The Who's Who Of TTC - Getting To Know You.

I'm princess ;-)
Been with o/h 8 years. This is our first cycle ttc. Been pf fan since January when I stopped taking the pill. Only got af back in September :rolleyes:
I'm a police officer (hides) and o/h is in the royal marines :love:
He's not really that concerned with having kids but as 30 is looming very close for me I've decided it's time.
Hi everyone, I'm Laura and I'm an alcoholic.

Ok rubbish joke, but in all seriousness, I think I may now be a conceivaholic (if there is such thing). I put my middle name in my status and I don't know why. No one calls me Laura Anne. Lol.

I'm 26 and my OH is 33. I work in HR and have been with OH nearly 7 and a half years. I came off the pill in June and we started ttc in August. We have a ragdoll cat that is practically our baby, but I'm rather keen on a real one :)

I do really love this forum, it's great to talk about ttc as it's not an easy thing to talk about with friends (even OH - I think I bore him to death / scare him off!lol). I have at times considered trying to back off this site if I'm honest, as I feel I'm getting myself so worked up about ttc. Don't think I can leave though, like you all too much! ;)

Edit: ok maybe trying to conceivaholic. I'd quite like to be a successful conceivaholic though!
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Hello everyone...I'm 34 and have been with my OH since January 2009 so about 21 months...he is the love of my life and worth waiting 32 years to meet him. This time 2 years ago i thought i was going to be single for the rest of my life and never have a family and then i met him on 10th jan 2009 and have been with him ever since, He is my best friend, my lover and my soulmate and i just know he is going to make an amazing if I can just get my head round being a mummy and giving birth, we should be okay! ha ha..

We are ttc and have been for just about a month, came off the pill mid september but been on it for 18 years so i'm expecting it to take a few just going to try and take the relaxed approach...

We also want a springer pup..but baby first, hopefully xxx

Oh and I'm a Mortgage Advisor/ if anyone needs a new mortgage? ha ha
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Hi everyone, I'm Laura and I'm an alcoholic.

Ok rubbish joke, but in all seriousness, I think I may now be a conceivaholic (if there is such thing). I put my middle name in my status and I don't know why. No one calls me Laura Anne. Lol.

I'm 26 and my OH is 33. I work in HR and have been with OH nearly 7 and a half years. I came off the pill in June and we started ttc in August. We have a ragdoll cat that is practically our baby, but I'm rather keen on a real one :)

I do really love this forum, it's great to talk about ttc as it's not an easy thing to talk about with friends (even OH - I think I bore him to death / scare him off!lol). I have at times considered trying to back off this site if I'm honest, as I feel I'm getting myself so worked up about ttc. Don't think I can leave though, like you all too much! ;)

Edit: ok maybe trying to conceivaholic. I'd quite like to be a successful conceivaholic though!

:rotfl: you are funny Laura!! :)
Great idea... i'm Nicola, been TTC for 1 yr now. My partner is 35 and so am i. Had a Missed MC in May this yr at 13 weeks, now feeling ME again we are TTC for the second time.

My horse and cat are my babies ATM!!! and i love them lots :) xx

Now feel like coming on here a bit more, be great to catch up more, so HELLO xx
Im Lynsey, im 18 and ive been with my OH Daniel for almost two years in a few days, hes 21 and works for the fire service!
Used contraception the first few months we got together, okay like one lol.. and didnt get on with pill, was suppose to change and just never did, so wasnt trying, and wasnt preventing. But in two years..nothing!! had tests and checks and im okay, his turn soon! but id say its been the last 8-9 months were ttc really started! and in last 5 months its been really hard.

I recently started working as a nursery assistant and LOVE IT! :)
Had a few missed months of af, and long cycles, but hoping ill have my bfp soon tp cheer up family :)

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Hi everyone, I'm Laura and I'm an alcoholic

OMG i was soooooooooooo going to crack that joke, but i thought if i said it was like an AA meeting that everyone would think i'd actually been to one lol

Hi everyone, I'm Jen, I'm 24 and I'm from Bedfordshire!!!!! (Voice goes up at the end like I'm on Blind Date!)
Been with hubby five and a bit years, married for a year and a bit. We have three mogs, Miles, Woody and Lollipop; my husband loves them more than me so I won't get a look in when the bub turns up!
This is first cycle of TTC; like LauraAnne though, sometimes this forum - whilst fabulous - scares me a bit about all the scary things that come with TTC, but it's like drugs - I can't help coming on and having a nose!
My cycles are really irregular, last one 50 days like MissJ and I am currently one week late. After several (ahem, 5) HPT tests I am def not preggers, so just waiting for AF to start really going (with all my new knowledge) next month!
Baby dust to all xxx

Oooh by the way; I have three jobs; HR 3 days a week, I child mind for one day and I make Cupcakes the other 3 days!

