Baby girl Sophia born 5 am this morning 41+5 weighting 7.05 pounds. She is perfect and i am so happy.
Labor was crazy and emotional but got there in the end 48 hours after induction. Started contracting heavily about 10 hours after first pessary inserted but didn't dilate. Had 3 sweeps ( agressive ) to get things going but was a slow and painful process. After 24 hours of heavy contractions i had enough and went for an epidural which was amazing and made everything really nice in the end. I felt calm and strong and dilated to 10 after another 8 hours with epidural and pushed her out really quickly in about 15 minutes or so with no interventions. Without the epidural i would have been too tired to push her out so the best decision i made.
There was a lot of drama as well since her heartrate dropped to worrying levels a couple of times but she is perfectly healthy now!
She is a sweetheart and seems so relaxed and secure in herself xxx