The Who's Who Of TTC - Getting To Know You.

Hi Pam83 im sure you will pick up plenty of tips here, good luck xx
Hi girls! I'm mrspc, 31. Married to mrpc (also 31) for 2 years in July (together for 7). Came off pill in August. Started ttc first baby in Jan.

Had been keeping iphone app track of cycles since coming off pill but phone broke before xmas and I lost all my data :doh: Didn't bother last month as oh had a stupid thing about not wanting a xmas day baby!

Trying cb opks this month: no smilie face as yet but still bd-ing every other day in case! Due to bd tonight but oh not home from work til after 11pm, not sure whether to leave it and wait for smilie face? I read on here it was better to bd every other day to keep up :sperm: count and quality?

Good luck to everyone ttc and pregnant and thanks for all of the advice on here xxxx
Bumping this up, have been away and not realised new members have posted here! Sorry ladies!!

x x
Hiya ladies,
Well after losing my first pregnancy back in March, we're now ttc again. I'm very nervous about the whole thing in case things go wrong like last time. I wish you all the luck in the world in your ttc quest :)

Started peeing on OV tests this week and today the two lines are getting a bit darker so hopefully by the end of the week it'll be ovulating a go go! :) Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)

Hi ladies :wave:

My name's Chell, I'm 23 with a DD of 4 years already. Been with OH for almost 6 years.

We've been TTC for two years, we had a BFP in August 2010 which sadly ended in MC two days later.

We have had no luck yet but we keep on trying and just hope that this month is our month.

I used to be in this section alot but after the MC and lots of BFPs from the other members, I thought a break was needed.

Experience TTCr here so any questions I'd be more than happy to help :)

Lots of luck ladies and loads of :dust:
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Hiya ladies, I am 29 & my husband is 40, we have been married a year & ttc since July 2010. Here's hoping we all get our BFP's soon xx
Hi, I'm Kirsty and only joined the forum today.
Im 26 and have been with my husband for 6 years, married for 1. Currently TTC and in cycle 2, TWW. I'm incredibly impatient and hate all the waiting and not knowing! Thought I'd come on this forum and hopefully talk to some ladies who are as obsessed as I am about TTC x x
Welcome to all the new faces, hope your stay in TTC is a short one! x

Sorry to hear of the MCs, I had one in March just a week after getting a long awaited BFP. :( Here if you need to talk ladies. :hugs:

x x
Oh I like this! Will try to read though when I have some time.

I'm Kelly, I'm 23. My OH is Tom, 28. We've been together 4 years last month.

We've been wanting a baby for ages, feels like we've been waiting ages anyway. We've been living in a tiny rented flat which isn't big enough for a baby and us. I'm a nursery nurse, recently started working in a new place which I love (love being round children! They're amazing). Tom's a doctor, was changing hospital's every year. But from this year he's going to be staying in one place for at least 3 years. So we've just bought our first house and feel it's time to start TTC now things are settling a bit and we won't be moving, changing jobs.

So, we've just started TTC. First cycle so not much happening at the moment. I'm going to use OPK's (well, I've started which is a bit naughty because I'm probably not going to get a positive just yet after coming off the pill I'm sure!) But it is fun practicing for now haha and if we're lucky something might happen!
OMG just went back to the start and read through, look how many pregnancy tickers there are now! :)

I'm keeping my finger crossed for you. :)

It's nice when LTTC's move on!

No affence to the other girls off course - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys too.

I'm feeling fab thanks - was chuffed when I bought a 50 miu test last night and peed on it later on and it brought out a lovely line as dark as the control line. I'm usually used to seeing one dark line n then naff all. So yeah that was when everything started to really sink in and that also made OH talk more about baby stuff. Think it's finally sunk in for him too.

How are you? What cd are you and how long are your cycles now? X
Aww glad you're good, that dark line must have felt great!

I think I'm 2dpo, I felt like I was gonna OV Sat/Sun when I was away and when I came back on Monday I had one OPK in my drawer, it was a pretty good positive but I reckon the darker than dark one would have been yesterday but I had no OPKs actually I could be 1dpo then..

I did an OPK this morning and it was lighter so I think I've had my surge.

I'm not stressing about getting PG really soon but 2 friends are due in October so I'd at least like to be PG for when the bubbas come!

Hopefully I'll see you in two weeks in tri one! :whistle: one can dream!!

Hey everyone..

I'm finally saying hello after browsing this forum for months!! :)

My partner and I have been ttc for three years, I have very irregular periods which makes it very hard to detect ovulation, i have had all the blood tests under the sun and a scan for PCOS whoch came back normal. My partner is a diabetic (although he already has a daughter and his reuslts have also come back clear)

My main issue is getting my GP to take me seriousley, everytime i speak to them, all i seem to get is dont worry it will happen.. well three years of dont worry it will happen and my heart is practically breaking.. i don t think it helps that im approaching the big 30!! haha

Im glad these forums exist as it really does show us we are not alone, and im greatful for all the posts with peoples experiences.

I think my oh wants to kill me cos right now the only thing that makes me feel better is booking holidays :)

Look forward to getting to know you all :)
welcome gemsmee, hope things work out well for you and you don't have to wait too long to get the result you are looking for.

Welcome gemsmee and good luck with ttc its a great place as you have already found out lol, you will certainly receive plenty of advice and encouragement here xxx

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