******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

I am convinced boy always have been, I already have 2 boys so I think it's almost a given :)

They asked if we wanted to know and every time they went near that area that ask us to look away ha ha x
I keep picturing mine as a girl, but then I wonder if it's just because my last was a girl, so I don't know.

I'm excited to find out (at the birth!) and don't mind what it is... I'll be really surprised if it's a boy (but in a good way lol).

I saw a friend today, knew her from when I had my last baby, she had a girl a few months after I had my daughter (mine is 9, her daughter is 9 next month I think, or possibly just gone 9).
Well turns out she is due the 16th July! I think there must have been something in the water last October, I know so many people due a similar time to me lol (my friend and neighbour is due around the 16th July, my cousin's wife is due the 7th, I'm due the 5th lol!)
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I am over here now :) yay!! Can't quite believe it! Roll on July.... but not to quick as I have so much to sort out!!
Lovey scan pictures first Baby White.
Hope everyone is doing ok :)
Was at the hospital last night for reduced movement again. The monitor showed all was ok so why am I still concerend? The midwife said baby may still be getting into a routine. But I thought it shouldn't be less than what it has been should it? I thought movements got more and more and stronger and then even out about 30 ish weeks? Is that wrong? I'm so confused because now I don't know when baby really moves as it has been all the time as in I feel every hour and have crazy hours aswell where baby is all over the place. And had a week since last going to get checked of a decent routine and then all of a sudden yesterday things just went quiet. I am finding the stress of monitoring so difficult. Also becaue they accidentally scanned me last week (my notes got mixed up with someone else) they said I didn't need a scan this week. She said I may need growth scans but I am measuring ok at the moment. I then googled things and all these horror stories came up so now I'm super worried. I shall see how today goes and go back again if I need to. Just worried I will be there every day with all my anxiety!
Was at the hospital last night for reduced movement again. The monitor showed all was ok so why am I still concerend? The midwife said baby may still be getting into a routine. But I thought it shouldn't be less than what it has been should it? I thought movements got more and more and stronger and then even out about 30 ish weeks? Is that wrong? I'm so confused because now I don't know when baby really moves as it has been all the time as in I feel every hour and have crazy hours aswell where baby is all over the place. And had a week since last going to get checked of a decent routine and then all of a sudden yesterday things just went quiet. I am finding the stress of monitoring so difficult. Also becaue they accidentally scanned me last week (my notes got mixed up with someone else) they said I didn't need a scan this week. She said I may need growth scans but I am measuring ok at the moment. I then googled things and all these horror stories came up so now I'm super worried. I shall see how today goes and go back again if I need to. Just worried I will be there every day with all my anxiety!

What ever you do ... don't Google! You'll end up thinking you're going to lose the baby and all that stress isn't good. It's wise to monitor baby's movements but try not to get too caught up in it. You don't always do the same things every day, do you, so why should the baby?! I am happy to feel baby move when ever she moves and if I'm worried that she might not have moved for a bit, then I lie on my back which seems to always make her move or I get out my doppler and check that I can hear the umbilical cord pulsing and the heartbeat.
Hope you can enjoy your pregnancy and try not to worry so much xxx
I've got my 28 week midwife appoint today even though in 29 weeks (couldn't go last week). Getting bloods done and I HATE getting blood taken so I'm a bit nervous!! At least il get to listen to Babies heart beat again woopie. I've spent all morning looking at nursery furniture - hopefully get it ordered soon:-)xx
Hope your appointment went ok Ttc1234. Hope you were ok with the bloods being taken. I've started packing labour bag so hopefully get that sorted by next week and all done. Just want something out of the way. Next on the list is getting all the bedding we need for crib and Moses basket. Haven't bothered with the nursery yet. We have the furniture but we just have to much on to sort it. So will probably get sorted when baby is here!! Plus our bunny is living in there till our garden dries out. Since we flooded at xmas everytime it rains the garden still floods. Poor bunnies hutch is always under water!!
Welcome to tri 3 :)
Exhausted doesn't cover how I feel right now :( dd has been poorly for over a month :(
Hey guys! i will be 27weeks on Wednesday so will belong here in 2 days glory to God! WHOOOP!
Hi everyone I'm 27 weeks tomorrow I think. This whole trimester 3 thing is scaring me- not ready lol. Hope everyone keeping well xx
I've still got a week to go :( will be 26 weeks tomorrow.

Scary stuff being in this last Tri eeeek xx
I'm here now, can't believe we're on the home stretch :-)
I'm getting really paniked about the baby coming early as initially we were told we would hopefully make it to 28 weeks, which is only next week!
I'm trying to be sensible and have brought my finish date in work forward by 2 weeks, so I now finish 3 weeks before the baby is due and have cancelled long journeys later on. I really hope we can get far enough for baby not to have to go into NICU.
Hubby and I have been discussing what would make me feel better and I think being totally prepared would help, so we're going to shop for contents for our hospital bag on the weekend, including some premature baby clothes.
I've got a consultant appointment on Monday to check to see how my cervix is doing, I've been feeling a heavy dragging sensation, cramps and twinges really low down for the past few days, but hopefully that is just normal for this stage? xx
Hi ladies hope your all well.

Anyone else loosing their plug? Iv been losing it bit by bit for about 2 weeks now. Iv also been having loads of BH contractions which are really painful. Lots of back aches and period type pains. I mentioned it to my midwife and she just said it was more to do with my SPD and having rubbish muscles! I do worry as Iv read that having two pregnancies close together can increase your risk of preterm labour! I do feel like this baby is low down because my pelvis really hurts and downstairs (lady parts) are incredibly sore and swollen! Sorry TMI

Are we all in the 3rd tri now?

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