The Who's Who Of TTC - Getting To Know You.

Carly - All I can offer in TTC advice is to BD as much as poss, or every other day and to make it as fun and relaxed as possible - that's what we've been doing anyway. I have also been trying the legs up method - whack a pillow under my bum and pull my knees to my chin and try and lay there for about an hour or two. We've been trying the "relaxed" approach this month and I'm praying it has worked for us. x

Hiya Beanster - so so sorry to hear of that hun. :( Hope you get a BFP soon. x x
Carly - All I can offer in TTC advice is to BD as much as poss, or every other day and to make it as fun and relaxed as possible - that's what we've been doing anyway. I have also been trying the legs up method - whack a pillow under my bum and pull my knees to my chin and try and lay there for about an hour or two. We've been trying the "relaxed" approach this month and I'm praying it has worked for us. x

2 hours!!!! ha ha....i tried that before but only managed 30 mins before i couldn't breath properly anymore....i have rather large boobies...ha ha!!!! xx
Ditto, mine are 34G/H! x x

I alternate between just laying in missionary or knees to chin - will find out on 26th if it has worked! x x
Hi everyone, im Kay, new to all this! im 23 years old, my OH is nearly 24, been together for 5 1/2 years and we have a gorgeous little boy who is 15months. Just decided we are going to try again for baby number 2 so just came off the pill 2weeks ago. Were keeping it quiet at the moment but finding it very hard 2 keep my mouth shut and need 2 blab soooon! I fell pregnant while on the pill with my son so really hoping we wont have a long wait this time. Loads of luck to all of u, im sure u will all be amazing mummys soon enough! :)

Carly - Just click on the link next to it and it will show you how to make one. :) x

Hiya Kay, welcome to the forum! Aw, I agree, hopefully it won't be long before bubba number 2 comes along, until then, we're all here to support you and help. :) x
sorry im really stupid bit how do i get it on my profile? im confused lol
There's URL to copy and paste, if you go to User CP, edit signature, copy and paste the URL code. :) x x
Hi Ladies. I'm Steph and 29. My other half and I have been together nearly 10 years and married for a year and 4 months. have been TTC on and off for about 4 years but have just started taking it really seriously for the past year. Had to take a break from it a couple of months ago due to back injury. I'm a cinema Team Leader and have 2 gorgeous kittycats who are more child like than actual cats.
Hiya Steph!

Hope you get your BFP soon hun. x x

So do I. am getting a bit tired of all this getting my hopes up milarky. Am trying not to symptom spot and only coming on here occasionally so I don't get too carried away.
Hi All,
My names Vicky I just turned 33 this month. My OH IS Keir and he is 37 we have been together for 8 and a half years and I love him to bits!! We are TTC baby number 2 we already have a gorgeous daughter who will be 3 in December and Keir has a son who will be 11 at the end of October. We also have a mad black labrador and a cat. I work as a Support Worker and Keir works for Tesco in the warehouse.

Came off the pill in August and cycles are still all over the place. It took a year for us the last time so hoping it doesnt take as long this time. Love this site as everyone is going through everything together and I hope we all get our BFP'S soon. Babydust to you all!! xx
Hey ladies :)
My turn! .. I'm Danielle 21, Partner also 21.. Been together for 4yrs and been engaged for 7months. Looking to Wed in the next 18/24months. But both want a luvly little baby to start our family. Only been TTC for 5weeks.
Good news as I'm currently 6days overdue my AF. Unfortunatly all HPTs are BFNs at the moment but there's still a chance :) xx
Hiya Steph!

Hope you get your BFP soon hun. x x

So do I. am getting a bit tired of all this getting my hopes up milarky. Am trying not to symptom spot and only coming on here occasionally so I don't get too carried away.

I know exactly what you mean hun. Sometimes I think a break away from the forum would be what I need to fall PG lol! But I really enjoy it here, I love the support and the people are all so friendly. xx
Hi Buzby, I agree, it's so comforting - in a way - to be able to know and talk to people who are experiencing the same things. Hope it's not too long before you get a BFP hun! x x

Babyslog - Aw, I got married almost 4 months ago, have fun planning yours hun! :) Sounding positive, hope you get a nice BFP. x x

Im Sarah and am 26 Years young. Im new on this and wasn't really sure I should even be looking at a 'prgnancy forum' on account that im not pregnant but found to my huge relief that it caters for people like me who are WTT and hopefully means I can get advice about the journey to becoming a parent.

Im getting married in June 2011, and very much looking forward to the big day. My OH and I have discussed trying for a baby quite a lot over the last year and have made the decision to go for it after the wedding.

Part of me (and my OH!) wants to stop taking my pill before the wedding to allow my body to readjust etc but the last thing I want is a period on my wedding day! I feel like I shouldn't be worrying about this and just stop taking the pill but equally, I can't help worrying!

Does anyone have any advice about stopping taking the pill? How long I should wait after stopping before trying to conceive? This will be our first so we are both v nervous and v excited!
Hi Sarah welcome to the forums.

Good to hear you've found support through using PF, it's fab here, I've only been here since September and I'm addicted already lol. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding, how exciting! Have you got a colour theme picked out? I got married about four months ago.

I have only ever taken the pill for one month which was the month of my wedding as I didn't want a period on my wedding day or honeymoon!

I think if you've been taking the pill for a long time, it can take a while for your body to adjust and get back to normal cycles so it may well be best to come off it straight away and see what happens! Although, there are people who fall pregnant quickly after stopping the pill so I guess it's really 50-50 and upto yourself and future husband.

In my case, I stopped pretty much straight after the honeymoon as I had finished the 21 days and chose not to use the rest of the pack. I'm in my 2nd cycle of TTC and in the 2WW.

x x
Thanks for the welcome!

Going to have purple for the colour scheme, I'm very excited about it but also very excited about the prospect of trying to become a parent!

Cheers for your take on when may be the best time to stop the pill, I have been on it for a number of years so a bit unsure how long it may take to readjust, its a tricky one to try and decide on, stop now and potentially have a bump for the wedding day or be on my period for the wedding or wait and possibly have to wait months after the wedding before my cycle even starts to settle down! Will see what the OH thinks and see if we can arrive at a decision together!

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Not a problem hun. :)

Ooh, I love the colour purple, my cousin and his now wife had purple and it looked fab.

I think you'll find mixed responses about coming off the pill, as I said, some people fell straight away and others took time - so it's great that you and your OH will sort it together. :)

Thanks for the FX x x
Hello girls

Well... I'm Fi, I'm 32 and live in Tokyo. I've been married to OH for two years, together for 7. We moved to Japan in June from London - so far I am loving it! This is our first month of TTC, and due to test on Monday.. scared/excited/nervous and a whole load of other things! Also a bit scared of having a baby in Japan - but I'm sure we will deal with whatever tricky situations may be thrown our way....
This a such a great forum for me to be able to have a little bit of contact with 'home', and chat in English rather than my very poor Japanese! It's great to have this support.
Good luck to you all.... x

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