The Who's Who Of TTC - Getting To Know You.

Hiya Fi,

Wow, what a move! It must be amazing.

Praying for your BFP on Monday, let us know how you get on. x x
Hello girls

Well... I'm Fi, I'm 32 and live in Tokyo. I've been married to OH for two years, together for 7. We moved to Japan in June from London - so far I am loving it! This is our first month of TTC, and due to test on Monday.. scared/excited/nervous and a whole load of other things! Also a bit scared of having a baby in Japan - but I'm sure we will deal with whatever tricky situations may be thrown our way....
This a such a great forum for me to be able to have a little bit of contact with 'home', and chat in English rather than my very poor Japanese! It's great to have this support.
Good luck to you all.... x

Hi Fi........ I'm in the same position, we moved to Singapore over 18 months ago and I'm in my second month trying!

It's really reassuring on here, as I worry about being far from home!

Good luck
Hi I'm Jo, I'm 26, husband is Paul, he's 28 and we've been together 4 years and married for 7 months. We're not really trying at the mo, but also not preventing! Hoping to get serious about it after Christmas, really really want to have our baby by next Christmas!
Hiya Jo.

That's what my husband and I are doing except I think deep inside, we're both more serious about it than what we will admit. All the best for a Xmas baby in 2011 hun! x x
hiya im jodie im only 21 youg to have a baby but i had my youngest at 16
he is 5 now and i want him to have a ikkle bro or sister as i had 3 and dont want him growing up alone or with a massive age gap this is my 2nd month of TTC so just starting out and getting used to it
good luck to you all
New here.
Im Julie, 34 with a 7 yr old daughter. This is my first month TCC and am hoping i can make some friends on here.
J xx
Hiya girls!

LinxMinx - Aw, hope you get that BFP soon hun. x

Shippelle - Hi and welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll be addicted in no time lol! Everyone on here is fab and there's lots of great support and advice. All the best with TTC! x x
Hi my name is Vicky I am 29 and I am a baby-holic!! lol

Been with my lovely man who is 33 for 8 years, we got married in May and having been trying for our first baby since.

Am due to have some infertility tests done when next AF arrives as cycles have been ranging between 40 and 60 days long which has made timing OV incredibly difficult.
I am Laura, been married for a year on December 18th. Am from sunny bristol!!!! OH and myself have been trying for our first baby since october last year so it is now 13 months when next af arrives! :-( I have had a miscarriage in June at 5 weeks and have really struggled with it.

We have tried everything from charting temps to opks and the "realxed" thing but none has worked! am kinda at a loss
Just catching up on this thread and LOVE IT! i'm so nosey and love reading about everyone!

Well i'm Emma i'm 26 and my hubby is 28, we have been together nearly 8 years and married for 2 and a bit, we are from an island off scotland. i am a nurse (unemployed atm) and my hubby is a joiner. we are tyring for our 1st baby, we decided in aug to ttc and we got bfp first month unfortunatly had a mmc, so here we are, decided to ttc again straight away. We have a little kitty called coco. have really long irregular cycles like some of you ladies.

Love this forum as nobody knows that we are ttc so its great to talk about it to all you ladies! also its such a great support for all we have been through so far in our short time ttc!

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We've been ttc since August and it'll be our first lil one aw!
I work in retail. I'm loving being on here cos it's lovely to talk to peeps about ttc cos u can't really tell anyone in real life and also you're all so supportive and knowledgable and lovely xx
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Hey girls! Nice to see you here. :D

I agree, the forum has been absolutely fab for me as well as we haven't told anyone we're TTC either - didn't need the pressure!! :)
Hi every one!

I.m Emily I'm 31 and have been with mt OH who is 23 for 2 years, we have been TTC for 12 cycles now and have had 2 MC late last year, have two cats Hamish and Billoo and our new Kitten Macavity, and a load of Suicidal mice!! ((well they must be if they come in the house!!!))
Bumping the thread in case we get any newcomers to TTC after the surge of BFPs! x x

Hi everyone
Im not exactly new to ttc or to pf but i havent written on this thread :)

My name is Kerry im 23, my OH is 12 years older than me and we already have a little boys whos 2 1/2. We started ttc for our second in September last year and i fell pregnant on my first cycle sadly i had a mmc just past 12 weeks. So im back at the beginning of my journey again :( but im thinking positive :) x x

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Hey girlies

I'm Kerry but prefer kezza :-)

My OH & I have been together for nearly 12 & a half years, got together 2 weeks before I was 16

We got engaged in Feb 2008 & our wedding is booked for March 2013

We've been living together for a year & a half & have a kitten called Smoo

This is our 2nd month of TTC

iv added to this thread earlier but ill ad again as its a rather long thread.

im jodie, im 21 and have a 5 year old son called alfie. i am in my 4th cycle of TTC and am loving the rollercoaster of emotions the poas addiction and the unknown......... haha not!!!
its a crazy time in your life is TTC but its got to be done and all you girls here are great and a big support so thankyou :D

good luck to everyone :D xxxxxx

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