getting to know you

1. How long have you been TTC? Came off pill in Jan but started properly trying 21st April

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? No

3. Do you or OH have children? I have Macaulay & Jordan, Rob has 3 sons 6,18,19 yrs(inc Jordan) and 1 daughter 16yrs

4. Where do you live? My House :wink:

5. How old are you and OH? Me 31 & Rob 39

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) No

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? Lay down for a bit after BDing

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? Some friends know but no family

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? That it maybe next month

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you ) Relax and it'll happen :doh:
1. How long have you been TTC? 10 months

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? Blood test to check that I was ovulating.

3. Do you or OH have children? No.

4. Where do you live? Bucks

5. How old are you and OH? 37 & 39 (nearly)

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) Hubby wants to call a boy Angus (good, strong, scottish name :lol: ). I liked Hannah for a girl but somebody at work has just called her girl Hannah. :x

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? None.

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? Yes.

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? One day I will have a year off work :cheer:

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you ). It’ll happen! Arrrrggghhhh IT HASN’T! :wall:
Love the name Angus :D Used to have a good friend at work called Angus - he was kind of like a grown up Harry Potter :D
1. How long have you been TTC? This is our fourth cycle - AF is two days overdue, two BFNs so far

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? None whatever. Never even been on birth control.

3. Do you or OH have children? We have one daughter, Naomi, who is 18 months old, and who we conceived on cycle number two of our first TTC. 4. Where do you live? A large agricultural town in the Midlands of Ireland.

5. How old are you and OH? I am 34, OH is 40.

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) Big time! Girls - Muireann or Charlotte. Boys we can't agree on but I love Ciarán, Tiarnán and perhaps Eoin.

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? Legs in the air or elevate hips at least for about 15 minutes after BD, try not to get up, pee, or shower until morning. Not always possible!

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? I think my Dad might have some inkling. My sibs - particularly my sister - because while we were on holiday together we asked her to keep an eye on DD while we went upstairs to BD ( I was having my surge and didn't want to miss it ) My sisters in law. A couple of close friends.

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? I can have chocolate tonight without feeling guilty. And I can really slim for another two weeks!

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you )Oh gosh - let me see - yes "an only child is a lonely child you know", "is it not time to be trying for a wee companion now?" "They're better off closer together, you don't want a big gap" and OH (though not annoying really) "Oh please love, don't get your hopes up, I don't want you to be disappointed."
That's us!

1. How long have you been TTC? Have just "not been preventing" for a while now.

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? Not a bean.

3. Do you or OH have children? We have one daughter, Erin, who's just turned 2 (May).

4. Where do you live? A titchy village outside Cambridge.

5. How old are you and OH? I'm 33, OH is 29.

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? No, not yet.

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? None at present.

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? No, no one.

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? Ho well...onto next month and more time for Erin.

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC? Not had anyone say anything to me yet as no one knows.
1. How long have you been TTC? Since April

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? No

3. Do you or OH have children? Not yet!

4. Where do you live? Near Skegness in Lincs

5. How old are you and OH? I am 27 OH is 32

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) I do if its is girl!

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? None

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? afew friends do

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? its early days yet

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you ) theres no rush
1. How long have you been TTC? Since May 07

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? No

3. Do you or OH have children? No

4. Where do you live? North Yorkshire

5. How old are you and OH? I'm 26, my OH is 29

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) Not really l

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? Legs in air.

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? No keeping it to us for now.

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? It's early days

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you.
1. How long have you been TTC?... 5 years

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment?...Had all the blood tests, scans, recent HSG and have just received confirmation that I am on the IVF list

3. Do you or OH have children?...No

4. Where do you live? ....S.Wales

5. How old are you and OH? 31, Him 33

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) ...kinda but they change a lot - esp when friends get pregnant and use the names before I have a chance to!!

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC?..I have had acupuncture and used chinese herbs (I once left herbs on stove and went to pub - nearly burnt house down - eep!)

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? ....Yes

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? .... I get quite relieved as won't get fat (sorry!!!)- and then think 'ok this month I am really really going to have a go...'

