**February Babies 2012**

Hee hee bless u hunny....ive done 95% of mine online...cnt face the shops...had it all delivered t work x
Yeah I'm gonna go to toys r us tomorrow after work to get my nephews Hoover :)

They have a babies r us there too or I would order it! Lol!

Just gotta figure out what to get my dad, step mum and step sister!
I spent all of yesterday shopping (combination of baby stuff and xmas shopping) trouble is I feel fine while I'm out and I was enjoying myself (I love shopping for baby stuff with my hubby as he really cares about it when normally he hates shopping and I love that). I totally overdid it spent about 9 hours on my feet and my back is killing me today I'm so silly I have to remember to ease off a bit.
I can't do the walking around for too long. My brother was walking behind me cos it was busy and he said I am waddling :shock:

It's only gonna get worse too! Pip has been quite low down today as well, and I can feel pressure in my foof. Think he is checking to make sure he knows which way the exit is! Lol!
Haha larlybelle that comment about the exit cracked me up. ~I still have xmas shopping to do but just can't face bluewater!! might have to pop there one evening and hope for the best!! x
I was in Chatham. Can't drive to bluewater cos my back plays up halfway there :( gonna brave it after Xmas for the mothercare sale tho :) might take my mil with me as DH will be at work. Then she can spoil her grandson :)
Ive only got a few things left to buy for family, gonna try and do that tomorrow, then i gotta finish the girls presents, still not bought our "special" cards yet!

Really hoping to have it all done and dusted by the end of the week, then only need to do a food shop (need to find the money for that too!)

Just pleased i managed to get dd2's birthday presents bought a week or so back or it would be major stress time bout now!

Cant believe my youngest baby girl gonna be 7 in 9 days! xx
I think i got all finished up today. Apart from DH - not really a clue what to get him though - cos we said we were only doing token gifts this year with bubs on the way. xxx
We never buy each other presents for Christmas or birthdays! We only do cards but we don't do valentines at all! If there r things we want we always get them. we dont see the point in buyin things neither of us want which is a huge waste of money.

We r also doin family secret Santa where we have written a list of things we would like and we have a set budget so u get something off ur list and that's it. Otherwise we spend so much on stupid things. My nan, for example, would by something decent then go to 99p shop and spend £10 in there on crap u chuck away when u get in!!!
Right enough we tend to just buy what ever we want as well - but id feel like something was missing if i didnt have something to open at birthdays and christmas. lol
Thought I would revive this! Found it back on page 10 :shock:

How'd everyone's Christmases go? Mine was lovely, not eventful in the slightest!

Can't believe it was our last one as a couple, will be a family christmas next year :D

Still suffering with not being able to eat properly, and the spd has been near on killin me the past couple of days. Keepin my chin up tho, my little man is worth it :love:
Awwww Merry Christmas ladies! Sorry to hear the spd and not being able to eat properly is making you suffer Carly. I really sympathise, appetite is way down too and this rib pain is near constant now - it honestly feels like and entire half of my rib cage is cracked so even breathing is painful! But as you said the LOs are worth it and every time cub wriggles it makes me happy and reassures me that I can do this for as long as he needs.

As for Christmas, it was nice for us too! Markies ready prepared food, our lovely cats and us playing with our presents and watching TV. I think it was really good just being the two of us as you said - it will be the last year! xxxxx
I had a big family Xmas with 10 of us!!

Next year gonna have it with DH's parents as we always have it with my family. Pip is their first grandchild so I think it will be nice for them to have him round as they don't do christmas as there r no kids around. My family will have my my brothers girlfriends little boy and their baby girl who is due in march.

Did want a family Xmas with just the 3 of us but think it will be so much better with parents in law so
I don't have to cook and wash up!!
Christmas has been a quiet one for us - just the two of us, which was nice as we could just please our selves and spend quality time together as a couple :). Next year will be so different - very exciting! Wish my appetite would get a bit less - I am starving al the time and am sure I have doubled in size again the last few days!! :(
We're hoping to do some baby shopping tomorrow - see if we can cross a few more things off the list and grab a few bargains in the sale! Xx
I have loads of stuff in my mothercare basket (13 items for just under £400) which will half my list of things left to get! That does include the cotbed and mattress tho so it's nt too bad. Most of the bits r on offer, just need the bank to open so I can put our Xmas money in and order it all!!

Can't wait for that all to arrive! Now we have painted Pip's room, just gotta do touch ups and put wardrobe and cheated drawers together and cotbed once it arrives and I'm all set!!
Oh wow you're so organised! We're still umping and ahhhing about EVERYTHING! lol
I couldn't have it any other way verity! I like to be organised!!! It frustrates me when I don't have things sorted! I like to potter round and move things around :)
Guys......Im on a bedding mission today and got sheets etc for crib n moses ...... not found bedding I want and will get cot sheets from joh lewis when I got with mother in law to get our cot mattress..

BUT Cellular sheets?? I thought they were to swadle ur baby?? So how come the come in cot size or moses basket size? Surely ur baby is the same size wherever it is sleeping, or would u suggest moses/crib size for new borns??

HELP :) xxx
Lol! It doesn't really make a difference. The cot ones u can put in Moses basket anyway (just make sure lo isn't too wrapped up as the blanket will be layered) and then put in cot. Moses basket size will be too small to cover properly in a cot, so I'd go with cot size xx
Hi feb ladies hows everyone after the madness of christmas?

Ive had a couple of days of feeling really crappy, throwing up, back ache, headache :(

Looking forward to the new yr and the rel count down to bubs beginning xx

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