New Who's Who

hey all my name is Julie i am living with my husband we have been together for 5 years now and married for 7 months have been TTC for 3 months now. Working in insurance. Will try to find a wedding pic to post also xx Good luck to all of us TTC xx
Hello! i'm Ceris, 29 in April. Been with OH for 5 years, married for 7 months.
I own a dance school, and we run a pub!!
We had one of my dance staff sing at our wedding, and she did songbird, it is such a beautiful song!! Would love to hear your album samsgirl!!
We have been TTC since just before our wedding, had a miscarriage in january.
I had an ectopic pregnancy over 5 years ago, so lost one fallopian tube, so ovulate every other month according to CBFM.
I have been broody forever!! I love PF but cant seem to change the mood i am in on it which is quite frustrating!! tried everything, but it wont change!
I am usually online at random times due to the 2 businesses!
MrsMC if you ever need anything for the dance school let me know!!! i have over 4000 costumes and props etc if you do shows etc!! and leeds is just an hour away!!
Hi ladies, im smokey, im 23, Hairdresser, im engaged to OH, getting married in september:pompom: . we have been ttc our first little angel for 5 months. we are living in lewisham. trying to get pic up but its telling me my files are too big :cry: :cry:
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Hi im mushy...................been ttc since dec 10...............have been with oh for 11 years this year although only been married for 2 years. hubby 22 years older than me so need to get my bfp soon ..................................................................................
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ps im 32 hes 54
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Hi peeps, I've been ttc with my partner for about 9 months now. I had an early mc in October last year, just before my birthday :(

I went for 21 day bloods last month and OH went for semen analysis - all came back fine (OH has been boasting as his semen analysis came back as 107 million per ml - he thinks it's a record!) so thats a relief!

I'm an accountant, and run my own company and study too, so how I'll fit in a baby too I dont know, but us Wonder Women just fit it all in eh?!

I'm not quite so active on the forum these days as I find that ttc can take over a bit, and it can become an unhealthy obsession (for me at least!) but still have fingers crossed for a spring bfp!
ps im 32 hes 54

My OH is 25 years older than me :)

woo hoo thought i was the only one! i usually lie about his age so people don't judge! :blush:

Gosh that is quite an age difference, do your partners have kids already? They must be worried about being an older parent? My husband is really worried and he's 38, he says we will be the oldest parents at the school gates, it is something i think about quite a bit
My hubby is 20 yrs older than me!! 25 and 44 (he be 45 in oct)

Glad I'm not the only 1 x
Starfish- hubby has 2 sons 11 & 14 he embraces the new challenge of a baby an says he knows alot of things he will do differently so experience is sometimes good x

I worry that maybe his sperm is old an that's why we can't Conceive bit only been 4 cycles so I know jus me being silly x
I dont think it makes much difference with men, Charlie Chaplin was still having kids in his 90's
Like I said jus me being silly!! It will happen soon impatience is not my best feature :(
hiya starfish,

ya i worried a bit and got him to get checked out before we started ttc, he has the swimmers of a teenager according to the doc,
he has 4 children from a previous relationship and multiple births run in his family, so far twins and triplets!
he don't seem to worry about being an older parent......i do! but then im the worrier in the relationship! i know he'll be a brilliant dad because he didn't have much say in his other kids lives due to the sourness of the split! so he is looking forward to a little one probably more than i am!! tee hee. x x x x
My husband is a grandad lol !!! He has 3 grown up children....... 31, 25 and 23 and as I say he has a grandchild whos 1. I do find it all a bit 'different' shall we say and I would of been much happier if hubby was nearer my age............................. but only because we are so happy and i dont want to be left on my own eventually xxxxxxxx But you cant choose who you fall in love with xxx
I do find it all a bit 'different' shall we say and I would of been much happier if hubby was nearer my age............................. but only because we are so happy and i dont want to be left on my own eventually xxxxxxxx But you cant choose who you fall in love with xxx

I 100% agree when i stated seeing my OH 4 years ago i never thought we would stay together! it's very daunting that (if we both stay healthy) i'm going to out live him. i try not to think about it. my parent were not happy at the start but he is the love of my life. at least if i do outlive him and we have our little family, i will have a piece of him with me always!

oh just thinking about it sends a shiver down my spine!!

on a lighter note, the sex is fantastic! you know what they say "the older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

p.s he's a grandad too. triplet grandsons!!
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