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Hi :wave:

My name is Michelle, I'm 24 years old (25 on November 2nd). I have been with my husband, who is 29 (30 in January) for 6 years and 4 months and have been married for 14 months. We have a beautiful boy already Named Thomas and he will be 3 on November 27th (doesn't time fly?).

I came off the pill in July and we have been TTC since then. I think my periods have only just settled down as my first 2 were on time but this latest one came 8 days late :wall2: Hopefully I'm back in the running after this AF :)

We have got a cat named George and a large collection of stuffed yellow ducks :)

Nice idea! im B, 19 and OH is 21. im a hairdresser and he does some office based work. oh and we have a 9week old kitten. stopped pill end of june and had a bleed but no af since :( just lots of bfn! anyway lots of babydust for you all! x
I'll join in too then!
I'm Binzy, I'm just 33 and my oh is 43. We've been together for 9 years and married for one. He's Italian and we live in Italy. I work as a translator at a law firm. We've been TTC for 11 months and I can't wait to see a BFP! I'm thinking about writing to Father Christmas for one..feel like I've tried everything else!
aw such a sweet thread!

i'm sarah and i've been with my OH for 7 years! i am 28 (nxt friday) and my OH is 31. we have been ttc for about 5 months now.

like jenny and laura i also work in HR (we get everywhere!) really enjoying the thread and nice getting to know you all a bit better on here xx
Hey :)

My name is Georgina, I'm 31, been with my OH for nearly 9 years now (can't believe it's gone that fast!) and married for just over 2 :) We've been TTC since Sept - although that's on a hiatus atm until I settle into my new job :)
Lovin this DH just looked at me like I'm a looney cos sniggering away at your comments. I've not told him about the forum, maybe he thinks I'm chatting up men on a dating website!!! Sooooo wrong lol
Love this thread...... Mainly because I'm nosey!!

I'm Lynsey, 32 and live in Singapore with my lovely boyfriend of 3 years!

I was a payroll manager before moving out here!! Miss friends and family a lot living here but it's an amazing experience, and feel sooooo lucky every day!

Only stopped takin the pill a month ago, so quite new to all this, but really love this forum, I've learnt so much from you all........and wish everyone loads of luck!!

I didn't expect to come back to 2 more pages!

Wowee, I love it, it's fab to get to know everyone a bit more and I hope this comes out the right way but especially since we're all in the same boat, regardless of how long we've been here for, we're all longing for the same thing!

Everyone sounds so interesting, I feel bad for not mentioning our little ones, our dogs that is!! We have staffies and they are B.O.N.K.E.R.S.! Absolutely love them though and wouldn't change them for the world.

I really hope you all enjoy this thread and feel completely free to use it as a source of general chit chat and if you want to, continue adding to it.

I hope you're all well and I hope we get a mahoosive surge of BFPs soon!!!

Love and babydust to all x x x :D
Oooooh this is a good post!!

I'm Maybe, I'm 28 and Hubby is 30 we've been together for 10 years, married this May in Ibiza.

We have been TTC baby number 1 for 5 months, inc a miscarriage on 1st cycle since stopping the pill.

I also love this forum, everyone is really nice and supportive it's good that the new TTC gang is getting to know each other after all the BFPs!

I work in fashion and Hubby in IT recruitment, we don't have any pets, my friend's getting a French Bulldog, I was showing him the pictures, he looked at me as he new what I was thinking and said " A baby or a dog, your choice!?" I settled for baby!

At the moment i'm taking Pregnacare, Baby Asprin, have Concieve Plus and also use the Clear Blue digital OV kit, i'm also a fan of the legs in the air after BDing!!


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