Teachers TTC (but everyone's welcome)

You caught my eye....Not TTC (already done that bit!) but am a teacher. Been teaching yr 6 on a term's contract and did supply before that. Before THAT I taught yr 7, 5 and 4! Wont get SMP as I wont be contracted. What a pain eh!
What a pain....that is crap. Still at least the holidays are a bit better than 22 days a year, more time to spend with baby. Congrats by the way! :lol:
Couldn't have "chosen" a worse time to get pregnant i.e. without a full time job! Will have to go to job centre to see if I can get Maternity Allowance as i haven't had a day not working in 5 yrs (except for a few wobbly weeks when the supply work wasn't coming in!).
Our kids broke up last Friday as half of our school is being knocked down during the hols and a new one built! We're moving all the yr 5 /6 classrooms to where the yrs 3 and 4 were. yr 4 moving into a hut and yr 3 staying at infants anothe yr. It's pretty hectic! We finish on Thurs! Can't wait!
Kylie1007 said:
Couldn't have "chosen" a worse time to get pregnant i.e. without a full time job! Will have to go to job centre to see if I can get Maternity Allowance as i haven't had a day not working in 5 yrs (except for a few wobbly weeks when the supply work wasn't coming in!).

Have just reread...don't want to come across as unsensitive to people TTC!!! Don't mean that I'm not delighted about baby!
not at all!!!!!
i was even thinking about trying to work it round summer hol, to get longer maternity...that was until i started trying...didn't realise how blaady hard it is...thought i'd be pg straight away...how naive!!!!!!!! :oops:
I came off the pill in Sept and was v careful until the once we weren't in March! Would have ideally liked to have waited a few months but over the moon now.
Well done u - you're like my friend...uber fertile!!! :)
My dad always complains that there was none of this "trying" lark with them either when they had me! I think my hubby would also have liked a bit more "trying" loL!
AnnaR2B said:
not at all!!!!!
i was even thinking about trying to work it round summer hol, to get longer maternity...that was until i started trying...didn't realise how blaady hard it is...thought i'd be pg straight away...how naive!!!!!!!! :oops:

See, we want to shoot for timing the bady around our summer holiday next year. I have come to the realization through this forum that it might not be that easy to concieve when it's convienent for me! :x
BUT fingers still crossed. That's why I'm doing all I can now to prepare -- at least I will be going into this thing blindfolded.

On the upside, my family has a history of being quite fertile! My mom has 5 kids. My sister has 3, and says that if a man LOOKS at her wrong she'll get pregnant. My youngest sister had unprotected sex ONCE during her fertile time (She was using NFP to AVOID pregnancy) and she now has a 2 year old! I guess I'm counting on the family fertile genes to help me pull this off starting September! :pray: :pray: :pray:
My school broke up 2 weeks ago!! I had 4 weeks off prior to that too, but that was sick leave after Oliver. I get 19 weeks off a year, but I have a longer school day, and teaching on Saturdays- oh the joys of private education!!!
My year runs as follows
Start sept
2 weeks break at end of October
Term ends second week of December
3/4 week off for xmas
Return in January
1 week break in Febuary
3/4 week off for easter (if 3 at xmas, get 4 for easter, and vice versa)
1 week break in May
Break up at the end June/beginning of July for 9 weeks summer hols!
We also get exeats (sats off) once evey half term, and at the braek up for each holiday there are no saturday lessons either.

Oh the sacrifice!!!
You all inspired me to figure out the days off I get this upcoming year. Something to look forward to, although I do love my job!

20 days off scattered around the school year for holidays (Christmas, Labor Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, etc.)
10 weeks off for summer break (june - august).
10 days of inservice throughout the year, which can be pretty boring, but sometimes you welcome those days w/o the students there.
All in all I think I teach 180 - 185 days a school year.
Not a bad job whatsoever!

Hi again :D

I teach 183 days a year, in Ireland the primary schools get 8 weeks, from the end of June to the beginning of September!

I love that end of things. I hate when ppl give me grief about long holidays - in my opinion we EARN them!

Love my job but love my breaks too!

We broke up today! Our kids finished on Friday but as everything was ready for next year, we were allowed to finish today! hurrah!
Hi all,

That's great it is so boring waiting for summer hols to start. There are only so many DVD's and wordsearchs i can cope with in one day!
One and a half more days to go for me!!! :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
I know...i've exhausted all my dvd's and only so many times they can tidy drawers!!! roll on weds xxxx
Emma58 said:
Hi all,

That's great it is so boring waiting for summer hols to start. There are only so many DVD's and wordsearchs i can cope with in one day!
One and a half more days to go for me!!! :wink:


:rotfl: sooo true!!! Luckily, I am off for a 'planning' meeting all day tomorrow..i.e. sit around in the City Learning Centre to get medium term plans ready for September...I predict donuts and a long pub lunch! Woo!
I used to love the last day of term as a kid, when we were allowed to bring our toys in.

Babydreams...what do parents do with their kids for 10 weeks :shock: I thought it would be hard enough arranging child care for the 6 weeks we have :lol:
Emma58 said:
Hi all,

That's great it is so boring waiting for summer hols to start. There are only so many DVD's and wordsearchs i can cope with in one day!
One and a half more days to go for me!!! :wink:

:rotfl: how true!

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