**February Babies 2012**

It's gonna fly by now Xmas is out of the way. This time next week we can say our babies r due next month :shock:
Hi feb ladies hows everyone after the madness of christmas?

Ive had a couple of days of feeling really crappy, throwing up, back ache, headache :(

Looking forward to the new yr and the rel count down to bubs beginning xx

Awww... Sorry to hear you've been feeling so crap :(. Hope you're feeling better soon! Xx
BUT Cellular sheets?? I thought they were to swadle ur baby??

HELP :) xxx

I thought you could use them in the basket as a normal blanket(?). For the Moses basket I have got fitted sheets for the mattress, flat sheets and cellular blankets. Oh and a fleece blanket too in case the cellular blanket isn't warm enough. Maybe I got it wrong though? X
Soon be time for our babies to arrive :)
I've gone with cellular blankets for moses basket and then thought I'd have those baby sleeping bag things when we transfer her to the cot but I have no idea what I'm doing just guessing really.

Can't believe it is nearly January already eeekk.
i know it is a bit scary to think its not long until our babies arrive.

cant wait tho!
I know! I've finally come out of labour denial (I kept telling my family not to give me their birth propaganda and he was staying in there forever! lol) and have begun powering my way through some labour and birth books so I feel as prepared as possible!
Let the countdown begin, especially for those due at beginning of Feb!!! How's everyone doing?? xxx
OMG it is getting so close now. But cant wait!! Bring it on lol. x
Hey girls how are you both doing? I know it's so so close now, I keep looking at my ticker getting closer and closer to 1 month left! This has finally kicked OH and me into gear and we've now bought EVERYTHING in the last 4 days! All we have to do is rearrange the nursery/ study, pop up the decorations etc. and we're good to go! Is everyone else close to finishing their LO's bedrooms?
Yippeee, its so close now, never thought it would go this quick.
So scary. :)
Nursery is practically done but as soon as I finish work on maternity and have the Xmas decs away will start changing things around :)
We just need to do touch ups on the paint as we r in a rented house with lovely woodchip paper :sick: Then we can put his wardrobe and ches of drawers together. Ordered cot which is being dispatched in a week or so. Then just need to get finishing touches for his room but they arent a necessity.

Started buyin things for my hospital bag today :shock:

Finally starting to relax a bit with everythin now his room is painted. DH wants to paint skirting board but Pip won't know and I can't be bothered so I'm not doin it :D
Carly let your DH do it :)
I still live with my parents so don't intend to paint the room blue or anything, leaving it cream and putting blue things up; then it doesn't ruin mom & dads spare room..
So exciting. x
Awwwww it's all so cute and exciting! We've left the room cream too but have a decorative wall light, a children's wall hanging, a mobile (sort of) and a wall sticker to brighten it up for a baby...
Ahh sounds lovely Verity :)
I'm going to brighten LO's room with pictures and things but no paint. =D x
DH can't do it as he has sciatica and can't get down that low to do it.

We were gonna have a cream room but the colour we chose was nasty so we went with blue! Lol!

Been out and bought more stuff for Pip today :) he now has plenty of clothes in newborn and 0-3, only need vests, sleepsuits and trousers in 3-6 then he is all set until August hopefully! Lol!
Oh no, poor hubby :( :(
I'm sure LO won't mind the skirting not being glossed yet anyway :)
Well if I don't care I'm sure Pip won't! Lol! Watch, I'll be doin it maternity leave and start nesting! Lol!!
More than likely :)
If you do, make sure you have good ventilation. xx

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