******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Waters intact, still contracting but they're luckily not doing anything. Just had pethadine in the hope that I can sleep 10 hours of tightening and I got desperate.

Hi ladies I'm currently in hospital with contractions they don't think baby will be coming today but I have to stay in until my contractions stop xx
How is everything xxx

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That's sounds good to me, Unicorn.

Generally unless you are hiring newborn nappies, the first size and birth-to-potty (one size) tend to fit best when they are over 8lbs AND a couple of weeks old and have started putting on fat. When they are newborn even if 7/8lb they are usually pretty skinny and the larger cloth nappies don't give a good fit.
If you're ordering newborn ones (up to 12lb?) they should still fit in August. Unless he's born 2 weeks late and is huge ;) lol. But honestly I think you guessed about right.

If your baby comes early(er) and you want to get him in cloth sooner I'm sure you'll be able to arrange it with the nappy library then.

I have my local nappy library person coming to see me in a couple of weeks because I was going to hire some newborn nappies but then Tots bots had their Teenyfits (6-12lb) on half price so I got 5 (and already had a few other newborn size) and then it was Real Nappy Week this week so cloth nappies have been on sale so I've bought quite a few. And I also bought a few 'gently used' ones too lol. So don't actually think I will need to hire any now lol! I have around 45-50 nappies altogether and I still have to send off for my free kit from the council (you get about 3 nappies, a wrap, liners, and wet nappy bag) and I have some in the loft from when I had my 9yr old in cloth! LOL.

I saw my aunt's [foster] baby today lol.
He's almost 12 weeks old but he only weighed 4lb 14oz at birth! So must have been a bit early. He's still in 0-3m clothes and size 1 pampers, and looks more like an 8 week old than 3 month old.

Great, thank you Phoenix. And do you think the newborn ones will give me a good idea of which first size ones to buy, or I'd be next hiring a first size set after the newborn set? Xx
Hope everything has settled down Elfs Mummy and you've been able to get some rest xx
I'm nearly 30 weeks! :shock:

Does anyone else still not feel this is real sometimes?

My aunt & uncle foster and last night they had 3 boys placed with them - a 7yr old, 6yr old and a baby! (some confusion over the baby's age, it's either 7 weeks or 11 weeks old or somewhere between the two, my aunt wasn't sure which!)
We are going over tomorrow and I'm insanely excited about tiny baby cuddles and was getting emotional & upset we don't live closer or I'd be round every day lol... had to remind myself I'll have my own baby in less than 3 months.

I still find it hard to believe that I am actually going to have a baby of my own soon :roll::lol:

such a lovely thing your aunt and uncle do!
yes, like you, i cant believe that i will have a baby of my own soon!!! sooo excited! it has been too long! wow! you are already 30weeks! that is sooo amazing! 9 weeks until i am full term and it feels like it will go quickly! (well i hope so); i dont want baby to come early though as my maternity leave starts on 15 July (he is due on 20) .. i dont mind him coming a week early i suppose.. well lets c! just sooo excited!! havent bought much at all! second week in june is when we plan to buy everything.

We're due the same day Purple and I was originally working up to the 15th as well, but I've now changed it for the 1st :-) xx
How are you Elf's Mummy?

I'm finishing on 24th June as taking 3.5 weeks hol and then 4 days mat leave before due date.
I'm counting down already :)

I've got really bad swollen ankles today, came out of no-where.
Any suggestions to ease?
Can't wait for the warmer weather so I can wear flip flops xx
I'm hoping mine comes early (spontaeneous labour) like at 37-39 weeks because I want to avoid induction (I had OC with my other two and was induced, this time I'm hoping I'll escape it, but if I do get it again I'll refuse induction as long as possible but the longer I go the harder it'll be to avoid/refuse)

Same. I had it with both my other pregnancies. 99% chance of getting it again. I was induced with my daughter at 35w6d and she was born the following day via cesarean. I was determined to carry my son longer, and he made it to 37w5d. I badly wanted to VBAC but nothing I did got me to dilate. Not even to 1. So, I could not be induced.

