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  • Bloody hell, talk about brain like a seive!! Only just remembered I'd sent you a message!! Glad your ok. We are good thanks, Alice is coming on great. Hope you had a nice valentines day x
    Hey sunny! Haven't seen you on in a while. Hope all is good with you and Eliot is doing well x
    Thank you loads :eek:)

    And let me know how the blood tests go - knowledge is power and also just doing something is really good for the positivity (something that in itself can really boost things). I've got everything crossed that all is OK and/or there's something simple they can do something about. xxxx
    I'm good - blood test in the next few weeks, hopefully that'll say....I don't know actually....but hopefully it'll say something and something can be done or it'll show I'm ok

    had a lovely weekend doing things I probably wouldn't want to do if pregnant, I still enjoy those even though it's not the same as when we were WTT

    So pleased the pregnancy is going well for you, hope it continues to do so
    Hey ScotchEgg! I know! It is mad!! It's going really well, thank you - pulling muscles on my bump but I don't mind :eek:)

    How are you? I check your blog from time to time :eek:)
    ohhh 1 DPO at least you know you have now and done the deed at the right times so gives us more hope!!
    yeah i was feeling pants yesterday but more brighter again as only few days away from fertile days!! I am genuinely happy for the girls at work but 4!! talk about me being TTC at the most unlucky time- lucky for them obviously! ;)
    this is cycle 3 of TTC so still in its infancy but i cant keep going up and down like a yoyo for 1-2yrs waiting hopefully FX it will be 3rd time lucky for me x well 2 more nights and then im off to see gok wan!! im very excited about that!! do you watch Gok? i will hopefully be apart of the new series when he comes to bristol on wed i am going to a clothes masterclass with him!!
    PMSL I'd forgotten I'd said that haha!!
    Argh I hate when that happens - feels like the whole world gets preg except you. It's a total bummer but only cos you're TTC at the mo - you'll be extra sensitive to it. Been there!! It genuinely will be you before long tho hun - promise :) We will keep you positive on here :D
    I'm good ta - finally got the surge yesterday morn on my opk that I convinced myself was never going to appear! So I am 1dpo today - so young!
    What cycle TTC are you on?
    goo up my foof - pmsl!!!! you crack me up!!!
    i was feeling alot more cheery but ive come into work tonight to be told 2 more ppl are pregnant - i cant beliveve it!!! im not gona let it get me down i cant focusing on me + hubby it will happen soon enough!!
    im on CD12 so few more days before guilt free poas!! gona start peeing on opks on CD15 - my tracker says CD18 but thats cos i had 37day cycle last month but all my others have been 34 so im gona go with the 34 but keep BDing longer incase it is 37 x x
    hows things with you? where are you at now?
    Oops lol!!
    Preseed is a lubricant but it's sperm friendly! Some lubes kill off the little beggars but this one mimics your CM. Aces! Look it up on Amazon cos it tells you all about it there. It's grand stuff. Pricey but you so don't have to use the whole applicator load like it says - we just use a little pea size drop in the normal way. No way am i stopping sexy time to syringe goo up my foof. I dont care how much I want this haha lines must be drawn!!
    How you feeling now? what's your CD? xxx
    Hey luvie,
    i forgot i wrote on your wall i was waiting for a pm reply lol silly me!!
    i got the opks my cycle was 37 last month but all other months been 34 so im gona start poas as tho it was 34!
    ive started taking angus castus too- but havent bought any preseed - is it just a lubricant? ive never used any lube so i dont know anythin bout that stuff :shy:
    hey luvie,
    thank you for the support yesterday it really did help!
    im at home today so just looking at ebay for the opk - but there is soo many what opk is the best to get?
    thank you
    Louise x
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