The Who's Who Of TTC - Getting To Know You.

Sorry to hear about your MMC Bella. :( Hope you get some good news soon hun. x x
thanks hon! Keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP sometime in the new year x x
Hi all :wave:

Firstly gorgeous dress & tiara Kezza, wedding stuff is my main obsession right now.

I'm Sarah, 26 (only for another month) and my fiance is 27. We've been together 4 and a half years, got engaged september 2009 and planning our wedding for May 2012 (planning well underway and the important dress, shoes & tiara ordered/purchased)

I didn't think I ever wanted a child or thought it would be pratical due to my health, so it's strange to be a member here now and TTC with such excitement and I can't wait for the BFP which hopefully won't take too long - I took my last pill (Loestrin) December 5th and had been on it for about 5 and half years.

I've been on here about a week now and already hooked, such lovely ladies and full of useful information.

Sending you all lots of :dust::dust::dust:for a positive result soon xx
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Sorry to hear about yr MC bella,lets hope you get your BFP soon!!!!

Lots of babydust to all and here's to lots and lots of :bfp: this month and new year!!!!

:dust::dust: :dust::dust::dust::dust:
I'm Carrie and I'm 26. Been ttc for 10 months now but nothing.
It's good to have a place where you can talk about all the things you can't talk with other people about! :)

Good luck to all of you!!! :)
Hi All :wave:

I'm treasure, 26 married to M who is also 26. We have been married for 2 months but been together 8 years! Haven't used any protection for last 5 years but no bfp.

This is our first month of actively TTC, currently 9dpo. Have been trying hard not to symptom spot but its impossible. I have had a few symptoms but are they all in my head ....? Not sure if i can do this 2ww every month.

Tinkerbell - Congratulations hun, enjoy! :) I used to be the same, very anti-children and never wanted a sprog but I met my husband and everything changed! :roll: Typical eh? Lol. x x

Esperanza - I agree hun, the forum has been amazing. Sorry to hear you've been trying for so long, I have complete respect and admiration for those who have been TTC for months and kept persevering. Star Fish got her BFP after 2 years and 2 months of trying, so I have hope for everyone here. :pray: Your BFP isn't too far away hun. x x

Babytreasure - Welcome to the forum! :wave: All the best for you hun, I hope you get a BFP. TTC can be so draining at the best of times so this forum is brilliant for having a bit of a rant and getting advice. :) x x
welcome to all our new TTCers......I am Clare and have kind of put of ttcing for a few months because we have just booked our wedding for November!!! So will start trying again around summertime...

knowing how life works, i will get my bfp in march and be the size of a small family car when i get xxx

good luck to everyone.....i hope you all get your bfps and they forget about mine for a few months xx he he
Samsgirl - Ah that would be typical of life eh? A BFP right at the point of getting married lol. x x
Bumping this thread up as I have noticed we have new members! :)

How strange that the last comments were about Samsgirl getting a BFP...!

x x
Hi, I'm Danni. I'm 32 and have been with DH (also 32) for 12.5 years and married for 6.5 years. We have a gorgeous son who is nearly 5 years old and just started school in September. I lost a baby before we had Lennon, when my amniotic sack tore at just over 14 weeks. We chose to have a termination after nearly two weeks of agonising as we had been told that it was more than likely that either the pregancy would end further down the line, the baby would die or the baby would be severly handicapped due to there being no fluid and therefore no room to move, grow and develope. So sadly, I was induced and gave birth to a baby girl on the 17th February 2005.

We have just moved into a new house in November (although we bought it in Nov 09 but have been renovating it), and have two 6 month old male kittens called Zog and Tiddler (Lennon named them). I took my last pill on the 22nd November and we have been ttc ever since. We live in Guernsey in the Channel Islands.
Hello! nice to meet you all,
i am ceris. I am a dance teacher and pub landlady! My husband and i have been together for 5 years, married for almost 6 months. OH is 30 in a few weeks, and i am 29 this year. We had an ectopic pregnancy 4 years ago, and i had the implant fitted as we were not ready for a baby at that time in our relationship, but we have now been TTC for over 6 months and in that time i have had a cyst on my one surviving ovary, and a miscarriage this month.
So when this month is done with (had enough of January now!!) we will go back to the CBFM and get cracking again!!!
I am totally new to all this forum stuff and not quite got the hang of the abbreviations yet!
dont know what i would have done this last month without this forum!!!
ooh, does anyone know how you change the " i'm currently feeling..."... mine wont change?
Hi Guys,
I been on the website for past 2 months but not formally introduced myself so i just saw this so thought i would!

I am Louise, 24 soon to be 25 in Feb, i am a Cardiac nurse and work in a busy CCU unit in bristol.
i got married in may 2010 to Jer and we have been together for 3.5yrs he has 2 sons from a previous marriage 11+14
we have been TTC for 2 months and currently on Cycle 3 - and waiting for my ovulation days - we have invested in OPK this month so hopefully that will help!

nice to meet you all x
Hello girls!

Danni - Sorry to hear of your loss hun. :hug: x x Love your kittens names, they're awesome! Hope your stay in TTC is a short one! :) x x

Ceris - Wow, a pub landlady! :thumbup: Sorry to hear of your losses hun. :hug: x x Oooh you have the Clear blue fertility monitor? There's a list of the abbreviations and lingo here.. and you change your mood thingy right at the top of the page on the right hand side, it's under the advert banner. :) x x

Mrs_Wigglez - Hi! A cardiac nurse, that's amazing. GL with the opks hun, I used them this cycle and will let you know in six days or so if they worked! ;) x x
brill thanks!!! thats cleared some of my lingo guessing out (most of which were completely wrong!!) I have a dance school, the pub is my husbands business really, i just help out when he is busy!!

are OPKs better than clear blue FM?
Hiya everyone. I'm Diane and I live in wigan although I'm a north easterner at heart. I'm 30 and have gorgeous sons. I've been with my partner for 7 years now.
We lost a baby last September(ectopic pregnancy) but I'm now ready to try for our 3rd bundle of mischeif :)
Ooh that's great hun. :)

I think if I had a choice I'd go for the CBFM, it sounds more reliable and informative whereas the opks (I use ebay cheapies) give me a lot of guesswork. I'd love to get the CBFM but hoping we'll get our BFP soon so won't need to but if we don't, it's definitely what I'd hope to get. :)

x x
Hiya everyone. I'm Diane and I live in wigan although I'm a north easterner at heart. I'm 30 and have gorgeous sons. I've been with my partner for 7 years now.
We lost a baby last September(ectopic pregnancy) but I'm now ready to try for our 3rd bundle of mischeif :)

Hi Diane! :wave:

Sorry to hear about your ectopic. :hug:

Hope your stay here in TTC is a short one! x x

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