**February Babies 2012**

We did the skirting and used a low VOC gloss from Homebase... Was brilliant as it had no fumey smell at all and dried really quickly. Much better than the normal gloss that stinks and would need loads of ventilation in the room.

Room is painted and I have ordered a big vinyl sticker set to put up. Only ordered it this week though and it is coming from USA, so hope it doesn't take too long to get here. Want to get the decorating finished, and for the room to finally get finished! :)
I am so far behind on this thread! Seems like all of the February ladies are well prepared! Our nursery is dne other than a bit of artwork. I have also started buying for my hospital bag, and the carseat is installed :). We have been visiting DH's family for Xmas so we installed the carseat and packed a bit of a hospital bag just in case something happened.

Onto another topic, have any of you started having period pains? I find my lower abdomen is so sore mainly throught the night and early in the morning. It's a constant ache so not braxton hicks...
No, I've not had any period pains yet, just the pain from the spd :(

I could probably count on one had the number of BH 's I've had too. Then again, they have been pain free so not even sure if it's them!!
Onto another topic, have any of you started having period pains? I find my lower abdomen is so sore mainly throught the night and early in the morning. It's a constant ache so not braxton hicks...

Not as yet, no. But am definitely mre achey generally than I was a couple of weeks ago. X
I've been getting period type cramps too, not quite sure what they are either. I wonder if some it's produced by where cub is lying perhaps? I'm pretty sure I've had no BHs yet
Hey Feb ladies - you are all so organised!!

Our nursery furniture is arriving on Monday though so getting excited about that. Can then start to sort out the nursery. Yay

I have had and keep getting period type pain and few ppl have said its BH but i really don't know. Im so rubbish with all this.

MY OH bought me an "operating manual" book for the baby. Its the best thing ever! As i have no idea and starting to panic. lol x
I'm now on maternity leave, last day at work was today. Weird feeling I've never been 'unemployed' before. I feel I have probably finished too early as I still feel pretty good but now the nesting can start in earnest. Roll on 2012!!
I don't finish until 26th jan!!! I have 18 working days left until I finish for a year :D

Lucky u finishing so early!! The nesting can begin and pottering round makin sure the house is ready for baby :D
Im the same mustard - my official finish was 27th of december - but its cos i have a physical job, and was kinda starting to struggle.

no idea what im gonna do with myself for the next 2 months.
I'm looking forward to pottering. It isn't something you get to do very much when you work full time and I guess you do even less when a mummy. I have a few books to read and a tapestry to do (if I can still remember how, haven't done that since my early teens).
Enjoy your maternity leave ladies... Everyone keeps saying to get as much rest as possible now and conserve your energy 'cos we are sure to need it when our LOs arrive! :)
I have a desk job but walking and sitting r getting difficult cos of the spd :( I will be counting down the days!!
I actually think a desk job is pretty hard (I work in an opticians, not at a desk) I have found sitting for a long time the least comfortable position to be in (I am quite happy walking still). I did most of my job standing and pacing about for the past few weeks.
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Yeah i am also on maternity leave now partly due to redundancy!! Looking forward to rest but equally not sure how to fill the days lol. I find it odd not having a routine at the moment.

But here is too getting as much kip as poss before babies arrive lol. Struggling to sleep during night so making up for it with naps during day x
I have 5 working days left then finish on maternity :)
I cannot wait as work is getting to stressful now, not a difficult job, again same as mustard in an opticians but I have a horrible boss :(
I'm a teacher so on xmas holidays at the moment, I go back for the INSET day and then offically start my maternity on 8th January - can't wait!!!!

We are so disorganised this time, i need plenty of free time to get things ready. You would think having already had a baby, we would be super organised but we haven't bought anything, cleaned anything that we are reusing and the nursery room is still full of xmas rubbish!!! aaaahhhhh!!!!!
You will soon be finished and all sorted, just fx lo doesn't arrive soon and you get sorted. x
HAPPY NEW YEAR :merry: all u february baby mamas :) :) last full month of being pregnant probably,cant believe it..exciting :yay:
Happy new year to us all... Our babies are due NEXT month!!! :)

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