******July 2016 Mummies Tri 3******

Hi all, our gorgeous boy Josiah was born at 1:50 am on 9 July, birth centre with no pain relief (ouch); hardest labour of all so far. 3.170 kilos was his weight; i am so in love and so blessed

Congrats to all new Mums and welcome to the world lil babies x
Congratulations purple and wow well done you on no pain relief...

So excited that so many July mums are already enjoying baby cuddles.... Can't wait for my turn x
Congratulations Purple well done :)

Lucylu: yes things can go on and off for a while according to my consultant it can go on weeks!! Ahhhh!! last week I was having contractions with back ache and they were getting quite intense then stopped and then after my sweep I had more intense braxton Hicks which then came with back ache but again fizzled out to nothing which is so disappointing.
Hope our babies come soon :)
Thanks. It's good to no others are going thru the same thing. I have a sweep on Tuesday so expecting the same again if nothing happens before then.

Congratulations Purple Xxx
Congrats to all the new lovely babies!! So much action here after being away 1 day!! :)

I hope things progress Redbootz and lucy!

I am 39 weeks tomorrow and not lots to report except for today. Have had more and more bh ( didnt realize i had them before ) and a little lower back pain especially after taking a walk, can it be a good sign??

Congratulations! Was he delivered back to back.
No he did turn but midwife said it sounded like he was back to back some of my labour.
Congrats purple and good luck redbootz - won't be long for you xx
Congrats, Purple!

Think that equates to around 6lb 9oz :)

Can't wait to see a picture :)
Sorry for TMI but I have had some orange discharge today and yesterday, could this possibly be plug/show? X
Only just caught up with this post. Currently trying to get used to life with 3 children:) congrats to everyone who has had their babies xx

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Sorry for TMI but I have had some orange discharge today and yesterday, could this possibly be plug/show? X

I have no experience but sounds like it to me! I have had nothing so far but have heard it can come in many different shapes and forms :) i hope it is!

I am really against a sweep but gave in and booked one in for next week when i am 40+1.. Really hope baby is here before then!!

Y r u against a sweep Maria?
I have one tomorrow and will be 39 weeks. X
Just heard some bad stories on how painful it is but when i spoke to mw today she said its like a smear so will give it a go! I dont find smears painful at all so even if a sweep is more painful i should be able to handle it :)

Good luck tomorrow! Why a sweep at 39 weeks? Thought they waited until due date?

Maria I had a sweep at 39+6 before that I wasn't favourable to have one but it wasn't painful at all to be honest it was more a pressure feeling like a period cramp but it depends on pain threshold I think. The midwife did say some people shoot off the table and close there legs and refuse to have it doe as hey find it painful. They also will only do a sweep if favourable if the cervix is shut they won't do it. Luckily my cervix was already 2-3cm. I had issues after with abnormal clots which had to be checked. But been loosing mucous plug now which is good. Will have another one tomorrow anything to avoid induction on Sunday.
Because I had such a big baby for my size last time and I was induced so trying to avoid both. Consultant agreed to do one at 39 weeks. They normally wait til 41 weeks in my area so I'm lucky it's so soon. From what I remember from last time, sweeps don't really hurt that much but it isn't pleasant, I guess a little pain is to be expected given what they are doing.
I'm having spicy food for tea tonight, sweep tomorrow and reflexology( known to stimulate labour apparently) on Wed, baby will hopefully be here soon!! X
Sweeps aren't painful :) not pleasant but not painful at all xx

Thanks ladies! Will have the sweep at 40+1 but hoping she comes before! Have had a lot of bh, down pressure and stabbing pains down there so hope thats a sign she is getting ready :)

Lucy, is this baby big as well? Did they check on scan?

Good luck on your sweeps ladies and hope you can avoid induction Redbootz! xx
Not had a scan as measuring bang on but was measuring the same with 1St so don't know really. My reckon this one will be a little smaller but I am just keen to avoid induction really as I hated it last time and had a third degree tear xx
Been admitted with possible dvt!!!! I'm so scared, they won't treat with heparin as to close to giving birth and bleeding risks so now have to wait for the morning to see what they want to do. I'm so scared I know I've not been as active with SPD so feel it's my fault!! Im freaking out. And just had worse blood test ever I've never had issues but she stabbed it right in and the pain is still shooting down my arm!! Such a mess, think they will deliver baby sooner now also! Ahhhhh

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