******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

I've been awake all night as they had to monitor baby who wasn't very happy and still quiet now so I'm worried but more concerend with what they are going to do today I'm so scared. Hubby won't be here till 9.30. My leg feels worse now I've got stockings on. Just feel like I was so close to having this baby with no more issues and then some thing like this happens.
You're in the best place now hopefully all will be fine. Hospitals are horrible places were on the children's ward at the moment and I can't wait until we leave ! Xx

Well I have scan this morning the consultant wanted to put me on heparin and I completely freaked out as she said it increases bleeding and hey wouldn't want baby to come for a few days of they have it but being over due now anyway who can stop the baby coming! And c section would be a higher risk so my mind was freaking out thinking about bleeding to death!!! Anyway they have decided to do a scan as I'm thin she thinks it will give good results as hard to scan when pregnant and then decide on the injection. Hubby has just arrived after my complete meltdown so feel calmer now but ok so scared!!
Sorry this is happening Redbootz! I know its scary but try to remember they know what they are doing so it will be fine. I know its easier said than done since im the same wanting to have control etc but the consultants see these things all the time.

Keep us updated and will be thinking of you xx
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Thanks Maria I know I need to trust them a bit more. Just had scan and the sonographer said I was confusing this is the story of my life I seem to always present symptoms that aren't straight forward!! So apparently she can't see any clots but the flow is very sluggish so had to have a second opinion. Now have to wait and see what consultant says and reasons as to what is the cause it could just be pressure of bump on my legs as its so heavy. We shall see she may induce today. Which I'm scared about also. They didn't scan where the consultant wanted them to on my hip so that may mean it's not a conclusive result for the scan.
Hope you're okay Redbootz.

I had my sweep about half ten this morning. Midwife was good, said she could do a really good sweep. Cervix has shortened slightly and I am about 1cm dilated. She said she could feel that the baby had a lot of hair!! Explains the heartburn. Was so excited she could feel the head!! Booked me km for another sweep next Tuesday but hopefully I won't need it!! Baby had been wriggling since I have had some watery discharge with pink streaks in. Been for a jog walk around the supermarket, bounce on my ball when I get home and curry for tea. I want baby out now Xxx
Sorry to hear you don't have any answers redbootz, hopefully they'll be able to tell you more soon.

Good luck lucylu.

Should be booking my section tomorrow! (Baby is breech) Nervous! X
Nothing to report here... other than some more plug loss. Got reflexology today so hopefully that will kick start something X
I've had constant back ache since about 5pm yesterday .... Literally had to take paracetamol every 4 hours, including throughout the night.

Not sure if it's a sign as the pain is in my entire back. Not jtst lower back.... Feeling fed up x
I am so fed up as well! Eating pineapple, dates, drinking rasberry leaf tea but nothing works!

Sesameseed, might be a good sign but i have no clue of signs since my first!!

Lucy, booked reflexology for tomorrow as well and thinking of booking acupuncture later this week since desperate.

Have heard sex is good but my DH doesn't like the idea now when i am so big!!!! Xx
I reckon that's what worked with my first but a bit reluctant myself now seeing as I am continually losing plug.... ew. I had back pain last night too sesame seed and midwife yesterday thought baby could possibly be back to back so I am gonna keep spending time on birth ball and all fours and see what happens. X
Any other babies been born since my little bundle arrived 6 days ago? It seems as if there are a lot of mummy's waiting!! Good luck to you all - it's hard work when they get here but so worth it xx
Hope everyone's doing ok?

Sorry I've not been around for a bit but baby Dylan is in special care currently due to jaundice and not feeding well.
He's receiving phototherapy and will be in for at least another night if not more.
We've been given a private room on the ward so st least we are close. If we're asleep the nurses just wake me for a breastfeed.
Aww Mel sorry to hear that, hope Dylan gets better xxx

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