******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Hope everyone is doing ok. Hope your alright Elfs Mummy.

I can not believe where the time has gone. And so much to do still literally. Haven't even finished the crib!!
On a plus hospital bags will finally be completed this week. Have started hypnobirthing and off to the baby show at the weekend! So something to be super excited about. My baby seems to be super active I don't even recognise much sleep patterns happening. Anyone else? The routine isn't really a routine Somedays are quieter though and I've been seen three times for constant movement already. But just think maybe baby has periods of constant activity. Makes me nauseous. Hope you all have had a chance to be enjoying the sunshine :) we have a lazy spa which we got before we knew I was pregnant and hubby finally put it up a couple days ago but im not allowed to use it so unfortunately I get to sit with my feet in the dogs paddling pool with her chewing a wet soggy ball on my legs while the hubby gets to sit in the spa with all the bubbles!!
Do you have temperature control redbootz? I think you can go in under a certain temp, it's just like hot baths,
Don't go in if you have to lower yourself gradually xxx
Oooo it does have temp control but I think I would struggle sitting down in it. Best with the dogs pool then probably :) she doesn't mind sharing
Oooo it does have temp control but I think I would struggle sitting down in it. Best with the dogs pool then probably :) she doesn't mind sharing
A spa sounds amazing redbootz! Very jealous! You'll be able to enjoy it in August instead!!
Hope everyone's ok? I'm fine but feeling like time is escaping me! Worked out my leftover holiday days yesterday and I finish work in 2 weeks time! Cannot wait!! Need to spend the mornings I'll have to myself before picking my daughter up getting ready for this baby! I really don't feel like I've given this poor second baby much thought yet! Need to start on my hypnobirthing CD, pack my hospital bag, make some dinners to freeze, chill out etc. etc.!!
@sophie_jane, your plan sounds excellent! wow.. especially the chilling out part; i wm really exhausted and sleepy right now as we have guests round so i didnt get much sleep last night. They leave tomorrow so it's fine.

I think i am the only person who will start maternity leave so close to due date! (5 days before due date)..

anyone else's hips hurting? my hips hurt sooo much that it feels like they will break! they usually hurt that way after loads of walking or standing, also hurt like that whilst i sleep and in the morning, i didnt experience this with my previous 2. My heels also hurt so much :-(..

10weeks to go! arrrggghhhh!
11 weeks to go for me and the things left on my to do list are pack hospital bag, buy baby bath, monitors and a baby bag. Think that's it. I'm not totally decided on a birthing plan as yet but like the idea of a water birth... But other days I just think I won't cope with the pain and will need an epidural.

In terms of mat leave, it is still my plan to work up until 9 days before due date and have a gradual phased return back to work.

How's everyone else doing? I can't believe where time is going!

We're excited for our 4d scan on Saturday!! X
I don't feel like I have anything ready. Working up to 37 weeks so not even thought about doing anything really. Too busy. I have a consultant appointment today and going to try get discharged bk to midwifery led care so I can go the birth centre rather than the birth suite. I have bought a hyp no birthing CD and hope to start practicing soon. Also been advised to do some lovely, not, perineal massage to prevent another tear. X
You guys will all feel like collapsing when you hear that i will buy everything 5weeks before due date... our 2 bed place is too small so we are hoping to move before baby is here, that's 1 reason that we are leaving it too late, another reason is that if i keep seeing baby things around the house i will be so impatient! have 10weeks to go and i am pretty calm right now :-).. i think we shopped in one day for the other 2 also :-). i have loads of exciting events coming up which will make time fly! just cant wait to have a baby in the house again!

my antenatal classes start in 4weeks time :-); i will visit the birthing centre in 6weeks time :-)... all exciting!
I'm over 32 weeks!

I'm half way through a hypnobirthing course now, which tbh I'm glad was free because I can't say it's any better than just buying the book and CDs and doing it at home lol, except that with kids at home it can be hard to "find" time to practice. The class is "making" me take 2hrs a week to concentrate on it.
I have bought the book though with the intention of reading it and practicing at home, but so far I haven't even looked at it. lol

I'm looking forward to Sunday, seeing my aunt's foster baby again. I know it's daft because I'm nearly due but I am so broody right now lol. Really impatient to have my baby, so making the most of baby cuddles any chance I get lol.

