******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Elise Lorna Rose came this morning at 11.28am. After being admitted for poss dvt they let me go home but performed a second sweep which actually worked!!! 19 hours of labour followed by traumatic emergency c section! Not fun consultant came to apologise for series of errors. But we are all doing ok just very sore. Not sure how to post a pic
Massive congratulations redbootz.... So sorry to hear that the labour didn't go very well.

I hope you recover quickly and enjoy snuggles with your precious bundle x
Congrats redbootz - I had a long labour aswell and a week on it does get better I promise you x
Sorry it sounds traumatic redbootz :( but congratulations on the arrival of your little girl xxx
She came out very battered and cut from attempted forceps and then tugged out by c section.
Not sure why there is a arm on the title lol! Struggling with lack of sleep.


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Congratulations, she's a beauty xx
OK I have had my sweep, my reflexology and had my nails done , all the plans for the week are completed.... baby I am ready for you......
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Plug being brown? Is this okay? Or something I need to get checked X
My plug came out in labour in agony and was a tad brown - looked fousty so I'd say normal.
Thanks for replying. I can't believe how quiet it is in here, would be thinking there would be lots of activity as we are all waiting but I guess lots are now busy with babies..
How's everything going being a mummy ttc ? X
Hope things move forward lucy! Nothing to report from my side :( no baby and dont even feel close!!! So frustrated xx
I'm getting fed up now. But kind of want baby to wait until Monday now as my little boy has just gone to his dads for the weekend and don't want him to miss out. So baby now needs to stay put until Monday!! X
I went to hospital today they thought I was in labour as my braxton hicks are so regular on the CTG, she examined me and said she could feel babies head! I'm not dilated but I have started the process too. Anyone else had this? Getting exciting/nervous she'll be here early X
Congratulations redbootz xx

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I thought there'd be more posts too... where is everyone??? lol
I have lots of bh as well anne but i am worried she will be late! How many weeks are u?

Booked an acupuncture session for tomorrow so hope that will start things!! Don't want a sweep next week!! Xx
I was 1cm dilated, my cervix had shortened and midwife could feel babies head on Tuesday when she did my sweep! Still no baby and no regular contractions... booked for another sweep on Tuesday xx

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