******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

It's gone quiet lol!! Wonder who will be next! Shall we take bets? �� For
Some reason i think it'll be u next unicorn xxx
It's been a really hectic week. I am fully breastfeeding and it's much more intense than I thought. Good also but feel like I can never leave the house for long periods again lol. I've been so emotional since the birth too - must be the hormones. It's so lovely though - my baby boy falls asleep on me after his feeds.

I agree the forum has went quiet - everyone must be busy with their babies - yours will be here soon x
Hope everyone is getting on ok, we came home from hospital this evening. I've had 30 mins sleep in four days I've been a bit delirious at times but they thought I'd get more sleep at home. Feel very weak as lost a fair bit if blood and body just isn't coping as well. They wanted us to stay in another day or two but we are going to try our best to stay at home. I'm
Breastfeeding but have agreed with hubby if i can't rest enough I will express and we both feed her. She doesn't settle at all in Moses basket or crib so not sure what to do she is either on hubby or me so taking it in turns to sleep.
Visitor plan went tits up and im so cross. I said if I was in hospital a few days I wanted visitors come to the hospital not at home now my mum and dad came stayed the visiting hours and went home. The inlaws!!!! Seriously so mil first said she would come Saturday I said well we may as well get over and done with then no visitors then sister coming Sunday I'm fine with that so all organised for mil to then say she is coming Sunday with the SIL and telling us what time she is coming! I went so mad so now will have s house full of people tomorrow and I dont want them not once has SIL asked how I am why should she care now. They are aroind choldren alot mil has been working in a secondary school and I don't want them if they have been near anyone sick she didn't answer the question so I've told hubby they won't be allowed in to hold her if they have been near suck people! So stressed out!
We're going to do thst redbootz, get everyone to visit at hosp & the no visitors except grandparents when we're home!

If it's stressing you this much I'd rearrange for later in the week, u were sent home to rest, not to entertain. You've been in hospital a few days so there's no excuse really. If people don't visit in the hosp, they'll be waiting at least a week to visit us xxx
We are in the children's ward at the hospital arrived via ambulance all a bit scary baby was unresponsive and they still don't know what is wrong. I know this parenting stuff is hard work and always going to worry but having worried all through labour I would like a break now. Haven't been so scared in my life at the thought of my baby being in distress and there was nothing we could do. I love her so much and I just hope they find out what's wrong.
Oh no redbootz. Hope everything is okay. Sending you all the luck. Xx
Sending lots of love and huge redbootz.

Hope everything's ok xx
Oh no redbootz hope she's ok. Keep us posted and stay strong x
Prayer changes everything so I'm praying for your lil one.
Thank you all for the support, this little lady is keeping me and her daddy on there toes. I'm mentally worn out. Elise is ok she had taken more meconium at birth than I had known about and so all could be related. They are now pleased with her so a huge relief. Not sure I will sleep again with watching her constantly as I'm so scared now.
I'm 38 + 5 today. Did the acupuncture work for you?? Sorry to hear it's such a stressful time for you redbootz, hopefully you've had some rest xx
Aww redbootz so glad to hear she is ok. Take a rest for the first week - if you are feeding her yourself it will be stressful. Try feeding her in bed for the first few days to build up your energy. If you're tired everything will seem worse xx
Just seen Redbootz, hope all is ok now!! :(

Due date today and nothing!! Getting really stressed and fed up! Sweep day tomorrow and scared :) xx
I have my second sweep tomorrow Maria Isabella. Not holding out much hope as the last one made me lose my plug and nothing else. Feel like this baby will never come. I have made plans for today and tomorrow to try pass the time but known will have to go to my consultant appointment on Thurs which I don't want as I know they will organise induction which us the last thing I want xx
Glad your little girl is on the mend Redbootz. No news here! Due on Wednesday and first stretch and sweep booked for Thursday. Can't believe we've got this far and it looks like we may even go over, little one has been amazing :-) xx

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