I'm not ready at all though. I still need to wash all the baby clothes (but nappies are ready! LOL). And could do with washing slings too. And I need to buy knickers for me still, and some disposable 'incontinence' pads for the bed (for the home birth), and something to bath the baby in lol.
I keep forgetting when I'm in town.
Hey Purple my hips are bad again especially in the night and if I have done to much in the day! Going to the baby show tomorrow but hubby has borrowed a travel wheel chair to push me round in as I just won't make it round.

We have started hypnobirthing I'm finding it useful and hubby is enjoying the classes so that's good and we get a tour of the hospital labour ward and birthing pools in week 4 of the course. We then have a free set of antenatal classes to attend in June for added info on after care etc

I have my midwife coming to see me at home to go through a birth plan as I was in a bit of a state at my last appointment so after her clinic she said she will come and spend an hour with me I thought was nice.

I am stressing a bit as baby is measuring 28 weeks still at 31 weeks and I haven't heard about my growth scan yet which was referred Wednesday. Keep hearing people get seen the same day or the day after and now we are getting the weekend and baby is static according to the midwife so I am freaking out. I am going to call up the antenatal clinic this morning to find out what's going on as my anxiety will not let me leave it over the weekend I would be in such a mess.

We have so much to do still. The nursery isn't near finished or the crib it's just a mess. Haven't hit half the things we need yet and he weeks are going so fast it's crazy!
Try not to panic about the growth scan. I was measuring 27weeks at 29weeks (they did get me a scan really quickly though) and baby is fine, measuring 29weeks and 3lbs. That seems huge lol. Yeah i would call and ask because the anxiety isn't good for either of you.

I know what you mean, we don't even have a cot! Argh! Had a bit of a health scare last week and my first thought was please don't arrive yet!! It's kicked me in the bum a little bit so really trying to get organised now :) xxx
Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't been around for a while, this little madam has been so naughty xx I was admitted to hospital last week with contractions and a positive fibronectin test. Then I was discharged then re admitted the day after with the same thing. Iv lost my plug and I just feel like rubbish. Since I was discharged Iv got no appetite, I have been forcing myself to eat but I seem to have lost 7lb in a week!

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't been around for a while, this little madam has been so naughty xx I was admitted to hospital last week with contractions and a positive fibronectin test. Then I was discharged then re admitted the day after with the same thing. Iv lost my plug and I just feel like rubbish. Since I was discharged Iv got no appetite, I have been forcing myself to eat but I seem to have lost 7lb in a week!

Hope everyone else is ok xx

oh noo not good. hope everything settles down soon and you start to feel better. Is the fibronectin test the pre term labour one?
Oh that's rubbish charliebump - I hope baby stays put a little bit longer.
Yeah it's the preterm labour test. My bump has dropped already so I am crossing everything so she can stay in x Iv had the steroids if she does come but she will still be really poorly. Gosh it's so worrying x
Yeah it's the preterm labour test. My bump has dropped already so I am crossing everything so she can stay in x Iv had the steroids if she does come but she will still be really poorly. Gosh it's so worrying x

How is everything?
I went into preterm labour with my little boy at 28 weeks and was given steroids to strenghthen his lungs, Luckily everything settled down and he stayed put til 36+2 (I was induced) due to static growth
How is everyone doing? Have things settled charliebump? I'm off work on holiday this week then only 3 to go when I go back before matty! Sleeps become poor though - up every 2 hours to pee so it's broken and I feel knackered in the norning. Less than 7 weeks to go now for me and if it's early could even be born next month (scary thought) lol xx
I'm 30 weeks now TTC & i agree, the thought of coming early i.e anytime now is super scary! Hopefully all of our lovely babies stay put until they're healthy enough to come out :)

Has everyone bought everything they need now? Xxx
We've pretty much got everything for baby. I've not got much as we don't know the sex - just enough until we do and we will likely get lots of gifts etc. Just to get a few things for me which I'm going shopping to get today. Going to pack my bag later this week whilst I've time so I'm prepared!! Can't believe it's so real soon now! Our nursery is about finished too - so nice to walk in and see it ready xx

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