******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Lovely bump Charlene. :)

I got my baby cuddles lol, but she got here just after 1pm and had to leave at 4.30 *sob*


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It's a secret group so you'd have to be added.. If you pm me your name/email address, I'll add you xx
how are you doing Elf's Mum? i hope you are ok and back at home?
I'm still in hospital still in pain. Needed pethadine last night to knock me out as the pains just wouldn't stop. Hopefully I'll be out tomorrow and in my own bed xx

Oh no Elfs Mummy, do they think they will be able to stop it? xx
Hello! I finally made it to Tri3. I guess that's all of us migrated over now.
I'm feeling quite grateful for my health, given what Elfsmum is going through. Hope you feel better soon, deary!
Hi all,
I finish work this Friday and Ill be 28 weeks. (Due 29th July)
Taking all my holiday in one hit so my maternity leave wont start till 10th June.
I will be kicking off the first 2 week house/dog sitting for my parents which I'm really looking forward to!
I hope everyone is well!
D x
I am finishing at almost 37 weeks. I hope I get that far but I'm in absolute agony these last two weeks with my spd/pgp.

Hope every one is well. Any update Elf's mummy? Hope ur okay xx
I had a show this morning so have been in hospital all day, but everything is looking fine at the moment, just a few tightenings so I'm at home now. Hopefully he'll stay put a while longer xx
Oh gosh unicorn, bet that was scary! Glad you're back at home xxx
wishing you all the best! sounds like your babies are impatient! i pray that all goes well for us all! i cant wait for birth annoucements and cute pictures to be uploaded here!!!
It was really scary. How are you doing Elfs Mummy? Xx
I self discharged last night. I'm very sore and stressed and struggling with depression. I saw my mw today and we're going to put a plan in place so sweeps from 37 weeks and induction on my due date. I told her how close i am to cracking and booking a section which I don't want them to let me do. Xx

Oh dear Elfs Mummy, it sounds like you're having a nightmare! I'm sorry to hear you are struggling xx
My sleep has deteriorated. I was sleeping so well now I'm up 4 times to the lol and waken really early feeling excited lol xx
Nice to wake feeling excited rather than anything else though :-) I can't believe we are all going to have our babies so soon xx

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