******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Yay I'm here today :dance: so excited!!

Hope you are ok?

I am going to ring the day unit today as I can't shop itching it's driving me mad x
27 weeks ... Can't believe I'm finally in the last trimester! :D
Hello - isn't it so exciting - third trimester!!! Xx
I feel pretty good no symptoms apart from itching a lot! My friend just had her baby early last week (both ok) so getting super excited seeing her wee baby pics xx
I'm so tired!!! LOL

I've been going to bed earlier and earlier this last week. Last night I was so tired I went to bed at 8.30pm!!

Today I woke up a few times but didn't get up. Got up at 11am and bottomed the house (vacuumed the living room, hallway, and kitchen... doesn't sound like much but with 2 dogs and 6 cats there was a LOT of fur, it always takes ages to vac it all up lol, and I even pulled the sofa out today and cleaned behind it which I do every few months lol), then washed all the floors (hard floors) and cleaned the bathroom and the bathroom floor too. Then this aft I did my bedroom & the conservatory. Completely exhausted now lol!
Ttc1234 how's the itching, hope it's calmed down?
I have been the same on my hands and shins so got tested for obstetric cholarosis yesterday but has come back clear so they have advised its hormones. Have you been tested?

Phoenix the sounds like a lot of work I'm not surprised your tired, is nesting kicking in?
I am jealous of your 11am lie in, my latest lie in is normally 7 of the kids let me :(

I have been decluttering and ripped all my plants, trees and shrubs out the garden so I can do my own garden design. Now I have an empty garden I have no idea what to do as I don't garden ha ha x
It's mainly my neck that's itchy. I think it's eczema that's flared with pregnancy! I've tried about every emollient and steroid and it's driving me mad! I see my midwife next week so will mention it then. It probably doesn't help I'm swimming a lot which will be drying my skin out! I'm off work tomorrow and can't wait for a lie in lol xx
Nesting has definitely kicked in lol. I just want it to be dry and sunny now so I can wash all the sofa covers and get the nappies and baby clothes washed and dry and put away lol!

It's rained on and off all day though and even had hail this afternoon. Been raining lots this week still.
Honestly can't wait til June lol (just hope it's sunny!)

I had Obstetric Cholestasis in my last two pregancies. Both times at 34 weeks though.
Last time they tested me every 4 weeks but still came back clear even after symptoms showed up at 34 weeks they took bloods and they were raised but still normal. I knew though lol so they took them again a week later and it confirmed OC.

I am fully expecting to get it again but doubt my LFTs will show OC until around 34/35 weeks.

I've had itching over the winter but it's different, just dry skin, mostly on my left arm oddly. It's got better recently though, any day it's been warm enough I've sat in the sun for an hour at lunch time and got sun to it which helps.
From memory the Cholestasis mostly affected my hands, scalp & feet & ankles.

Oh I know lol, the lie ins are good, I can sleep for England. My kids are the same though lol and often don't surface til after I get up! They're already like teenagers haha. (they are 9 & 12) The 9yr old is good & will get up and shower, make breakfast etc if I'm not up, 12 yr old would rather starve and stay in bed til I get up and make something for them! :roll: lol :lol:
I've had so much energy today. I've cleaned the whole house, done loads of washing and painted my utility lol! Now sitting watching the Ellen show with a cuppa!!xx
Well my energy has cost me as I've got horrendous right buttock pain worse on movement tonight. I'm not sure how I'm going to get on at work tomorrow as I'm on my feet a lot. I know a Physio who says its sacro-iliac pain, probably flared as I've overdone it today. Geezo..:-(
Sounds like sciatica... twinge-y pain?

I had it really bad with my last but other than a bit of mild twinging around 20 weeks I've not really had it yet this time thankfully!
Yeh it is sharp but doesn't go down my leg just in the buttock. It's only sore on certain movements esp bending so I'm resting this weekend on a hope it eases. Have a nice weekend ladies. We are away to look at prams again this afternoon and hopefully make a decision what we will get!!xx
Are you feeling any better Ttc1234?

I had my 4d scan today, it was amazing and took several attempts as baby was face down but it made things even more real!

Baby weighs approximately 2lb 6oz x
Yes my buttock pain is a lot better thanks. Only getting some pain on certain m/meets so it's confirmed I overdid it on my day off on Thursday. Lesson learnt I need to take it easier!!
Do you have any pics from you 4d scan? It sounds amazing. Do you know what you are having? 2lb 6oz is a good weight!!xx
Time to put your feet up, perfect excuse :) glad you are feeling better.

Here is baby, team yellow, do you want to take a geuss, girl or boy :)


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Lovely pics so clear. I'm useless and guessing genders lol! Do u have a hunch what you might be having? Were you not afraid you might see something on the scan today?xx

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