Sorry your stitches are infected, really common, lots if naked air drying when no visitors are round :)

Jess- glad shes ok in there still, good luck for last ctg tomorow ( i can imagine how sick of hosps you must be and of paying parking there!! - its past midnight now so one more sleep and your section is tomorow (wed) eeeeek! Can 't wait to see your tiny daughter :)

Kumber - i just can't see what people see in johhny Depp unless he lives in his pirate costume that is!
Ironman for me everytime:)

Natalie so pleased your bp is down and your ticking over safely for now. Think your checkups matched Dollys with thursday and then monday so you could be baby birth date buddys if induced together.

Looking forward to the next wave of babies , sugar don't worry ill be late aug I think- feeling far less preg and niggley now , need the 4 weeks tbh still to sort house, get ready if im honest.

Sorry cant remember who posted the breastfeeding /expressing kit pic, i would wait till you know its working with you and baby after birth and then see if expressing is for you too, thats alot of money and doesn't even come with boobie pump! A box of bags from lansinoh don't cost too much and a bottle will come with a boob pump to start you off till your sure. One bf baby I expressed loads and the other never bothered to.

Sure ive missed people , very sorry xx. Have lovely tuesdays everyone
Eeek look at my lovely new ticker . im 35weeks now - 4 weeks 1 day till section day - its just mad how quickly this pregnancy has flown :)
Yaaaaay for 35 weeks JJ!

Baffled at your feeling towards the Depp though, ohhhhhh how I love that man. First film I ever saw him in was Cry Baby when I was like 8! Loved him ever since :D

Hi ladies. Can't sleep tonight. Just found out my friend who was pregnant with me and due July had her baby girl still born last night. I'm so sad for her. We got pregnant weeks apart last year and both had miscarriages then couldn't believe it when we realised we were both pregnant again with a month between us this year and had been keeping each other updated with everything. I don't even know what to say to her, it's awful :( x
Oh Rainbow that's awful, im so sorry hun , that's even harder with you both going througth this together xxx
I'm so sorry Rainbow, I'm really sorry for your friend :( xxx
But what I'm most excited about is the fact that this is the day me and my OH always said would be when we started operation baby eviction! I'm praying something works!

Rainbow I'm so sorry for your friend, I can't even imagine, poor lady xxx

Jess good luck today! Next time you go in, you'll be leaving with your baby!!

JJ and kumber I hope you both got some sleep. And when it comes to Johnny depp and iron man - I'll just take both!! Saves any arguments ;)

Any more niggles over night ladies?? I see MissyD had her baby girl, beautiful!

Rainbow I'm so so sorry for your friends loss. Can't even imagine I hope you are ok, I hope she is too.

Sorry lots of u couldn't sleep , I fell asleep 10-6!! Amazing for me, had a few toilet trips as usual tho...

I hope everyone's ok today and those niggles turn into something more!

I can't believe section is tomorrow , I had a dream baby is 5lbs 4, covered in white stuff that hasn't shed yet ha, wonder if I'm right!!!

Jj 4 weeks that's crazy as last August mummy I just can't believe how quickly it's all flown!!

Last ctg early hrs today n then I'm done! Need to try keep very busy today or I'll start getting nervous!!!!! I keep thinking she's going to turn or it's going to get cancelled!
Happy birthday Ml600 :) I'm under strict instructions to try to get baby out today as its my mums birthday to xx
Good luck with your final ctg today Jess. Your in the final hours now!!!

So sorry to hear your news Rainbow, so so sad. Can't even begin to imagine what your friend is going through.

How is everyone else today?

I have my 36 week midwife appointment this morning and another spell on the ctg just to keep an eye on baby movements. Hopefully they can tell me which way round this baby is today.

