** December Babies 2011 **

I wish I just knew he was coming soon, they wont induce me until 19th Dec its ages away and im a little worried as ive read the placenta starts to deteriorate after 37 weeks :(

The wait is awful isn't it.....we are all so eager to meet our little ones now the 9 months are done. Don't worry about the placenta it's 42 weeks that it starts deteriorating hun. Your little man is safe and sound and happy in your belly. I hope he makes a natural appearance before the 19th xxx
Feeling a little crampy today, hoping Grace makes an appearance soon!
My mum says I'm being selfish keeping her all to myself :lol: Everyone keeps asking if there's any news yet, always disappointing when you tell them nothing :( xxx
Hope things happen soon tif I can't wait to stalk ur labour thread lol

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Just a quick update, i had my 3rd sweep at 2.30pm today and at about 9pm I had a lot of blood in my pants then browny discharge, mw thought my waters were leaking at the sweep appointment so i was advised to go to triage and get checked. Just got home now baby is good, they dont think my waters are leaking but im being induced tomorrow at 9am. :O Exciting times!
Just a quick update, i had my 3rd sweep at 2.30pm today and at about 9pm I had a lot of blood in my pants then browny discharge, mw thought my waters were leaking at the sweep appointment so i was advised to go to triage and get checked. Just got home now baby is good, they dont think my waters are leaking but im being induced tomorrow at 9am. :O Exciting times!

Yay!! How exciting....if u want me to be your text buddy and update PF ladies for you then please just text me as and when u can/want to. Will be thinking of u tomorrow, so excited for you.....good luck!!! Xxxx
How exciting :D

I've been having a few period pains today, every so often only lasting a few seconds, definitely the worst pain I've had so far though. I think my body is getting ready! xxx
You're getting me all excited with this - lol - ive been checking my phone heaps when ive been out the last 2 nights. lol
3 days til my due date now! Oh my.
Lorna, I'm having a sweep on Wednesday afternoon so maybe you'll get a text! I hope she comes at an appropriate time to text you, I don't want to wake you up with a text at 4am or something :lol: xxx
hey, i dont mind. - in fact in all honesty i'd prob be up anyways, between madam kicking, DH snoring and not being able to get comfy i never seem to sleep more than a hour or two at a time. hence the reason im still on pf at nearly 2am. lol
Lol! Same here. I couldn't sleep last night because of terrible back ache :(
Grace is really lively at night too! xxx
mine to. im kinda gratefull really - i dont do mornings very well - would much rather be kept awake at this time of night, than be woken at 6am.

Ok so here is my news.... Doing a little update while I can

I was told I was going to be induced at 9am this morning. I went in, mw had a feel and wasnt sure if my waters had broken or not a lot of confusion in my notes with 4 different doctors/mws saying different things every few days about my waters.

I got hooked up to the monitoring machine and mw did an internal, the machine showed that I was having contractions but not feeling them, mw checked and I was 3cm dilated! I was meant to be having gel but they said as im already 3cm and still contracting I could go into hyperstimulation and could rupture so consultant decided against the gel.

As I had no pain they decided that I would be better off at home and I have a scan first thing to check my water levels, ill be induced if they have leaked or waters gone. But the likelyhood is that I will dilate more and start to feel the contractions before tomorrow.

I have a lot of pressure now and a little back pain so fingers crossed :D
Ok so here is my news.... Doing a little update while I can

I was told I was going to be induced at 9am this morning. I went in, mw had a feel and wasnt sure if my waters had broken or not a lot of confusion in my notes with 4 different doctors/mws saying different things every few days about my waters.

I got hooked up to the monitoring machine and mw did an internal, the machine showed that I was having contractions but not feeling them, mw checked and I was 3cm dilated! I was meant to be having gel but they said as im already 3cm and still contracting I could go into hyperstimulation and could rupture so consultant decided against the gel.

As I had no pain they decided that I would be better off at home and I have a scan first thing to check my water levels, ill be induced if they have leaked or waters gone. But the likelyhood is that I will dilate more and start to feel the contractions before tomorrow.

I have a lot of pressure now and a little back pain so fingers crossed :D

Yay thats great news Lucy! 3cm already and don't need the gel....that's great!! U crack on at home and hopefully u won't need any help from anyone and baby will be here soon. Fab news. Xxx
Starting to feel very achy now but im not sure if its contractions worsening or just pregnancy body ache. Gonna have a warm bath in a bit and see how it develops. It was my Grandad's birthday today, he died before I was born and my dad got all excited that the baby might be born on his dads bday - so cute :) So finger's crossed he comes tonight if possible :) x
Good luck lucy! I hope things have progressed for u xx

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