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you )......The next 'friend' who says to me ''it'll happen when you least expect it, just relax....'' I swear I may hurt them!! :lol: or the ones that cry to you that it is just so hard for them as they have been trying now for 2/3 months and no one understands just how hard it is and when they then annouce that they are pregnant they say 'I know just how you feel as we were trying for so long...' grrr.....x

1. How long have you been TTC? I came off my pill in Sept 06 and it took us 4 months to get pregnant, but we lost that baby so have been trying since May.

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? No

3. Do you or OH have children? Nope

4. Where do you live? Cardiff!

5. How old are you and OH? I'm 25, DH (Rich) is 26.

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) Yes :oops: , Olivia for a girl and Jamie for a boy. These are subjct to change tho :lol:

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? Nothing at the moment that i can think of :think:

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? They probably know it's on the cards i'm guessing.

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? That it WILL happen one day. Plus i have another month to lose some weight!

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC? Again, people have been ok so far so nothing![color=#444444][/color]
1. How long have you been TTC? 13 Months

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? Nope

3. Do you or OH have children? No :cry:

4. Where do you live? Sheffield

5. How old are you and OH? 18 and 25

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) Yes

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? most of them

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? most people do

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? I just think sod it i'll try and lose weight instead. :D

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you ) Your young, you have plenty of time :(
1. How long have you been TTC?
This is our first cycle since a termination at 19 weeks

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment?

3. Do you or OH have children?
Only one angel

4. Where do you live?
Near Glousester, well nearer Stroud to be more exact!

5. How old are you and OH?
I'm 26, hes 36

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest )
We have a full girls name, but only middles for a boy, we used the first name we had picked for our angel baby.

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC?
I put my hips in the air after BD, nothing else....yet!

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC?
Well, they know all about loosing Oliver, and we haven't made it a secret that we want to try again, just didn't say when!!

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives?
I've done it once, I can do it again!

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you )
So far I can't remember anything, here hoping it stays that way!
1. How long have you been TTC? Officially since January 2007

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? No

3. Do you or OH have children? I had a m/c 7 years ago but no children yet

4. Where do you live? Don't want to name the town but its close to the south coast!

5. How old are you and OH? Me 24, DH 25

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest ) Henry James and Abigal Sarah

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? I think its easier to say what we haven't used!

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? No-one knows

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? She will be gone in 3/4 days and the fun starts again

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you ) "Are you thinking about having children soon? " " You don't want to leave it too much longer"
a little bump as there's some newbies about :D
1. How long have you been TTC? This is our second cycle

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? No

3. Do you or OH have children? 1 9 month old

4. Where do you live? sheffield

5. How old are you and OH? Me 19, oh 26

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? nope
7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? Havnt yet but anythings worth a try

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? No-one knows

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? Try and stay positive

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you ) Dont worry your still young
1. How long have you been TTC? Just been not preventing since my m/c last year (April 06)

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment? Now taking Clomid

3. Do you or OH have children? Not yet!

4. Where do you live? Memphis, TN

5. How old are you and OH? Me:22 DH:26

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest :rotfl: ) Adelyn for a girl ...Aiden for a boy

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? none really

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC? nope

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives? all the cute baby stuff in supermarkets

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you :roll: ) She doesn't know we are officially trying but anything my mother -in-law says about what I should do when I have kids (how to feed at stuff like that) She always says little stupid things like "oh...lets see what october brings :wink: like she is some stupid fortune teller or something. She also said it would snow on my wedding day and it was the brightest sunshine we had seen all of that spring! Just shows how much she knows! Argh! Can't stand her little comments!

I like this thread!
1. How long have you been TTC?
This is the first month

2. Have you had any medical intervention/treatment?

3. Do you or OH have children?

4. Where do you live?
Worcestershire in the midlands

5. How old are you and OH?
Me 23 OH 24

6. Do you already have names picked out for your future LOs? (be honest :rotfl: )

7. What old wives tales or folk remedies do you follow to help you TTC? ermm none

8. Does everyone (ie family and friends) know you're TTC?
only 2 of my closest friends,1 of them is trying too!

9. What thought keeps you going each month when AF arrives?
Not sure yet,Ths is our first motn trying

10. What's the most annoying thing someone has said to you about TTC?(you know - the little lines everyone trots out to you :roll: )
No body other than my friends know so nothing yet

This is a great thread :)

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