Good luck with operation baby eviction birthday girl ML600
Michelle X
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I couldn't get up this morning after I couldn't get to sleep last night, typical! JJ and Kumber hope you both got some sleep! JJ happy 35 weeks eekkkk!!
Natalie, I'm booked in for a wax next week! I'm too scared in case I cut myself! Haven't had a wax in a couple of months because of the pain but I was caught out last time as I went to hospital 1 day for a check up and had to go back the next day for induction...a week before I was booked in for my wax lol! I don't think anyone cared or even noticed apart from me but still lol!
ML happy birthday!! Have a lovely day!
Rainbow I'm so so sorry to read about your friend! God love her!
Jess good luck today...one more sleep eekkkkk!
Good luck today Michelle, fx baby is head down xx
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Rainbow, so sorry to hear about your friend, how sad :( thinking of you both.

Hapoy birthday ml, hope hubby is extra lovely to you todwy and rabbits are extra wiffly!

Best of luck this morning Jess, can't believe we'll have our next August mummy soon! The rest of us need to start getting a wriggle on, this really isn't good enough!

jd, good luck with operation evict baby today!

Michelle, best of luck to you too for today. Hope all is well with Sasha. Have you started your mat leave yet, I can't remember?

Tmum, you're a braver woman than me getting waxed! I do a gentle little trim and that's about it!

Terrible night's sleep last night, didn't get to sleep until 3:30am and then Riley was awake from 5 so was woken up by him whinging and hubby getting out if bed trying to get him back down. They finally got up at 6 only for Riley to have two exhausted meltdowns between 7:30 and 8:30, and then I got up at 9! Absolutely shattered but I'm so fed up of being in bed. Hubby is off today thankfully so can handle the little monkey while I vegitate on the sofa feeling sorry for myself.

Speaking of operation evict baby, I have been reading online that pumping colostrum starts contractions and can bring on labour. I feel awful for saying this but I'm desperate to try it, I just want this baby out! But at the same time I'm so wary cus I don't want to evict him until he's ready and we still have a few things to get. Help :(

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Good luck michelle for your ctg appointment - curious to see if shes breech after you felt her turn a few days ago x

Natalie, your post reminded me to have a ladygarden spruce up ;) ive been trying to keep on top of things as was caught out too last time, and I don't want someone else scalping me for section so i keep it a little lower than normal lets say ;)
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All went fab at the hospital, ended up being kept on3 hours till she met her targets but she do in the end, just very sleepy !!

All set for tomoz, getting to Hosp for 7:30!! Eeeek.

Michelle I hope your Hosp appt goes ok, keep us updated x
Well I was thinking about it in the bath lastnight and dont think id manage with a mirror and I wouldn't get waxed as be too sensitive ive never had down there waxed always used hair removal cream lol im thinking I may have to go in untrimmed lol arghh x
Natalie I have been using a lady shaver thing and a strategically placed mirror just to keep on top of things down there. I know they have seen it all before but I didn't want it to get too out of hand!!!

Oh Jess can't tell you how excited I am for you. Baby will be here by this time tomorrow eeekkkk! !!

That's me just home from hospital. Baby movements are getting more frequent which is good. She was breech to start with which I expected but half way through the ctg she went head down, yipppeee. Midwife said her head felt really low down but didn't say if she was engaged at all.
I was getting lots of tightening so and fanny daggers which were picked up on the monitor and was told to just keep an eye on things.
I am going to spend the rest of the day on my ball and see what happens.

Michelle X
Just popping in from September mummies ! It's getting so exciting in here and can't wait to see all your birth announcements.

Jess good luck for tomorrow sweetie I'll be checking in every few hours :)

Rainbow I am so so sorry about your friends loss, tragic. Hope your both ok xxxxx
Popping in from Sept, so sorry Rainbow, absolutely devastating, thinking of you both xxxx

August mummies, please start having your babies as we are next in the queue x

Good luck to you all, looking forward to the announcements x
Thank u sept mummies! I'll keep you posted... I don't think I'll be able to do a labour thread as c section? Shall I just update on here with news? Xx

Michelle pleased she's head down! How exciting , keep us posted on any developments! Yes get bouncing x

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