Sugar, still loosing bit of whatever it is, the colour has changed back to yellow/creamy now. But I have been loosing this stiff for 2 weeks now. Will keep an eye on it. I am back at the hospital tomorrow to see the midwife and get put back on the monitor so will see what they say. Wish I had taken a photo of it now so I find out exactly what it was.
ML600, check you out fitting into a size 8 top, go you.
Dolly, so pleased fluid levels haven't dropped. Not long until your induction date which is great. The big countdown begins x
Kumber, what naughty little boys we have keeping us awake last night, sorry your suffering with SPD,hopefully tonight will be more peaceful for you and you can catch up on some sleep.
Tmum, great news about the baby movements but sorry they have put static growth.
XJDX, yeah think I will see how breastfeeding goes this time then thing about investing in this kit, maybe by then the price will of come down.
Michelle x