I would really like to go to 38-39 weeks this time. I am even considering pushing to go as long as all my blood work/scans/NSTs are normal, but it can change so quickly that I don't think any of my doctors would let me go past 39 weeks. So, I am REALLY hoping to dilate this time. My doctor will let me VBA2C if I can. However, they have all of the policies in place to provide a "gentle" cesarean, which I had with my son, and I am really okay with that, as well.

Of course, if I am lucky and I don't get it this time, I will carry all the way! It's just so unlikely.
Quick update I've been transferred to st helier as they are better equipped at dealing with threatened pre term labour they've decided that though my cervix is shut I'm still contracting so they need to find out why. I'll be having an Mri tomorrow to see if it's my appendix grumbling. I'll read through later when they've given me drugs xxx

@Phoenix and Unicorn, i plan to work from home from 1st July onwards, i will already have handed over so will just be checking the work of my interim and helping them out so i wont really be working working lol. right now i come into the office 3x a week. haha! Phoenix i c ant believe you took your leave so early! that's so cool! how long is your leave though? mine is only 6months so every second counts.

@Unicorn i will become so impatient if your baby arrives early! 82 days to go! just cant wait!

@Phoenix, a washing up bowl is such a great idea for the baby! oh my gosh! i didnt think of that! my bathroom is also really tiny, thank you for the tip! i think i will do the same, planning to move houses sometime this year so can buy a baby bath when we move.

You guys are all sooo organised! i will get there in the end i guess.
thinking of you Elf's Mummy, wishing you all the best! i am sure that all will be well and baby can hang on for atleast another 8 weeks. take it easy x
Phoenix i c ant believe you took your leave so early! that's so cool! how long is your leave though? mine is only 6months so every second counts.

Maternity leave here is 9 months but tbh I'm not sure I'll be going back afterwards if I can avoid it.

:) x
Great, thank you Phoenix. And do you think the newborn ones will give me a good idea of which first size ones to buy, or I'd be next hiring a first size set after the newborn set? Xx

I think once he outgrows the newborn ones at 12lb the birth-potty size should be fine, but not too sure.

I have mostly newborn (up to 12lb) and then the rest are "birth to potty" I only have a few 'first size' (7-18lb) nappies.

I'm sorry, have I done something to offend you guys?
I don't think so NBkm, though I've been slacking with coming on here lately x
Hi hoe is everyone doing? Any bank holiday plans? I'm waiting for our nursery wardrobe to arrive today! I'm getting so excited I'm now over 31 weeks :-)xx
Why would you think that NBkm3? I think people mostly use this thread to update and only really reply to each other if someone has answered a direct question so I wouldn't worry about people not entering into conversation, I think everyone is just a bit busy!

Don't worry Purple, I'm planning on holding on to him for as long as possible, I'm more than happy to go after you ;-)

I'm good thank you Ttc, spent all day yesterday at a spa with a friend, made myself sick by swimming after lunch but had a back massage and pedicure which was fab! We've got friends visiting and we'll be going out for lunch with them today and then tomorrow I'm going to pack my hospital bag and we've got NCT, which I am really enjoying and looking forward to :-)
I'm still trying to get the balance of doing nice things we won't be able to do when the baby arrives and taking it easy, don't feel like I've got there yet as I feel pretty overwhelmed with everything some of the time. How's everyone else doing? Xx
argh! I think being in the 30's makes it so much more real! Lol

No plans for us really. Bit of diy probably and sorting the house out, we've only lived here since august and already accumulated so much crap lol xx
We respond much quicker on the fb group if you want to join that? (Pm me
If you do as i might miss it on the comments). Unicorn is right though, I've been coming on here about once a week recently xxx
My auntie is coming over today (she lives about 50 minutes away by car :( ) She was meant to be here at 11 but isn't going to get here til 12.30ish now :( So I'm on here bored & hoping the next hour flies by lol.
Feeling huge today!!

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