New Who's Who

I'm princess :-)
Been with o/h for 8 years. I'm 29 he's 30.
Stopped pill in January 2010 and with no sign of AF I was diagnosed with Pcos in November 2010. Had ovarian drilling in December and found out I was pregnant on 21 jan but mc'd on 31 jan. Still no AF since and defo not pg again o/h working away ;-) xxx
just found a potential picture of scotch egg and pork pie's baby


Ha ha what a beautiful baby x
Hi everyone,
loving all the pics!
Im kirsty, 24 and my partner is 24 too. We have been married since dec 09 but together since sept 04. We have a 3 and a half yr old son (my squishy) and have been ttc number 2 since oct 09, at the moment im on my second lot of cd1 and cd21 blood tests as the hospital lost the 1st lot! Just hoping that i never get round to the cd1 lots cos im pg!

This is me, oh and our son.
Hi..Im Sarah I joined PF because af was late and symptoms. I was taking the mini pill and think thats what did it cus all BFN!

Ive stopped taking the pill and decided to start ttc our third and final this week(mostly because of how dissapointed I felt at the bfns) I know need to give my body a few weeks to get into cycles after taking mini pill(only for about a month or so). Im breastfeeding which may alse delay or disrupt cycles so Im thinking of ovulation tracking out of curiosity.

Ive been married to hubby for 7 years since I was 18. We have a 6 year old a four month old girls. Up untill Oct lasy year I was working as a store manager(on mat leave) but am going back to college in hopes of becoming a midwife in september(depending if i concieve, if so will be put back a year or two)

Its lovely to meet you all and I wish you all luck in getting those BFP's!! xx
Am loving all the photos on here!!

kirlou - your little son looks like an absolute angel awww that cute curly hair!! talk about cute overload!
cherrybinky - you guys sure look like a fun couple to know :) great complexion too (you, that is, as opposed to the vampire next to you!)
mrsmc - cool new hair!! I have just gone from blonde to brunette so the other way around :D
samsgirl - love the album cover shot. If you ever produce a record let us know so we can all go and download it!! :D I am a classically-trained musician so if you ever need a violinist or pianist let me know ;)

ok sorry I know there were more photos on here but I have a slow internet connection at home and it is taking ages to download everything :( everyone looks great (well less keen on the meat pie thing hee hee no offence scotch egg ;) it's cos I'm vegan!) it's nice to put some faces to names!

Wish I could join in except Mr Cat is uber paranoid about someone finding out who he is and I have to respect that! :)
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Thank you, he still has that hair and when he is older he will hate it! People always comment on his hair and then his eyes, they are bright sky blue! People tell me he liiks like a cherub, however he is a lil devil lol but I love him!
I would to add pic but having a noisy Parker at work find me I'm keeping pics off as I've changed my username!!

I'm drummers_wife 25 and hubby is 44 (45 in oct) x I'm a cardiac nurse and hubby works as manager in electrics trade! Got 2 step sons 11 & 14 x

Loved the pork pie/scotch egg cracking !!
All look gorgeous x x
Loving everyones pictures x

Im Diane and im 30, Im from the north east but live in Wigan. Been with my oh for 7 years and we have two boys.
Currently trying to conceive our 3rd after having an ectopic in September last year. x

Hi i'm fruitcake i'm 30 been married to my fab hubby 5 years in june! We have a wonderful lil boy who is 3 we're ttc number 2 x
Keep them coming girls! It's fab getting faces to names of you all. Cherry, you should use that pic on your avatar, it's fantastic! x
Hi all I'm cosmicgirl, 32 , ttc a little girl to add to my 4 little boys! I'm an eye specialist and have been with my partner (43) for nearly 9 years


My best Jordan pose lol x
Wow Cosmic! It's like your avatar was specially made for you
WOW Cosmic nice pic you look like Baby Spice in that pic.

Also can't believe what fascinating and sophisticated ladies we have here. Would love to be a writer or a singer or a dancer etc. You guys are so lucky.

As most you guys prob know, I'm Kitty I am 37 and TTC our first with my long suffering DH. We've been married for 7 years but been together since we were 16 :blush:. I work in IT but would love to change careers. Can't wait to start my family. Hope I haven't left it tool long and my bits haven't dried up :shock:
Hello Ladies :wave::wave: i join couple of days ago :)

I'm Emma, 2O in may and been TTC 1O/11months .. Engaged and really happy to be here:) hope you dont mind someone young joining this forum, id rather be settling down then out doing drugs and getting arrested x
hope you dont mind someone young joining this forum, id rather be settling down then out doing drugs and getting arrested x

Lol we're not that old are we?! :lol:

Welcome Emma and good luck.x
Not that old at all :lol: im just young and fort people would think i was a joke or something cause most girls my age are out getting into trouble and all sorts lol. Thanks for the welcome and good luck too. xx
I was 20 when I had my son, 19 when we started trying and he was planned. People tend to get the wrong end of the stick when your young and just assume things, but noone on here judges just supports reguardless of age, at least from what I've seen anyway!
Hi I'm Jo, I'm 26. Been married to my husband Paul whos almost 29 for a year on March 27th :love: Been WTT for about a year, but started trying December last year. We fell pregnant in our 2nd cycle, but sadly was a chemical pregnancy. Currently on 4th cycle TTC but thinking about taking a break if not happened by cycle 5. Also had a miscarriage at 6 wks back in 2006.

Here is us on our wedding in Australia:

And heres me with our gorgeous nephew Rhyley who's going to be 1 tomorrow!
Lovely pics everyone!

I'm Maybe Baby, I've been hanging around in TTC since June last year, I'm 28 and am married to DH who's 30, we got married last May.

I've had 1 early M/C and 2 possible chemicals in that time and I have had all my blood tests done at the docs and have been referred to the fertility doc who will be starting me on Clomid soon!

My advice to all the newbies is try not to get too obsessed with TTC, I caught on my second cycle then M/C and after that I was even more determined to get preggers and TTC did take over my life a bit, I had a bit of a break over Xmas and it did me the world of good, I'm more chilled about things now and I'm going to try and keep it that way- wish me luck though as I know it is easier said than done lol!

This month is my last natural cycle before Clomid so I'd love to get my BFP, my testing day is my Birthday too, the 8th April and I was born 10 years to the day my Mum and Dad met, my Gran also died that day so it's kind of a big day in our family.

Good Luck and babydust to everyone!



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