******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

I'm nearly 30 weeks! :shock:

Does anyone else still not feel this is real sometimes?

My aunt & uncle foster and last night they had 3 boys placed with them - a 7yr old, 6yr old and a baby! (some confusion over the baby's age, it's either 7 weeks or 11 weeks old or somewhere between the two, my aunt wasn't sure which!)
We are going over tomorrow and I'm insanely excited about tiny baby cuddles and was getting emotional & upset we don't live closer or I'd be round every day lol... had to remind myself I'll have my own baby in less than 3 months.

I still find it hard to believe that I am actually going to have a baby of my own soon :roll::lol:
Yeah pheonix, it still doesn't feel real to me either sometimes!

I'm in tri 3 tomorrow :D
Bought a travel system now so finally getting organised lol hope you're all well :) xxx
Pheonix, just remembered your sling obsession lol I've discovered sling dippy on facebook!! Amazing lol xx
Oh I'm going to have a look at that now lol, not heard of it :D xx
I know, it's flying by isn't it, every day I can't believe that I'm actually pregnant, let alone in the third tri and baby is going to be here soon :-)
I think we're completely ready now though, we've bought everything for the hospital bag and premature stuff this weekend, so I just need to wash clothes and pack.
I've contacted the local nappy library and ordered a newborn pack from the 1st August. We're due on the 20th July and have organic, biodegradable premature nappies in case baby comes early and newborn ones to see us through until the 1st August, does that sound reasonable do you think? xx
That's sounds good to me, Unicorn.

Generally unless you are hiring newborn nappies, the first size and birth-to-potty (one size) tend to fit best when they are over 8lbs AND a couple of weeks old and have started putting on fat. When they are newborn even if 7/8lb they are usually pretty skinny and the larger cloth nappies don't give a good fit.
If you're ordering newborn ones (up to 12lb?) they should still fit in August. Unless he's born 2 weeks late and is huge ;) lol. But honestly I think you guessed about right.

If your baby comes early(er) and you want to get him in cloth sooner I'm sure you'll be able to arrange it with the nappy library then.

I have my local nappy library person coming to see me in a couple of weeks because I was going to hire some newborn nappies but then Tots bots had their Teenyfits (6-12lb) on half price so I got 5 (and already had a few other newborn size) and then it was Real Nappy Week this week so cloth nappies have been on sale so I've bought quite a few. And I also bought a few 'gently used' ones too lol. So don't actually think I will need to hire any now lol! I have around 45-50 nappies altogether and I still have to send off for my free kit from the council (you get about 3 nappies, a wrap, liners, and wet nappy bag) and I have some in the loft from when I had my 9yr old in cloth! LOL.

I saw my aunt's [foster] baby today lol.
He's almost 12 weeks old but he only weighed 4lb 14oz at birth! So must have been a bit early. He's still in 0-3m clothes and size 1 pampers, and looks more like an 8 week old than 3 month old.
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OMG ladies I'm finally in Tri 3!

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'll be in here.

How is everyone? xx
I'm jealous Mel! Still in week 26 here, but keen to join you ladies. I'm clearly stalking the Tri 3 thread in the meantime, as activity on Tri 2 has died out.
I'm jealous Mel! Still in week 26 here, but keen to join you ladies. I'm clearly stalking the Tri 3 thread in the meantime, as activity on Tri 2 has died out.

You'll be here before you know it.

Yep, went deathly quiet in Tri 2 recently.

Hope you're doing ok? xx
I think generally it's quite quiet atm. I'm exhausted and so bored of needing a wee all night ! How's everyone else feeling ? X

I think you may be the last in tri 2 Oxford, could be wrong though! It's so weird, day to day i feel like it's going really slow but it doesn't seem like yesterday i got my bfp! Xxx
I think it's going allpretty fast to be honest.
I'm feeling ok but getting horrendous back ache when sitting down.
Brought a birthing ball the other week and it's helping a little.

Just been doing some online shopping and have finally chosen my changing bag and have also ordered my breast pump as found it on offer at babies r us xx
Is anyone else feeling sick from baby movements? Last week I got checked for too much movement and it appears the little wriggle bum is having another super active day with a five min break every couple of hours. Since 8am i have been a punching bag. I feel like I could just throw up. My tummy hurts so much and I just feel so sick. I still worry that it's to much movement but last week they said all was fine after a near 24 hours of constant movement, so not sure if I should go again? Baby doesn't have a set routine just that I get quieter days and active days and then a super active day! This is only the second super active day I have had. But ouchy! And I can't get on with my work as I can't even stand with the movement. Last night I was worried about not enough movement!! I don't know what it will be like with baby growing and the next 11 weeks or so! I'm only little.
Hey everyone,

How are we all?

I have been away with the family so just catching up, 30 weeks today eek x
Hello ladies,
I'm due 23rd July. Not long now, I'm starting to get slightly uncomfortable but the end is in sight! :D x
I'm nearly 30 weeks! :shock:

Does anyone else still not feel this is real sometimes?

My aunt & uncle foster and last night they had 3 boys placed with them - a 7yr old, 6yr old and a baby! (some confusion over the baby's age, it's either 7 weeks or 11 weeks old or somewhere between the two, my aunt wasn't sure which!)
We are going over tomorrow and I'm insanely excited about tiny baby cuddles and was getting emotional & upset we don't live closer or I'd be round every day lol... had to remind myself I'll have my own baby in less than 3 months.

I still find it hard to believe that I am actually going to have a baby of my own soon :roll::lol:

such a lovely thing your aunt and uncle do!
yes, like you, i cant believe that i will have a baby of my own soon!!! sooo excited! it has been too long! wow! you are already 30weeks! that is sooo amazing! 9 weeks until i am full term and it feels like it will go quickly! (well i hope so); i dont want baby to come early though as my maternity leave starts on 15 July (he is due on 20) .. i dont mind him coming a week early i suppose.. well lets c! just sooo excited!! havent bought much at all! second week in june is when we plan to buy everything.
Oooh, you're good working right up. I started Mat Leave at 29 weeks and took some holiday before that LOL!!

I'm hoping mine comes early (spontaeneous labour) like at 37-39 weeks because I want to avoid induction (I had OC with my other two and was induced, this time I'm hoping I'll escape it, but if I do get it again I'll refuse induction as long as possible but the longer I go the harder it'll be to avoid/refuse), and also I'm used to having little babies, I'm not too bothered about going 'overdue' other than not wanting to have a huge newborn LOL!!!

I've bought pretty much everything I need now.

I have a car seat and nappies, wipes, pads (for me), and baby clothes.
Only thing I still need to get is a breastpump (well I don't really need one but I want to get one) and maybe some more maternity pads and breastpads.
Also I'm probably going to get a washing up bowl rather than a baby bath lol!! I had a baby bath with my 9yr old but it took up too much space and now my bathroom is really tiny so I'll just get a bowl and then when they outgrow it will have to just use the actual bath lol.

I'm just impatiently waiting for the weather to improve now so I can finish getting everything washed (and dried outside) and ready. Nappies are washed but baby clothes aren't.
Hi ladies I'm currently in hospital with contractions they don't think baby will be coming today but I have to stay in until my contractions stop xx

Oh no elfs mummy! Have your waters gone? I hope things settle down. Keep us updated xx

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