X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

You can still have a labour thread! I am happy to swap numbers with you and ghen if you just text me with updates of when you're going in, when baby is here, etc.? You don't have to though, if you'd prefer to update on here yourself :)

Hey Jess!! Glad everything's ok!! If you need someone to update the page with a c-section thread for you I'm happy to do it :) depends if you get internet at hospital??

I'm having a lovely day! OH has taken me to bluewater shopping centre so my feet and back kill from the walking but hopefully it'll push the little man down a bit!! Xx
Yeah we still wanna know how your getting on and updates and how u and baby are doing...look forward to the updates xx
Hey Jess glad all is ok and good luck for tomorrow hun.

Happy birthday ml hope u get spoiled.

So sorry rainbow about your friend.

I am ok today just really tired and baby feels really low and it hurts :( hopefully I just need a sweep on Monday and things start on there own cause I am dreading induction but it's not likely xx
ever since I came home from the hospital I have been getting lots of pains and feel so uncomfortable. Is this normal for baby being head down? Does this mean baby's head could be engaging?

Michelle x
Yeah it could be Michelle I have been in pain and uncomfortable for weeks and Amy has been head down from 33 weeks xx
I've felt so lazy today, it's very unlike me, I usually cannot sit down for 5 minutes.
Well today I've not even gotten out of my pjs and neither have the kids. We have just lay about like lazy lumps.

No energy - so tired - but he end is in sight.

7 days till baby day if not before :-o
Well I trecked with the kids around the retail park. Visited my mum on her birthday, ate loads of cake, again.

But my most satisfaction has been from deep cleaning my oven. I even had to get a wall paper stripper on it in some areas.

My friend has given me raspberry leaf tea bags which are rank, so I'm going to give these ago. But the baby is defiantly not for shifting xx

But where another day closer xx
Hi all :) Trying to catch up on a couple of pages. Very sorry about your friend rainbow can't imagine how hard that is. Happy birthday ml glad you've had a fab day! Get baby wriggling down abit! Glad hospital appts went well! Jess eeeeek baby will be here tomorrow! That's madness! :) Michelle could be baby getting lower if they said she was head down. If you start on your own, do you have to go down straight away with you having a section? (Or have I this wrong!) jd shame baby hasn't made an appearance for your mums birthday! Hopefully all the walking will have helped! Dolly that's exciting about your sweep on Monday! Baby will be here soon! :)

Well my midwife appt didn't go so well. I've been referred to see my consultant earlier than scheduled, this Thursday. My bloods have continued to drop, not to a dangerous level - yet - but if it keeps going for another 3/4 weeks it will be. Just following suit of previous pregnancy. And my bp was higher and pulse too. Not sure what any of it means. Told her I think my body is getting ready lots of contractions and clear out etc which sent her into panic ha ha she has asked I hang on a week at least! My Fubdal height is still a worry for them meaning I have a growth scan next week if no change to check he is ok. It doesn't concern me so much, I bet he's growing just fine and im just small. His head is still well engaged so that's also good! :)

So that's my day!

Symptom wise , still upset tummy and feeling more back/bum pain lots more contractions , even when I'm sat doing nothing. So this is still the build up stage! Im enjoying being off with the kids anyway, so don't want to rush him, but at the same time the niggles do get abit much!! :/ x x
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Sugar yes if I show any signs of going into labour (contractions, show or waters breaking) I have to go straight to the hospital. Ideally they would like to stop labour and do the section but if I am to far gone then they will let me labour on my own but keep a very close eye on me and baby.

Michelle x
Sorry haven't been on much today, so much to sort out! But just about ready now! Going to try get some sleep.

I'll keep u updated the best I can tomorrow, I'm at hosp for 8 , but no idea when our slot is!

Michelle and sugar hope u are both ok!

Thinking of u all and I'll update soon as tomoz xxx eeeek 1 sleep!! Getting nervous
Hope all goes well Jess!

Very quiet for me, no niggles whatsoever :( I think this baby is staying very firmly put!
Loads of luck Jess, we will all be waiting for an update!

Keep going August mummies, you are so nearly there! X
Will be glued to the forum tomorrow Jess for updates, so exciting

Michelle x
Good luck for tomorrow Jess!

Sugar, sorry your appointment didn't go so well today?

Probably tmi but is anyone else getting really painful....erm...."sessions" on the loo? I'm still losing little bits of plug but nothing significant enough to be a show and I keep getting what could be termed as a flush out but then nothing else? I'm cooking all my food til it's nearly burnt, hygiene is the usual hand washing after nappies, loo, handling meat, etc. I feel like I'm missing something obvious?

Thanks everyone!! Loosing so much plug and stuff tonight I can't believe it! If she wasn't arriving tomorrow anyway she certainly would be soon! Bless her, they said with SGA babies they just reach a limit n want to come out! Maybe she knows it's eviction day! I feel bad taking her out of her snuggly environment!!!

Night ladies and I'll keep u updated the best I can, if I don't it's because I have no phone signal/ Internet x

Speak to u all then and I hope u all get a good nights sleep and pains etc subside for u all, I've been so lucky in comparison to most of u! I'm very grateful I've had a nice pregnancy and know how lucky I am.

Xx night
Look forward to your updates best of luck jess...cnt wait to see pics of your wee one xx

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